Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I needed to see a beautiful sunrise/sunset today.
I took this from the Internet, it's not anything I photographed

I won't go into detail, as the Lord knows our struggles.
I just am so weighed down with spiritual uneasiness.
In dealing with ongoing issues with my Mom, but it has gotten to
a point that I need to ask that others lift this up in prayer.
I'm humbly admitting I'm frustrated, hurt, stressed emotionally
drained and yes, I'm angry.

Today a series of events happened and I totally lost my temper!
It's not good for Mike, Cortney, myself, my Dad or my Mom.
I feel like I'm at the end of my rope and daily it becomes alittle
harder to see our daily blessings due to all of the emotional
upheaval. I don't like how I feel or how it is all effecting my


Faith said...


I understand those feelings well. The things going on in my life constantly exercise my faith in waiting on my Father to work them all out for good. There are many things I do not understand the reasoning behind, no explanation for the pain, it's just there.

However, as I endure, I realize that I am drawn daily nearer to my Father, and purified through the trials. Also, we are privileged to know that our story has been a blessing to others, so we see some of the good that the Lord is bringing.

It is a long road, learning to praise despite, and learning to find joy despite. Still on that road, but I can sure see the difference.

You are in my prayers. And you have my email. :)


small farm girl said...

It may not be much of a comfort, but remember you have people out here on your side. People who really care about you and want you to be happy and content. I will be praying for you. Praying for your peace.

Love ya,

MrsBumppo said...

Praying for you, Kelle!! May God give you comfort and peace in this time of unrest!!

with care and love,

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

Sweetie, I offer you hugs, kind thoughts and many prayers. For you AND your family. Life is just plain hard sometimes & you have admitted where you are going wrong. I pray this means you've asked forgiveness as well.

Keep your chin up my dear!! ((HUGGLES))

Kat said...

I understand your feelings and have gone through them all at some point or another. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers and that God is your source of strength and peace. Don't be afraid to lean on Him. Hugs from Whisper Wind

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