Saturday, March 14, 2009

How well are you prepared for.......

an emergency situation? It could be weather related,loss of a job, it could be terror related, how about a pandemic! We've found a good way to make sure your preparation bases are covered is to prepare for the worst and pray for the best.

Do you have enough water and food for a minimum of 30 days? Water and the ability to access water, then purify it is and should be your first priority. Just stop for a moment and think of all the water you use in a day, not just for drinking or cooking, but washing, bathing, flushing, animals, etc..... Storage of water is relatively simple, it's finding the space. This is why we store enough for our family to function for several weeks and then have alternative means to gain access to water( if no electricity we have a hand pump for our well), we also have the river just at the back of our property.

Food; "Store what you eat and eat what your store". Rotation is a very important part of a good food storage plan. You'll want to store food items you are accustom to eating, a stressful time, is not the time to begin eating and cooking with dehydrated foods, or eating grains, beans and such that your system isn't used to. Don't forget to include some comfort items as well. We store our canned produce, grains, flours, sweeteners, herbs and spices, basic pantry items( yeast, baking powder, baking soda, cream of tartar, cornstarch, salt, etc....) We also cook 98% from scratch and eat seasonally.

Preparing for basic hygiene is often overlooked. Deodorant, toothpaste, feminine needs, razors, soap, lotion, etc....

You'll want a good first aid pack, band aids( various sizes) bandages, sterile gauze, antiseptic ointment( herbal alternative ointment), alcohol, splint, pressure bandage( for heavy bleeding), antibacterial soap, betadine/ iodine, tape( different types, as some people are allergic to the adhesives), benadryl( or homeopathic alternative), aspirin or other pain alternative, etc... We also have suture kits, good herbal remedy books, homeopathic remedies, as well as good medical training( Mike is a licensed EMT)

Building your immune system is and should be every one's personal priority. To do this you need to cleanse your body of immune suppressors; Preservatives, food dyes, GM foods, soy, immunizations, etc..... by changing your diet and avoiding these items. You should seek to ingest foods the way God created them, whole, not processed and full of chemicals.

Many people complain about organic and natural foods being so expensive and they are but, if you take into account immune suppression, your medical costs begins to add up. What kind of price do you put on good health? Mike, Cortney and myself haven't had a major illness( cold, flu or otherwise) for 5-6 yrs. When we feel symptoms coming on, to lets say a flu bug or cold virus going around, we take 1000mg of natural vitamin C, echinachea( recommended dosages) and 1-2 tbsp. elderberry tincture a day. This gives a quick boost to our immune function and 99% of the time the symptoms disappear within 12-24 hours.

We also have a tincture for super immune building( possibly needed during a pandemic) The recipe was handed down through generations from the catastrophic flu pandemic of early 1900's

Here is the recipe, store in a cool dark place.

Four Thieves Vinegar
Use equal parts of the following herbs:
Melissa (lemon balm)
A handful of garlic cloves( crushed and peeled)

Blend ingredients in a glass jar and cover completely with organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, which is available in most health food stores. Cold infuse (let sit at room temperature in a cool place) for six weeks and then strain off herbs and garlic. You can take Four Thieves Vinegar by the teaspoonful, use it as a salad dressing, or even add a spoonful to your bath water for personal protection. You can also use it as a topical spray to disinfect surfaces -- including skin -- and/or you can take it as a tincture. All of the ingredients in Four Thieves Vinegar are potent antibacterials and antivirals!

Elderberry tincture is easily made as well, if you prefer a non alcoholic version, substitute cider vinegar for vodka.
Simply gently crush elderberries, place in a jar and pour vodka filling jar. Let set for 4-5 weeks in a cook dark place. Strain out berries and seal the liquid in a jar and keep in a cool dark place or refrigerate.

We feel being able to care for our own medical needs is a blessing, especially in these times of uncertainty.


Amy said...

I'll be sure to save the recipes for the tinctures. I am always trying to figure out how to get a quick immunity burst. (I'd imagine that elderberry one works as a nice little sedative, too, huh?! Heh...)

slaterlife said...

Great information!
I love your farm house. Our family just moved and is in the process of looking for a property like yours, where we can homestead and be self-sufficient.
It's so nice to find others out there like us!

American Home said...

Love your blog.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Amy, Yes, it warms you up, Cortney dislikes the vodka one as she said it tastes like cough syrup.

Praying you find your dream homestead. We were certainly blessed to find ours. I agree it is comforting to know there are other likeminded people out there!

Thank you, I'm still trying to get the hang of this blogging. I have lots of info to share and ask that everyone share theirs as well.

Thank you all for commenting, I was begining to feel lonely ;o)

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