Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'd like to introduce you to our son, Jon! ( click to enlarge photo)
He's 20 yrs old and available ladies, LOL!
Spreading composted manure on the pastures,
This is our back pasture, along the river.

More spreading, and a good view of the Pryor Mountains,
They still have snow!

Mike and Jon work well together, especially if....
they both get a tractor!

This is my wonderful husband, Mike! He loves his new tractor!
It's a Farmall M, 1940( I think that's correct?)
Disclaimer( it's new to us)
The menfolk just could sit around after our Easter dinner, it was simply
to nice a day to not get something done. Around here, we're never
done, that's how our place got it's name!
We had a very blessed dinner, my folks and Jon came to share the
Now speaking as a homesteader, I took notice as to how much of our
meal came from our place. Here is the tally; Ham, potatoes, all relish
tray items( carrots, new onions, three different types of pickles and
pickled beets) rolls( homemade whole wheat) and last but not least
dessert, apple blueberry crisp and vanilla ice cream
Of the above mentioned here is what was store bought or bulk
ordered; cheese as a topping to the scalloped taters, the whole
wheat flour, yeast and salt used in making the rolls, the
blueberries( used in making the fruit crisp) and the ice cream
( we are dry as far as milk is concerned)
What a blessed feeling it is to realize how fortunate we are to have
the ability and know-how to supply such a large percentage of our

1 comment:

Tonia said...

How neat!! All of it! One day i hope to get most of our food from being produced by us!! We are headed that way... It was rainy and nasty here so no working except what we had too! I am ready for sun!!!

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