Sunday, January 30, 2011

What a find!

When Cortney and were in the city for her Driver's Ed. last Friday, we had some time to kill before her class, so.... we of course opted to stop and see what was new at Goodwill.  Cortney found some treasures/ deals and I found this! 
                Someone started a crocheted afghan and for whatever reason it was donated and I  found it!
 I came with a pattern, many of the squares are finished while others need the cream colored trim added. There are a few more of each color square that need to be made in order to complete this afghan.
 It looks like there is plenty of skeins of each color to do the job.
 There is even a row assembled to give everyone an idea of what it will look like, sort of a patch work pattern.
and the best part, this was the price and Blue tagged items were 50% off on Friday! YEAH!!!!!!  Now I have something to work on in the evenings during our new cold snap. 
Yes, that is correct yet another cold snap! Thankfully it's only a two to three day event, but it is almost rude when you step outside after a week or better of temperatures well into the high 40's F and low 50's F.  Tonight our low is -6F and tomorrow's high is 9F.  I'd rather our temperatures stay more on an even keel, it's hard on everyone with this roller coaster we've been on. Many people are sick with a nasty respiratory virus, which seems to take a quick turn toward pneumonia. PTL, we're all in good health here, even with Mike working outdoors we not suffered even a sniffle. :o)

Mike is again at his EMT refresher course, it's been two long days of 12 hours of classroom work as well as stations of scene scenarios. He said last night, funny how when you sit for long periods of time inactive, you just seem to be exhausted by the end of the day, I told him it was refresher lag! *wink*  Today they'll do their CPR recertification as well.  Monday at his job, they start a new project and naturally this is when the weather will rearing it's ugly "bitter cold" head. Thankfully he has many layers and stays relatively warm, if he gets chilled they just warm up in the vehicle for a few minutes. Most of the time it's just his fingers that get cold, because using nailers , drills and screw guns doesn't work well with heavy winter gloves.  Hopefully this will be our last bout of bitter cold, with February just around the corner, but then again our weather has been so our of character this winter, who knows?

Good news! we've found a bull to breed Button to this June. We just couldn't swing purchasing our own bull this year, so opted to lease a bull from friends for a few months. The bull is a Galloway, a smaller breed much the same size as the Dexter's.  If Button takes in June, she'll calve in March 2012 and finally we'll have raw cow's milk again! So glad we've got that settled now onto looking into other homestead projects.

Today, we're making cabbage buns for supper, as well as for the freezer :o)   I just searched our blog and we don't have any recipe or how to pictures so............ Guess we'll make this into a tutorial and post it tomorrow*wink*


Unknown said...

Cabbage buns? Never heard of them. So I will be looking forward to your tutorial.
What a cool find on the afghan. I don't know how to crochet(yet) but any find like that is a neat one! I'm still struggling with learning to knit but I refuse to give up! I'm happy to say that I can now knit a cap (2 down) and a simple scarf. If you call knitting on one for 2 months simple that is. :D
I hope you and yours have a super wonderful week!
PS I fixed that little linkage problem!!!

-Heidi said...


Also, I'm really looking forward to the cabbage buns recipe!

HossBoss said...

Kudos on the find at the Goodwill store! I love browsing through there. Our office used to be located across the street from a Hospice Resale shop ...still a good charity and great deals. A co-worker and I used to walk over on our lunch hour and we found some great deals for pennies on the dollar. Our office moved a few months ago and there isn't one close enough for lunch runs anymore, but I still go by after work sometimes.

We've been wanting to get some Dexters but our neighbor has about 12 head of cross-bred cattle and a BIG black Angus bull. Do you think if we had a couple of Dexter cows, the neighbor's bull would be tempted to challenge the fence? Fencing is such a headache. I just don't want to create any maintenance nightmares.

We would want the Dexters to put a couple of calves in the freezer every year time to milk with us both working full time. Do you think it would be worth it in the long run just for meat?

DianeLynn said...

What a COOL find and 50% off! I too am looking forward to the cabbage burns.
Hey when you finish the afghan you gotta post it ok?

Lois Evensen said...

What a fun post! Cabbage buns sound absolutely marvelous. And, that afghan find was incredible! I love things like that. Whoever donated that would be happy to know someone is finishing it.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

all it amounts to is burger or loose sausage, onions garlic and chopped cabbage( steamed) added to the inside of rolled our bread dough( homemade wheat of course*wink*) folded over and pinched together at the edges. Take a gander at our post tomorrow for the recipe. It's comfort food!

I was worried when I saw the link was missing, glad everything is good and thanks for adding it back :o)

So easy to make and so... so... good and filling, check back tomorrow :o)

I commented on your comfort foods post! BTW we're trying that recipe this week*wink*
Always glad to see you stop in :o)

Diane Sage Whiteowl,
It was such a find, I feel so blessed we stopped. I sure will post the finished product, now to get working on it!

Cabbage buns are a favorite of ours and we typically don't eat them until late Fall and during the winter, since we eat seasonally. Gives us something to looks forward to winter comfort foods*wink*

I sort of think maybe this was a donation after a death, because it is so far done, why quit and donate it? It would be nice if the person who started it could see it finished :o)

Thanks for all of your comments, now off to punch down the bread dough for the last time.*wink*

Jane said...

The cabbage buns sound so good,I like cabbage! The afghan find was really nice. We are expecting snow and ice . I hope we don't get it. Blessings jane

Modern Day Redneck said...

I know what you mean on the weather. We have had three days of 78 degrees and next week it will be down in the teens and icy. Still not as cold as yall up there but for us, that is cold. Plus, we are running dangerously low on our wood supply. I guess we will be burning the school books ;)
Have a blessed week.

becky3086 said...

I love good deals at the thrift store. I just got one myself(see my blog). I have seen partial afghans at our thrift store before too.
Good luck with the cow and bull, I hope you get all the milk you can use.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

The recipe is posted, give it a try, you won't be disappointed.
We've ended up with lots of ice and we ALL have slipped and fallen, NOT FUN! Praying you don't get the ice storm either. Thanks for stopping in and chatting :o)

I'm thinking we'd do okay if our wood supply was dwindling, I have loads of home school books *wink* Really it's on my " To Do" list, but always nice to have as a backup*wink*
If it was a more even keel winter I wouldn't grip( well maybe I would) but you get adjusted to the warmer temperatures and then BOOM! it's sub zero again for several days *sigh* As I grow older I'm turning into a wimp, LOL!!! Glad you stopped in, we've missed your comments :o)

You had a great thrift shop find as well! Thanks for stopping by and chatting, hope you;ll stop in more often*wink*


Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

Your cabbage buns look delightful!

We're anticipating another cold snap, too. We spent the end of last week in the mid to upper 30's, getting as high as 30º. Tomorrow, we're expected to drop to -13 with a wind chill of -40. BRRR!!! But, like you, I have some indoor projects. Hubba went to Casper yesterday & picked up a few things for our remodel/redec/repair.

Stay warm!

Hopeful said...

tired and busy and cold! glad you're not sick - must be all that good, wholesome food you're eating! exciting about the possibility of a calf and REAL milk. yay! and, what a score on the afghan stuff! that's a great find indeed.

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