Saturday, June 6, 2009

Update photos of garden and more.....

This is one of my cherished keepsakes.
I picked it up at an auction and got a real deal too!
After I won the bid on this a gentleman approached me
and said I'd paid 1/4 of it's market value, he agreed I stole it!
The picture doesn't do it justice. The cabinet is Birdseye
Maple, although it is an overlay and there are ornamental
carvings on the draws and sides.
This machine came with all the attachments, extra bobbins( round,
not oval) the original manual and the bill of sale from 1932.
I intend to learn to use this, it's in working condition. First I need to
complete my sewing class, along with Cortney, then we'll
go to town sewing this winter!

I took about 8-10 photos of these chicks and mamas
and this is the only one where you can see a chick.
They are good mama hens, hiding them from the camera *wink*

Here is a portion of our herb garden. The rest is beyond
the Concord grapes. We also started a new herb bed in our
quest to cover all our needs of medicinal as well as culinary herbs.
From foreground to background:
Peppermint, Chives, Catnip, Greek Oregano,Horehound, Chamomile,
Russian Tarragon, Sage, blue flax, English Thyme( the grapes),
Lemon Balm, Sage, Parcel, Yarrow, Anise Hyssop, Wormwood,
Comfrey and Borage.

The new bed contains:
Choc. mint, Spearmint, Chamomile, Cat nip,Basil, Marjoram,
more chamomile and Peppermint

Lettuce mix( left) and Mustard(right) This small garden plot
our salad crops. We have; Walking onions, Garlic( soft neck),
Parsnips, Lettuce mix, Mustard greens, Spinach, and two
varieties of beet( one is a flat and the other a globe)

These are Kentucky Wonder pole beans and beyond the pathway,
are bush beans, a rare variety called Bochiccia(sp?). The
bush bean, beans are small purple and white and die for soups
and casseroles nicely. We also dry leftover Kentucky wonder beans
to add to soups. After all a beans is a bean when dry, right? *wink*

You can see the onions and a 1/4 row of radishes( foreground,
in center of pic.) Yes, you get to view the wonderful BINDWEED!
IN the Walls of Water are the peppers.

Potatoes( foreground) then in the open area beyond
the potatoes are Cortney's mini pumpkins and then our cabbage
Red and Flat Dutch, both OP varieties.( click on photo to see a bigger
version) The tomatoes are now growing out the tops of the
Walls of Water.

The corn is coming up nicely, although there are a few gaps,

that need reseeding. This is a sweet corn, OP and it's called

Sugar and Cream.

Strawberries, look at all the blooms! I'm just thrilled that so many

survived last seasons neglect. My mouth is watering to pick and

of course eat the first rip berry!

Well, the butch job I gave the raspberries doesn't seem to have hurt

them any. They too had been neglected last season and were way

to thick and lots of deadwood needed to be cut out. They are

full of blossoms. It's looking like, it may very well be, a great berry year!

You'll need to click for the larger version, this small photo just doesn't

show the beautiful wild flowers beginning to bloom on the cellar.

I seeded this last season and it came up so sparse, but this

season it's looks to be beautiful! To the right of the cellar is a tree,

Under this tree, until this Spring, sat a HUGE pile of leftover dirt.

Well..... I moved the dirt( 14 wheel barrows full) and then hoed

in some composted manure to the soils under the tree.

Cortney and I decided more wild flowers would be just the trick

fill in this awkward area. The wildflower seed is germinating nicely.

We can't wait to see that all blooms this season.


small farm girl said...

Garden is looking great! You make me motivated. I want to go out and plant some more.

Faith said...

I love your garden! It's so big and neat. How many square feet have you got, do you know?

My main garden planing area is likely about 60 by 60, so 3600 square feet, plus 5 beds that are about 4 by 60 or 250 approximately.

So I'm thinking I might have about 4500 square feet for planting and yours looks way bigger. I'm hoping to enlarge next year and use my space more effectively.

Looks wonderful! :)


Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You do plenty already! Go girl, go! *wink*

Our main garden is 65x100L add to that the small plot behind the garage with the salad stuff which is 25Wx40 and yet another along the orchard fence line that is 10Wx50L Let's put it this way, unless we decided to grow a big crop of grain we're not expanding anymore. It's all we can do just to keep up with the bindweed in these gardens, the strawberries, raspberries and all the flower gardens. PTL that this season my back is holding up well and I'm excited about how everything is looking so far!

Enjoy your Sabbath day.

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