Monday, March 30, 2009

How's that global warming.... working for you?

BTW, we received another 4-5 inches of snow late yesterday afternoon and evening. The wind was blowing and gusting 30-40 mph, so it looked like a blizzard. Cortney and I joked that maybe we'd better tie a rope to the lamb barn, so we could find our way back to the house when out feeding the lambs at 10pm. Mike, being a tease, saw that we were heading back from bottle feeding the lambs and he held out a steel mixing bowl and wooden spoon, "Clang, clang" is what we heard, so we could find our way back. Grinning, we both thanked him for being so thoughtful to help us find our way back! I think we've received more snow in March than we have the entire winter. Sure glad Mike and I got that pasture seed down,all this moisture is surely a blessing.

We ended up replanting some of our tomatoes, all of our herbs and peppers. Dumbie me, I didn't put in the heat lamp and with our house being on the cool side, I think those seeds rotted because it wasn't warm enough to get them germinating. The cabbage and what tomatoes that did germinate look great. I now have the heat lamp running through the night and when it gets warm enough in the house during the day I turn it off. I don't look forward to our electric bill though. Praying we see more seedlings pop through this week.

Well.. off to start some laundry, then outside to get barns cleaned out,and haul firewood. Once back inside Cortney needs to get going on school and my plan is to clean the house. Two dogs shedding, and all the mud, it's a wonder this house is such a mess! :o( I'm ever so thankful for our mudroom, at least the mud is kept in one area. The dogs don't like it much that they have to wait until they dry before coming into the house. We do wipe their paws as they come into the mudroom, but when it was snowing, they get wet and then smell like wet dog, YUCK!

Okay I need to get a move on it.

Have a blessed day all :o)


Anonymous said...

As I listened to the weather I thought of my blogger friends who lived in that area, and my heart went out to you. While you were in a blizzard, we were enjoying high 50's to lo 60's.
All the trees are so pretty - blooming away as many of the flowering bushes and flowers. We have been blessed with a mild spring SO FAR. Sorry to hear about all your seedlings that died. Hopefully your new ones will come up quickly! Wishing you better weather...debbie

Farmgirl Cyn said...

We got a bit of snow Sunday, but by noon it was melted. Still have not planted my lettuce and peas...need to get out and clean the veggie beds. The perennial beds needed it first, as many of them are up already. So much harder to do when they are up out of the ground! Maybe this week, if the weather holds out? Love the title of your post...I say the same thing about the so called "global warming." We haven't seen any of it here in Michigan!

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Global Warming - what a joke. We just got pounded too. And now it's 50. We are all going to float away. Love to read about farm life.

MrsBumppo said...


I love reading your blog! I don't feel so alone in this world!! I could see me actually doing what Mike did to the two of you...but me doing it to Bobby and the kids. :)

Also I just want to say...Thank you! For all your prayers for my Sister and her family!


Farmchick said...

Hi~thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comment too! I really enjoyed reading through your blog. The blizzard missed us here in ND--but really hammered other parts of our state! I am so ready for spring!! I need to get out and dig in the dirt! Hope you will come back soon.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

WAHoooooo... 5 comments, I love it!

I too pray our seedlings catch up quickly. As I said it was dumb on my part for not running the heat lamp, lesson learned! We're forecasted to have two more storms, the closest they say could net us 5-10" of snow. The snow received two days ago is now mostly melted and everything is a muddy, mucky mess. Especially the barn yard and corrals, you sink into your mid calf, PTL for mud boots :o)

Farm Cyn,
I'm still waiting to put together our new greenhouse. Mike has this weekend off, so was hoping he would be able to do it then. It looks as if the weekend is supposed to be in the high 50's, we'll just pray the snow is melted off by then( the forecasted 5-10") I'd like to get my greens started in the greenhouse, if not I'll put up one of our cold frames in a jiffy and start some there.

Parisienne Farmgirl,
Welcome to our blog and glad you enjoy it. Sorry to hear about your weather, and I'll pray you don't float of flood away. Thankfully our soil is VERY sandy and we dry up quickly, but I do worry about snow runn off from the mountains and how quickly that happens. We're on the river and I worry about flooding, even though we aren't in the 100 yr flood plain, it could happen, easily. Thanks for stopping by, commenting and I hope to see you again.

I'm glad you don't feel so alone, because before we got our internet I sure did.
We're still praying for your nephew and his family. I check form time to time to see if you have updates and add that to our journal. It's a comfort to us knowing people are praying and I'm glad it is to them as well.

Farm chick,
I'm glad I found your blog. Good to hear the blizzard missed you, my MIL is in Lefor, ND and have had terrible storms and now worry about flooding.

I hear you about diggin' in the dirt. Mike says I'm not truly happy unless I have dirt under my fingernails. It sounds crazy, but those of us whe garden it won't, I just love the smell of freshly worked soil and compost!
I'll be back to your blog, you can count on that!

Thank you all for your comments, it's fun to converse with likeminded people.

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