Monday, October 12, 2009

I have a secret I'm dying to share but.....

It will have to wait for a few more days, until all the details are worked out. This is something we've been planning for almost 7 yrs. Another hint is it has to do with........

the picture. Anyone care to make a guess to what the surprise is???? Leave your guess here and we'll see if anyone guesses correctly. If someone guesses, I'll let you know. If not we'll share the our secret hopefully by the weeks end. This is so exciting!


Kathryn said...

Adding on?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm, Are you moving to a new Farm? Good Luck with whatever your 7 year dream holds. May all your wishes and dreams come true.

Faith said...

A wrap-around porch? :o)

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

My first thought was a new baby (I know, I ALWAYS think baby on these!) but it could be a repaint, and maybe it's also fencing & a reno in general.

Anonymous said...

Your going to put siding on the house is my first guess and my second guess is that there will be a baby carriage out kidding...debbie

Beth said...

Paint the house??? Put siding on the house??? Shutters?? Add a front porch???

Oooh, I can't stand it. I can't wait til the end of the week!!! I'm not really good at surprises or secrets, can you tell??

I'm sure whatever it is is going to be spectacular.

Can't wait to hear.....

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

No, sorry no ading on this house is plenty big enought for us, try another guess.

Heavens no, we love this farm and with my parents living here too, that would be a HUGE undertaking. Yes, 7yrs of planning and we are so excited, I can't express how or I'll give it away! Give it another guess though*wink*

It is in our plans to add a covered and enclosed porch all the way across the front of the house( tearing off the small entry of course), maybe it will be sooner than later now! Hazard another guess?

I'm way to old to be thinking of babies, other than grand babies( BTW, much to our dismay, we'll be grandparents in April 2010)
We've been redoing since we moved in, kitchen was first, then the livingroom, the back porch is STILL under construction*wink*. Basically all that is left is re-painting and the bathroom remodel, but that will be a big undertaking as the main sewerline has to be replaced and lots of new plumbing as well.
Come one guess again!

Naw, this house has a CHEAP plastic siding, which we hope to replace with something of better quality, but not right now. We also need to replace the old windows, but again not right now.
The only babe will be a grandbbaby in April, so part of your guess is true, we will see a baby carriage out front next summer.

Hi Beth,
I can't stand it either and hoped someone would be close so I could spill the beans, but no. We are painting as I find the time, trim, as we have plastic siding already( even if it is cheap junk, at least it doesn't have to be painted) Keep guessing!

Anonymous said...

how about a nice new wide sidewalk, made of brick or stone leading up to your new covered porch with big wide steps...?? how bout that? ...debbie AGAIN

Tonia said...

My guess was the front porch too... New Windows?

Beth said...

OK if it's not work to the house, let's go yard. Putting in flower beds or general landscaping? Taking up the grass and making gardens in front? Making an orchard in the front yard? Any closer with these guesses??

Beth said...

Oh, I forgot to mention, Congratulations on the coming grandbaby. We got surprised by a grandbaby in 2008 and I have to say, she has been a blessing. I have loved every minute of it. She just celebrated her 2nd birthday over the weekend. I don't know what we'd do without her!!!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Okay, Okay! I can't stand it a minute longer! Maybe I should have said the whole property, not just the yard, house etc....

Our exciting news is that by months end, if it all works out like we pray it will we'll be 100% DEBT FREE! Yep, we'll be holding a morgage burning party, YEAH!!!!!!

We only financed this place for 15 yrs and have been prepaying as often as we could. With some help of an investment we'll finally have enough to pay off the balance, now isn't that exciting! Especially in the coming times, not having to worry about a house payment is going to be such a blessing. We should always be able to come up with enough $$ for taxes and insurance. It feel good, and Mike and I are only in our mid 40's, so what a blessing to say we'll be debt free!

Blessings and Joy,

Beth said...

YEE-HAA!!! I am so happy for you and your family. Oh what relief you must be feeling.

By months end we should be debt-free, all but our mortgage and then only 4 years left on that. I am 40, so by the time I'm mid-40's we should be debt-free too. You'll have to tell me all about it so I'll know how to act in 4 years!!! LOL

I am so happy for you. :-)

Patsy from Illinois said...

Woohoo Kelle!!! Good for you. I got out of debt about four years ago and now at night I can put my head on the pillow and know that I don't owe anyone anything. It is a wonderful feeling. God bless your family with health and good news always.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Hmmm...A Bed and Breakfast sorta thing???

Millie said...

Oh Kelle!!! That is wonderful.

Faith said...

Now here I was, just going to hazzard another guess, and you gave it away!

Um... THAT was my guess. Astounding enough! No, not really.

WAY COOL! Congratulations!!! I'm really happy for you. Such a burden to kick to the curb. YAY!


Judy said...

I'm thinking a nice big porch...because I love them.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

You've fabulous news and congratulations! Living free is the ONLY way to live; you'll love it!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thanks everyone! It's a dream come true. I know we'll sleep easier and it is a burden lifted.

I'll get photos of the morgage burning.

Thank you for your grandma wisdom. It just didn't happen as I thought it would, I'm to young to be a granny. Althought our son has certainly given me enough grey hairs. Actually we don't mind becoming grandparents. Cortney can't wait to be an aunt, and will be their best babysitter ever!

Beth said...

I became a grandma at 38 so I am a young grandma too, that's why my little Lainey Beth calls me "Nan". I'm just too young for Grandma, Granny, Mawmaw, etc. Nan seemed to fit. ;-)

I'm sure Cortney is tickled to death. They'll be using her for a babysitter often, I'm sure.

(I said in my above post that I became a grandma in 2008, I meant 2007. Ugh, I need to brush up on my math skills!! LOL)

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

You;re paying off the house?!?!?! Am I right? Am I right?!?

Oh wait, I cheated! HAHA! That is wonderful news!

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