Monday, January 11, 2010

Pretzel pictures, a taste of Spring and a special gift

Ta... Dah!!!! they taste as good as they look, well actually better!

Can you believe it, we hit 49F today, all the snow outside is melting!
inside we have a weee.... bit of spring to appreciate. This is a plant
Cortney received on her graduation, it began blooming just before
Christmas. When it's done I plan on re-potting it.
BTW! that table runner was one of my first quilting projects, it's hand
appliqued and hand quilted.

They don't have a smell, but they are still beautiful.
I think I told of how Mike and Cortney snuck my wedding ring out to

to have a small diamond replaced and prongs rebuild for Christmas.

Here it is and it feels great to be wearing it again! What a

great gift. The ring has held up well, it's 30 yrs old and I've only had it

redone once.

The main stone is setting up a bit higher than it originally did, but it looks

great, doesn't it?( click on photo for better view)


Kathryn said...

Your ring is gorgeous! What a lovely thing.

We've been having 40s weather, too. Still have snow but much has melted off. You are much farther north than we are, but we are at a much higher altitude. (I don't get homesick for MT this time of year! I save that for summer & fall.)

Faith said...

49 !?!

We still haven't made it out from the arctic and only reached the mid 30s!

Today is to be 29, then we get to 43 on Wednesday, then supposed to be a couple of 52s on Thursday and Friday.


Mama Mess said...

It does look great! You are doing much better than me, my original wedding ring lasted less than 5 years, got it fixed twice and it broke again! Final time I broke, I just put it in the jewelery box. Then hubby bought me a new set about 2 years after that. It is holding up nicely so far. We will celebrate 14 years of marriage in March! :)

Anonymous said...

Such a thoughtful gift, getting your wedding ring repaired for you!! Thirty years down, thirty to go!! The pretzels look wonderfully good!! Would like to sink my teeth into one of them!!...debbie

The Girl in the Pink Dress said...

Your ring looks beautiful!
Glad the weather is warming up out there- it was cold!
The snow has stopped here today and the sun is finally shining! I'm so excited about spring- because I've been garden planning and my seed orders are ready. Hope you have a lovely, warm week!
The Girl in the Pink Dress

Judy T said...

Beautiful ring! When we got married, we couldn't afford a diamond. We have matching plain gold bands that are looking a bit worse for wear after 20+ years. I did get a diamond a few years ago. My hubby inherited a ring from his great aunt which he gave to me. I only wear it on special occasions- I'm always worried I'll lose it!
Enjoy your warm up. We're supposed to get above freezing tomorrow!!!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thanks everyone for your comments.
When Mike and I went to look at rings(30 yrs ago, we've been married for coming on 26yrs, in March), he was trying to get me to pick a larger setting, but I'm not a jewelry person, so instead picked a small setting. He even thought about having this setting totally redone a few years back adding in the kids birth stones, but instead we agreed on a Mother's ring, which slipped off my finger while out bedding barns last winter and is lost(sniff, sniff)

Our weather station is calling this our January Thaw, but while enjoying it, we also are waiting for the other shoe to drop( so to speak) Typically Jan. is our most frigid month, with temps well below zero with added windchill for several weeks, Brrrr! I'm hoping we'll maybe get a reprieve this Jan. This thaw is causing troubles, along several river( PTL not ours) with ice jams, heavy snow melt and flooding.

Again thanks for all your comments.

mmpaints said...

Kelle, the pretzels and the table runner are awesome, way to go! How cool on the ring too, LOL.

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