Friday, March 20, 2009

Having digital camera withdrawls......

I asked Mike if he wouldn't please bring home his work ,digital camera. The only problem is I can't figure out how it works, so will wait for him to help tomorrow, as it's his weekend off.

Our weather has been beautiful, into the 60's which is a blessing for laundry days. Still working on cleaning up and bundling branches from the fruit trees.

Yesterday while I was sorting branches into bundles, Cortney was on dog poop patrol. I adds up quickly when you have two dogs and there is nothing worse than stepping in some. This is why I'm so fussy about getting it picked up on a weekly basis( if the weather cooperates)

We purchased some flower seeds yesterday and plan to plant these to add to our starts. We typically don't buy many flowers but do have several planters on the back porch area and one under the kitchen window that I like to fill. Why not grow our own and not spend the money at the greenhouse. Cortney picked, pansies( mixed colors), lupine( mixed colors),Canterbury bells, viola, gaillardia, and lavender. We already started from our own saved seeds,marigolds( various styles and colors), zinnias( mixed colors, shared by a friend) calendula, purple cone flower( echinachea) and portulaca( moss roses).

Most all of our established flowerbeds have perennials or a wild flower/ herb collection. I love gardening but when it comes to flowers I want them to reseed or come back every year basically on their own. The Lord does a so much better job putting colors and varieties of flowers together. After 6 yrs we're still adding flowers. This season we are tilling up the right of way in front of our place and sowing wildflowers. This is due in part to three years of utility companies and a construction crew building a new bridge just 1/4 mile down the road( last summer) tearing up this portion of the yard and not returning it as they found it. Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of cleaning up their messes and reseeding the area year after year so.... my thought was sow it in with wildflowers, it will be pretty as well as relatively maintenance free, other than watering.

When in the city on Monday, we picked up our greenhouse, so this is Mike's weekend project. It's not a fancy expensive greenhouse, but we're certainly excited and now we won't need cold frames. It's 6x6ft. and we plan to start lettuce, kale, spinach, carrots, sweet peppers, cukes and a few tomato plants in the greenhouse. Here in our growing zone the tomatoes and cukes come so late that the garden greens are finished and I like to have tomatoes, peppers and cukes in my salad. If the truth be known it would be a good idea to possibly pick up another greenhouse for a spare or even run two, we'll have to see how it goes with this one first.

Cortney is now a nanny( sheep) to two little bum lambs. We are raising them only until weaned for our friend. She's finding out that it isn't cracked up to what it's supposed to be but she's doing a great job. She's bottle feeding them every 6 hours. It's so cute because they follow her everywhere, baah, baahing. She's named them John and Luke. Luke is smallest of the two but gaining ground quickly. This is part of my digital camera withdrawls, all these cute moments missed. I hope to get some good shots and post here tomorrow.

Well, I need to get Cortney off to work and get back and get laundry in, clean barns and bundle the branches. I'm also working on beginning some Spring cleaning, one room at a time, washing walls,ceilings, curtains, windows, floors, rugs etc..... It always feels so good when it's all finished.

May the Lord bless you in a special way today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love flowers and plant masses of them. Some are perennials and some are annuals - I like all colors and kinds. I am hoping to make a huge long skinny garden out front this year. Wanted to do it last year, but I think I got lazy. However! reading all that you do has inspired me to get BUSY!!! Can't wait to see pics of the kids!...debbie

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