Friday, January 22, 2010

We've been busy and will be for a few more days....

Hello, remember us ? I know, I've been posting copies from newsletters I receive of items I think are important and news worthy issues. Why?, because life has been hectic since last weekend when we butchered our to hogzillas. I do have pictures and will share with a warning that some are graphic but..... not until after we cut, process and wrap them this weekend. Cortney and I will be busy into next week as well, rendering the fat into lard( our years supply) and making three styles of loose sausage. My plan is to do some tutorials on rendering fat into lard, and making sausage, of course sharing our SECRET recipes with all of our blogger friends*wink*

Last weekend was a beautiful weekend for Mike and I to butcher our two hogs, dressing out at around 350 to 400lbs each! See why I say above, HOGZILLA! We've never let them get this big before but we are hoping that we'll only have to raise them every other year. I'm going to pat Mike and myself on the back a little, from start to finish it only took us 2-1/2 hours( not including cleanup and tear down time ) Not bad for two middle aged folks*wink*

Mike worked as a butcher, in the summers, when he was in high school, so his experience was as always a blessing and this is the 6th year we've butchered our own pigs. We've always done all of our wild game too, just not our beef, because we aren't set up with a cooler to age them properly, yet!

The storm that was fore casted to hit us dead on, has arrived. It began snowing this morning around 9am and has lessened some and the size of the flakes have also lessened. Our accumulation is approx. 2-3" and still accumulating. It's fore casted to snow today, tonight and tomorrow, letting off by mid day Sun. The snow isn't very wet, in fact as time goes by it seems to be getting dryer and dryer( in moisture content). This should make the 30 mph winds fore casted for tomorrow and Sunday interesting.

Mike is off early today to clean our meat saw and set up in preparation for tomorrow's processing. Cortney and I are rearranging stuff in the freezers making room.

Well, better get to cleaning the freezers before it gets to much colder.

Blessings for your weekend


Kathryn said...

We currently have snow to challenge you! A lot for us. Hope yours isn't too severe.

pelenaka said...

I for one would love a look @ your sauage recipes! Once help my Grandfather with butchering a suckling pig for Thanksgiving, it was alot of work can't imagine 2 the size you wrote about. Congrads!

small farm girl said...

I'm glad your going to tell about rendering your fat. I've always wanted to know about that.

Don't work to hard when you process your hogs. I know it can be pretty tough sometimes. We had a professional deer processing business. Work,work,work.

And, thank you for reminding me about the letter. I'm getting right on it tonight. lol

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Your tutorial sounds good; making sausage is always interesting. I haven't made sausage for years but remember the task well.
Glad you're weathering the storm; you're made of stern stuff!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

You most certainly have been busy!
I love your header photo!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of pork! but I love pork myself. We eat it more than beef!...debbie

Lynn Bartlett said...

We are getting hit tonight with the beginnings of the storm, and it's forecasted to go through Monday. I'm very thankful we can just stay home. Glad you got your pigs done, it has been such nice weather for butchering. The guys did some of our goats last week.

Faith said...

That's really quick! Hogs are a pain to butcher out, but I'd raise two or three a year if I could.

Looking forward to your posts about it!


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