Wednesday, March 11, 2009

There seems to be light at the end of this winters tunnel

Yes, last night was supposed to be our last frigid evening, Praise the Lord!

Our primary heat source is our wood cookstove and when the temps get down, unless you stoke it several times a night our house is pretty chilly in the mornings. Knowing this was a short termed cold spell, we decided we could live with a few cold mornings, until the stove gets things warming again. This morning, at 5am, our inside temp. hit an all time record low of....... 45F, which doesn't feel so cold when you've come in from chores and the outside temps is-6F! The blessed thing is the kitchen really warms up quickly once the stove is stoked up again. We do have a natural gas central heat system, but use it as a back up only. Really your body adjust to the situation, so when our inside temps hits 65F we're all wearing short sleeves and complaining about being hot.

On today's agenda is to finish up laundry and hang on our wooden drying racks by the stove( jeans and Mike's work shirts are dried and put away) It typically takes a day for lighter clothes and two days for jeans and heavy items to completely dry.

Next I need to finish cleaning the house, dusting is my pet peeve. If there is time left before evening chores I'd like to get more seeds started.

I've lost my #1 helper, Cortney, to a friend. She has been helping this friend with lambing for several years now and well..... it's that time of year again. I need to drop her off by 9 am. During this storm several lambs came forth. One ewe had triplets, two of which she rejected, so Cortney is mommy and bottle feeding them. She love this job and the animals love her plus she makes pretty good $$.

Well, I need to start the car, so it warms up and get Cortney off to her job.

Tonight, I think a pot of beef stew and homemade baking powder biscuits sounds yummy! A pan of warm apple crisp would be a nice finish. Adding this to my "To Do" list

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