1 stewing hen
2-1/2 qt. water
3 tsp. salt
2 tsp. chicken bouillon granules
1/2 of a medium onion, chopped
1/8 tsp, pepper
1/4 tsp. dried marjoram
1/4 tsp. dried thyme
1 bay leaf
1c. chopped carrots
1c. chopped celery or 3tsp.Parcel, fresh
( my own substitute)
1-1/2 c. dried egg noodles or desired
In large kettle, combine first 11 ingredients
Cover and bring to a boil, reduce heat
And simmer for1-1/2 hours.
Remove chicken from broth and allow to
cool. De bone chicken and cut into chunks.
if desired skim fat from broth, bring to a
boil. Add noodles and cook until tender.
Return meat to kettle, adjust
seasonings to taste, remove bay leaf
before serving.
Yep, today was the day to pick up our pigs! This is our gilt, Ruby.
She feel right at home, rutting around their new pen.
This is the barrow, Rudy. He seems quite at home, already taking a nap in the sunshine.
Ruby needs a drink after rutting around. They both seem to be very easy going. We've had some that were very high strung and skittish.
Mo checking out the trailer, he loves to GO, anywhere. His winter coat is almost all in and does he ever look like a teddy bear.
Sorry, dupe, it was so good I posted it twice*wink*
This is the mama hen who hatched and is raising a baby turkey. The funny thing is when we put her in with the turkey mamas I thought the baby may go with them, but no- way the poor little guy looked at them and said NOT THE MAMA! and went running to his chicken mama.
The bronze tom is our guest for supper on Thanksgiving. We have 7 total we've slated to be butchered, one for us and six to sell. We've sold all of them plus we sold an additional young hen and tom(Narragansett) to some people for breeding and starting their own flock.
Not much else new here, still working on cleaning up yard and flowerbeds and mulching tender items. The weather is nice, no coat needed, only a sweatshirt today. We've canned 30qt. and pt. of apples. There are still 3/4 bushel of apples, half of which we're going to dehydrate and the other half we'll make juice and can for drinking as well as jelly.