Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No news is good news, right?

Well..... not much new happening here. We're still canning, carrots( into pickled sticks)and grating them to freeze for future breads and desserts.

Today was fore casted to be into the mid 50's with sunshine. Nope, so far it's again a dreary, grey sky. On days like this, my get up and go seems to have gotten up and left. I function better when there is sunshine.

On our list of "to do's"( which doesn't mean we'll get them all accomplished) is to finish up 4 loads of laundry and hang outside to dry, clean up in the garden, collect seed and get our garlic planted and mulched for winter. If we have any spare time there are still more carrots awaiting grating and pickling, 6 heads of cabbage waiting to be made into freezer slaw and 3-1/2 bushel of apples in need of some form of canning, dehydrating or freezing. We may very well have all of this wrapped up by Thanksgiving and then we have all the beautiful berries in the freezer, some of which we need to make into jam and jelly. One thing is for certain, we do not suffer from idle hands around here. There is ALWAYS something to do. It would be pretty boring if that weren't true, so for this we are thankful.

Okay off to get something checked off that list.

Bless you and your day, may it be constructive as well as productive.


Thistle Cove Farm said...

YES! please do use my letter, all or part, to send to your representative. Will catch up later, my day is hardly tolerable quiet -smile-.

Faith said...

Oh, yes. There is always something to do. And the list gets longer all the time.

My freezer is also full. I still need to do an inventory of it, we lost track in the throws of hurrying to stuff it as the produce came in.

I think it's so neat that you will get it all done just in time for the big eating holiday. Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time. Food brings people together. :o)


Beth said...

Yes, you do have a lot going on. You're one busy woman.

H1N1 has hit here with a vengence and my whole family is dealing with it. I've got 102.7* so I'm not feeling too well. I'll check back in later.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thank you I have used bit and pieces of your letter added to what I'd already written. Thank you for your help.
Praying your day went quietly well*wink*

Well.. I agree about the blessing of having our homegrown food. Working on this until Thanksgiving, well..... I'm getting tired of it all, to be truthful.
At our home it's just typically my folks and us, not room for many more and I'm not the entertaining sort of person. I in a way envy you for enjoying being involved, but alas it just isn't my niche I'm better described as as Hermit'ess, LOL!

OH Beth!,
You and your family are in our prayers. Be sure to drink plenty of hot liquids( teas, broths), gargle with salt water twice a day, take vitamin C with zinc and if you have it Elderberry tinture( Sambucal, it's called at local healthfood stores) has been proven affective in keeping this flu at bay and under a sort of control, so it is only mild and short lived. Blessings for you and yours, you rest and we'll hear back from you when you're feeling better.

Captain Hook and Lady Crochet said...

Yikes! Thanksgiving is coming up... ugh! And I thought I was getting caught up.

Linda said...

Do you possibly have SAD? (Seasonal Affective Disorder) I certainly do and use a sun lamp when I get into winter and dreary days.

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