Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Blog has received an award!

WOW! I've seen awards on other blogs and now
our blog has been blessed with one! Thank you
Jenny, who, BTW is my cousin and she is an amazing Mom.
I'd have never known about blogging if
it wasn't for my Aunt Linda, suggesting we should
get one going because others would be interested
in what we do here on, The Never Done Farm, so
Thank you Aunt Linda!

I'd like to share this award with a few of our favorite blogs.
Please visit each of them, they all have something special to offer.
Here are our choices and it was hard to comply with only choosing
eight, as we have at least a dozen we love to follow. Many of
those have already received awards, so tried to pick those who
haven't yet.

Okay we have a very honorable mention, we simply couldn't
leave them out!

Thanks again Jenny! *wink* We thought maybe we'd return it to you

but that could create a vicious circle and we stipulated if a blog

has already received an award we'd look for those who hadn't.

This just made our day all the more special!

Blessings to you all.


Jenny said...


small farm girl said...

Thank you! I'd like to thank my mom and dad. Without them I wouldn't be here. I'd like to thank my butler, my nanny, my gardener, my agent, and all the little people. OH, I'd also like to thank you Kelle.

Love ya,

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Oh My Goodness...thank you SO much! It pleases me you enjoy Thistle Cove Farm; I enjoy your blog and love the name 'cause...ain't it the simple truth!? Work is NEVER done, you just find a stopping point and lay down your tools 'til tomorrow.
Please give me a day to transfer the award to my blog; I'm training a new puppy and my life isn't my own right now -grin-.
Thanks again, you Very Kind!

MrsBumppo said...

Thank you so much for including us in on your award giving! :) It is an honor to know you enjoy reading our blog. Really it is just simply humbling to me...that anyone care to want to read about the things on my mind and the things we are dong! I would honor you back with the award, but like you said it would be a vicious circle. Please know I just love reading your blog and keeping up with all of your doings!

p.s. it will take me a bit to give out the award to others, just walked in and need to make dinner!

Aunt Jenny said...

Thanks so much Kelle!! I havn't had internet service all weekend (NOT good!) and it was sure fun to come back and see this! You are so sweet. I will post it tonight.
Thanks again!!

Anonymous said...

Kelle, congratulations on your first Award! I have to say you deserve it because I just love reading your posts, and I have learned a lot and you inspired me to raise my pot tomatoes, which by the way are huge!! And thank you for bestowing "Happy Days" with it's first award and thank you for following. I am honored!! and will pass it on to 8 of my favorites - of which you are one! (of course!!)You are the second Blog I started following back in Dec 08!...debbie

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You all are welcome and please know each of you deserve the award and we love your blogs, so keep'em coming folks! *wink* I feel blessed to know that I am NOT alone and I am not a nutcase, radical*sigh* I guess maybe that was a sort of insult, because you must be the same, or I couldn't relate, right *giggle*

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