Monday, October 5, 2009

It's officially, officially over now, well......

except for the clean up that is.

I was up at 2:30 am and there was no evidence of snow, so somewhere
between then and 5:30 am when we got up it began. We're supposed
to receive 2-6" over the next couple of days. The moisture is much
needed but I don't look forward to the MUD! This is in part why I dislike
Spring and Fall, here on the farm we deal with mud on the animals
(dogs) and on our boots, YUCK!

Here is what we have left to preserve. The apples this year are beautiful

very little have worm damage and we don't spray anything, ever.

Instead we just keep them trimmed up and fertilized with compost and

manure. It's going to be nice to keep some for eating down in our

on our pantry, probably in the frig down there, as we've been know to

have mice sneak in. I dislike these tiny creatures, not because I'm

afraid of them, because they are nasty and leave there waste all over!

Any how, Good Morning from Montana! As the ole' saying goes,

"If you don't like MT weather give it a day"

I'm off to have coffee and a baking powder biscuit with Mike for



Homemaker Ang said...

it has been very cold here as well but not THIS cold! I AM NOT READY FOR SNOW YET! thanks for stopping in!

you look to be keeping warm

Simple said...

wow, snow already. Here in the Midwest our temps have dropped, but no snow. To be honest not ready for snow...heehee.
Your apples look so divine. I hope we'll be able to have apples one day.
Blessings to you and your family, Fine Linen

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Our daughter and her hubby and baby live near Bozeman, and last week it was 84 degrees, the next day it was in the 40's! YIKES!
We are expecting our 1st flakes by early next week!

Anonymous said...

We saw on the news last night where all the snow storms were and I thought to myself e-gads, I'm not ready for THAT just yet!! Hope you got everything done that you wanted before the snow flew! Your apples are pretty and so many!! wow! Yeah, mud sure does make life miserable with all the clean up and slippery places...maybe tomorrow will be 78 and will dry it all up! We can only hope! lol...debbie

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Homemaker Ang,
Hey, thanks for stopping in to our blog! We so enjoy your blog and all the pictures or your journey. Yes, it is a blessing to have the wood heat and a dh who loves to cut firewood*grin*

Fine Linen,
Last year it held off until mid Oct and then we took a blast of wet snow, breaking up the trees all over the area. We have one in our front yard that is slated to become firewood this winter, once the ground has frozen, so it doesn't divet the yard when dropping.

Thank you we are so blessed to have such nice apples this season, years previous they've been so wormy, so that creates more hours in preparing them.

Blessings to you and come back again, soon!

Farmgirl Cyn,
Yep, we had the very same temp. change here, no wonder poeple are sick( including me*sigh*) Maybe the next time you're in MT we could meet up, we're only 1-1/2 hours East of Bozeman, wouldn't that be fun?
Thanks for stopping in to comment, hope to see you again soon.

Millie said...

We were supposed to have snow last night too here in Wyoming. Instead we had a little freezing rain. We did have snow last week and it was beautiful. And then it melted. I totally understand what you are saying about the mud! This is our first winter here we are excited (and a little nervous) about it.

small farm girl said...

Not to rub it in Kelle, but it's sunny and suppose to be 70 here. lol.But, I'm not rubbing it in. "snicker" Hey, those are some good looking apples. Good job. I hear applebutter calling my name. lol.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Debbie you must have posted your comment the same time as I did. As mucky as it already is I think we'd need a week of 90's to dry it all up, what a mess, now about all we can do is pray for a freeze to solidify it.*wink*

Hey good to hear from you! Your first winter in WY, where was it you moved from? It can be harsh, although we've had so many easy winters if a really cold one hit I think I'd have a cry. I don't mind the snow( as long as I don't have to drive) but REALLY dislike the sub zero temps. Last winter we had a two week cold snap and one of our drain lines froze, what a pain that was. The sub zero stuff means we'll be hauling water for the animals from the house again, and I don't look forward to that* groan* I'll keep an eye on your blog to see how you are fairing, but really don't think it will be anything to worry about. Thanks for chatting, stop in again.

Did anyone every tell you you're a tease? It's not as cold as they'd forecasted, but we did receive more snow than forecasted but.... it's almost all melted,only leaving mud!
I'm only going to make one batch of applebutter this time, because have several jars left from last summers batches. If you're nice to me, maybe an apple butter fairy might send a jar to your door, it's not fun to tease me is it? LOL!

Kat said...

Wow, snow! I am not sure I could deal with that this early in the year. I can sympathize about the mud though as we have had rain almost non stop for the past 3 weeks. It looked like I was going to have a bumper crop of pumpkin and butternut squash, but now they are rotting on the vine from too much water. Those apples look fabulous and I am totally jealous! LOL!Have a blessed day. Kat

Sadge said...

We got hit with the same cold front in northern Nevada, and our first snow too. But at least with our sandy soil we rarely have to deal with mud. It all just soaks in right away. It's been a good apple year here too, but the worms are the worst I've ever seen them (and don't even get me started on the peach tree borers -we've lost so many branches, and a couple of whole trees).

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