Friday, October 23, 2009

The sun DID shine and it felt like Fall....

but... our sky looked like this yesterday morning. Yes, that is our garden and it's a mess, soon to be rectified. Mike is going to burn the last of the corn stalks( they froze and the cows won't eat them, so we'll pull and pile them for burning) as well as some weeds before we till it under for winter.

This picture is blurred but we liked it anyway. You can see the hills in the foreground and behind( beyond the hills and behind the trees) is a view of the Pryor Mountains
Yes, this is me, don't you like my style? My only intention was to till this area, where we had squash and mangle beets planted, and then plant our garlic rows. Then it turned into such a beautiful Fall day I just moved into the main garden and began tilling different areas( where the weeds weren't so bad) I managed to get the area that the bush beans and cukes where planted tilled, as well as where the early sweetcorn was planted. Then I moved onto the potato and cabbage patch and began tilling there. Mike came home when I was on my 4th round there and he wasn't to pleased to see me tilling, because he said he'd do it. I just got on a roll and I'd had a hard time getting the tiller started and figured better make the best of it. He is going to burn and then till the remainder of the garden, then we'll spread composted manure over the top and let it rest for the winter.
Cortney did video me tilling and she was giggling because the tiller bucks when it hits a hard spot and I really have to hold it down to keep it digging. We try to only till in the Spring, possibly in between rows, about mid season and then the final till in late Fall, so the ground does get compacted where we walk. You can see some of the apples we missed, the foliage was so heavy and thick and remember it was snowing and cold. I just can't believe we missed so many down low*sigh*


Unknown said...

Such beautiful pictures!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Welcome and thank you for following our blog. Love your photo with the turkey. We raise our own turkeys, so it's not the same as how you harvested yours.
Have a blessed weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow Kelle!! Such nice straight rows!! I am impressed!! I have never done that but can imagine it is much harder than it looks!! Pretty photos of your surroundings!...debbie

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I did have the fence as a guide, usually I till to the left, LOL*wink*
It's about the only farming equipment I use, the tractors, baler, swather and such are Mike's toys. I do have my riding mower and my Dad lets us use his mini tiller for between the rows, once the garden is planted and growing. I'm NOT mechanically inclined and don't have much time for equipment that won't start after a few pulls. Thankfully Mike keeps everything I have to use maintained and we haven't had this problem.He knows how frustrated I get and then well.... my temper gets the better of me*sigh*

Thanks for stopping in, I was on your blog a few days back, just trying to catch up and didn't comment, but so enjoy your pictures.

Have a very blessed weekend.

Carol............. said...

Do you have time to do my tilling too? Your rows are so straight......guess I should have my glass of wine AFTER tilling LOL!

I like your sky pictures.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Glad you came to chat! I could till your's if you'd like*wink*, we finished our 1/4 acre main garden today. We still have a couple smaller plots but not worried if they don't get done before winter.

I was burning weeds( so seeds don't spread) and Mike tilled. Now all that needs to get done is the composted manure layer spread on top and then wait for the long winter's rest.

Take care and thanks for stopping in.

Judy said...

Your pictures are beautiful Kelle.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thank you, I'll pass on your compliment to Cortney, she'll be thrilled. She got a digital camera for her graduation and has been having a blast with it taking many, many pictures of the farm and animals. She'd eveloping a good eye for photography.
Have a blessed week.

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