Saturday, June 20, 2009

Isn't this cute? Cortney ordered it for my birthday. Yep, my b-day
was yesterday and I proudly tell you that I'm 44 yrs. old!
Aging means so little to me that I thought I was just turning 43 yrs.
old when Mike corrected me and said no you're two years younger
than me and I'm 46 yrs old( as of May) WOW! I feel like I lost a
whole year somewhere! *giggle and winking*

This is a functional decoration for our kitchen, in the

tail are measuring spoons; Tbsp., Tsp.,1/2 tsp. and 1/4 tsp. It is

all ceramic,even the spoons, so we'll need to be careful when

using them.

This shows how they fit. She's so thoughtful and picked something that was not only beautiful but functional. Maybe she does take after me just a bit?

When Mike got home and saw how much we'd weeded in the garden, he said get changed and cleaned up we're going out for supper.

We've all been making an effort to cut back on the portions we eat and we all ended up bringing home leftovers.

My Mom bought a pineapple upside down cake, for my B-day, so we had dessert at home, later after supper had digested a bit.

Typically we don't make a big deal over adult B-days but this year I was truly blessed. Cortney's gift, my folks getting me a card and some $$$, plus the cake and Mike taking me to supper after a long day of fighting weeds.

I'll post pictures of our progress in the garden, we're seeing daylight now, WaHooo! I also worked on hilling up the taters, still have 3-1/2 rows to weed and hill today. We had a 100% germination of our seed potatoes and the plants all look healthy, so we pray for another high yield crop of spuds this Fall. Now I do snitch from the hills to BBQ and when the green beans begin producing we have our traditional ham, green beans and new potatoes meal, Mmmm, Mmmm!

The pole beans are just beginning to get their runners, so Mike will put up the cattle panels sometime next week.

Mike only has Sunday off this week and he needs to work on getting firewood hauled home. He also needs to make a trip to the city to pick up some steel to rebuild the wedge on the splitter and then the splitter will be all ready for several seasons of splitting wood.

Today's To Do List:

Clean the barns

Water the greenhouse plants

Finish weeding and hilling the taters

Finish weeding the strawberries, enjoying some berries while I'm at it. Then cover with netting to keep the birds at bay.

Wash to dogs, they are still shedding and really stink!

Plant our second planting of sweetcorn

Transplant some cabbage, more late cabbage, in the garden

Get the Mangle Beets planted


if time allows weed some more and possibly run the small tiller through the rows( walking areas), after we weed them. This seems to slow the bindweed a bit and anything is a blessing!

Praying your weekend is filled with lovely weather,relaxation, the wondrous blessing of the Lord.


Farmgirl Cyn said...

Hey Kelle! Two others on your sidebar that we have in common: Ang, from Eclectic Culture Farm is a good friend of mine, and Michelle, from She Looketh Well lives right around the corner from me!
Love the measuring spoon set! I have a thing for anything chickeny.

Faith said...

What a hero, taking you out after a good day's work. :)

You got so much accomplished, and I love that rooster. It's ingenious!


Anonymous said...

Kelle!! Happy Birthday tooo Yooou!
Happy Birthdaay too Yoooooooouuuuu!
Happy Birrrrrttthhhdaaayyyy dear Kelleeee, Happy Birrrrthdaaay to YOOOU!!! You and I are a week apart and only 14 years difference! lol lol!! Loved your little chickie with the spoons! How Cute! I'm trying to keep after my weeds too! phew! hard job!!...debbie

Sue said...

Hi Kelle,
Happy belated birthday to you!! I am a collector of roosters, so watch out girl.LOL your Husband was so thoughtful to take you out, he seems like a keeper just like my dear farmer. What is it about these men who tend to the earth, they just make the best and sweetest husband!! We are so blessed! I have been busy too this week working in the gardens. Next week looks just as busy, our sweet corn is coming off, and i will be canning and freezing it.
As always I so enjoy visiting your place, have a great weekend..

~Tonja~ said...

Oh my that is the cutest it..and Happy belated Birthday...
sounds like you are one busy girl...your garden looks great...
Have a great evening...

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

Age is a state of mind! Happy birthday you young thang you ;)

Holly said...

Happy Birthday!! Holly

small farm girl said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! Just remember us women are just like good wines, we get better with age.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thank you ladies for all the wonderful birthday wishes.

I agree that it's a state of mind and that we ladies do get better with time*wink*

I'm short on time, it's raining a bit so took a break to see what's happening online. The rain has now stopped and I still have tons of weeds to pull and sweet corn yet to plant. TTYL Ladies, praying your weekend was filled with many blessings.
Blessings and HUGS,

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