Sunday, January 31, 2010

Basic Country Sausage

10lbs of pork and 2lbs of fat
2 Tbsp. salt
4tsp. ground sage
4tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. majoram
1 tsp. dry mustard
Mix ingredients together and add to coarse ground meat, then grind
through on medium plate. Refrigerate overnight to let spices blend
with meat.

Spicy Sausage
10lbs of meat to 2lbs fat
6 1/2 tsp sage
2-1/2 tsp. ground cloves
3-5 cloves minced garlic
3 tsp. fennel
5 tsp. black pepper
2-1/2 tsp. dry mustard.
We only add 1-2 tsp. cayenne pepper to this recipe to
make our "Spicy Sausage". However we don't like really HOT
sausage, so I toned this down from 3-5 tsp. cayenne, so experiment
for your taste. You mix as in the recipe above, then refrigerate
overnight to let spices blend with meat, wrap and freeze.

Breakfast Sausage
10lbs meat to 2lbs fat
6 tsp. salt
3-1/2 Tblsp sage
4 tsp. black pepper
3 tsp. brown sugar
3 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. celery seed
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
Mix together, add to coarse ground meat, grind through medium
plate, refrigerate overnight to let spices blend with meat, wrap and

Enjoy! Remember just because you aren't butchering your own pig,
if a sale on pork roasts is good, buy 10lbs, ask the butcher for
fat and make you own sausage, then you know it's fresh and contains no MSG, which is the main ingredient in premixed sausage spice blends!


Anonymous said...

It has been so long since we made our own sausage from wild pig...must stop drooling over your Italian is my favorite one to make and eat and I just used the last one up two weeks ago :(
I do believe pork shoulders are on sale this week.......
I like the taste of ours because of the spices we use. It took awhile to develop the flavors soI am spoiled when it comes to eating store bought!
And I always get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I can go into my freezer and take out something we have made. I try to remember this when I am so TIRED of making sauasages, cutting and wrapping....cutting and wrapping...can do this in my sleep!
I hope to order some smoker biscuits next week so we can make some salami from venison we have on the freezer....fried salami sandwiches are delish!

John Milandred said...

Yummy! I love sausage!

small farm girl said...

Everytime I read your blog I alway end up adding something on my to do list. lol

Faith said...


Oh my goodness, that is so exciting! You have been going all out with that pork!

When I was a kid we tried processing sausage once or twice, but we mostly just sent two pigs off to the butcher and let him handle the whole thing. You never quite knew what it would taste like, but mostly it was really good. Only once did the recipe he used come out bland.

Great job!!! Wish I was there helping!


Kendra at New Life On A Homestead said...

Thank you so much for the recipes!! I have got to get a meat grinder! I truly enjoy all that I'm learning from you! Thank you so much for taking the time to share.

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