Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We've received another award!

Debbie from Happy Days blessed us with this award. Thank you so much Debbie, we humbly accept this award. Debbie was I believe my first official follower. She is such a talented lady, has two beautiful homes, beautiful yard, very talented photographer and most importantly she's a proud Grandma to two of the sweetest little girls.

As per the award I've been asked to post; Seven Things About Myself That You Might Find Interesting...or not...lol

1. I'm blond, naturally. I must ad that I don't fit the bill of a typical blond, instead my personality suggests I should have been a redhead! *wink*

2. I didn't grow up in a homesteading enviroment, although we did raise a garden and even had chickens, turkeys and bottle calves when I was young. So where does the desire come from you ask? It was God given and I praise Him everyday for blessing our homestead.

3. BC( before children) I worked at a job, that's right I wasn't always a SAHM. My profession; Cosmetologist. Yes, I'm still currently licensed and try to keep current with products and new procedures. You never know when you may just have to fall back on such a career.

4. When in Cosmetology school I was on a hair design team. We competed at the state level and I placed first in our venue. Then our team traveled onto the national competition in Seattle, WA. where I placed second. We were to go to the World competition in CA, but Mike and I were just newlyweds and couldn't afford such a luxury, so I had to decline. After the nationals I received several offers from Hollywood agents. Honestly can you see me in Hollywood! It was fun to receive the offers.

5. I had to quit working when I was 4 months pregnant with our son, Jon. I had a condition known as Placenta Previa. I went into labor 3 months early, the Dr. stopped it with medication. Then I went two weeks overdue and had to be induced into labor. All ended well and our son is now 20 yrs old! How time flies I still remember the feeling of holding our first child, like it was yesterday *sigh*

6. I've been blessed with artistic talent. My favorite medium is water color, then pastels. I haven't had time to pursue this talent due to home schooling, homesteading and daily life, but plan to begin again this winter. I'd also like to get more involved in quilting.

7 .I'm scared to death of heights. I used to be afraid of spiders, but in the country you adjust or die of fright, LOL! I still don't like spiders but don't run screaming for Mike to come kill one for me, I just grab a shoe, book, newspaper, etc... and get it over with.

Thanks again Debbie, we are truly honored by your awarding our blog.


Aunt Jenny said...

How fun! Congrats on your award!!
I love the ones where you get to learn new things about people. My mom was a hairdresser. She went to cosmotology school when I was in high school. Very very good backup career..they are needed everywhere right?
I love the picture on your blog header...just a great scene...one I LIVE every day..haha.
Have a great week!

Faith said...


And I love reading those fun facts about you. :)

You'll have to give out awards, and include makeovers as your prize. LOL

I bet in a homesteading circle, there are a lot of ladies like me who just are not finding the time to pamper themselves. My feet look atrocious. Too busy working to make them pretty. Going to need intensive work this fall!


small farm girl said...

Wow Kelle, I'll call you when my hair needs none again. Just call me when you need a manicure. And, I'm right there with you about the spiders.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and look forward to reading your posts. You have given me so much information and love your humor...debbie

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Aunt Jenny,
Good to see you here, lady! Life is so hectic for everyone, but I've missed your comments.

Thanks I love that picture. I hear you on living that everyday, although I must admit I miss milking! When we got Bessie everyone said, you don't understand the commitment of owning a dairy cow. I've NEVER minded milking, in fact it guarantees that I get to sit down for 10-15 minutes twice a day, or at least onece daily if the calf is still nursing.LOL!!!

I'm not into pampering myself, I love to pamper others, just not a good receiver I guess. Mike trims my hair for me( it's 2-3 inches below my shoulders) and my nails have never been nice,instead because I dig in the dirt I keep them short.
Instead of a Pampered Chef party, we need to hold a Pampered Ladies party*wink*

Oh how I wish we truly could do this. The friend who I use to trade services with moved away, so now Mike trims my hair.

You'd croke if you saw my hands! I try to wear gloves but it just doesn't work for weeding close to plants. My cuticles are a mess and I have grass/ dirt stains in the cracks of my fingers. It comes out when I soak in hot soapy water and then scrub with a fingernail brush, Sheees!

Right back at ya*wink* I wish you were closer I'd have asked you to take Cortney's graduation pictures( for a price, of course). I've learned wonderful info. from you as well, plus I get to see the beautiful pictures you take of your home state. It's almost like seeing it firsthand*wink*

Blessing to each of you.

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