Okay I couldn't bring myself to take photos until I'd picked up some of the old bills and old taxes I had setting in piles all over the floor and bed. You can see the two garbage bags full and Mike had already hauled out two others to burn in our burn barrel.
Cortney kind of had this corner cleaned out, as this is where she does her beading. You can see the Fisher Price Doll House. Well this is Cortney's and she's decided that she wants to keep it and all the accessories she has, because someday she might have a daughter and she'd like to hand it down.
I told you I had old taxes! Well, I'm NOT a pack rat, it was simply a case of out of sight out of mind, that is until I began running out of file cabinet space*wink* I have no idea why I hung onto these old bills, some of those dated back to 1997, Whew! It was kind of fun looking back at some of the utility bills( much, much lower than today's *sigh*) and house payments :o) I also say ways we certainly could have lived more frugal, in other words we spent a lot of money we didn't need to*sigh*, what is it they say hindsight is 20/20.
Here is the linoleum that is in the closet, it is similar to what was in the whole house, which we promptly pulled up( thankfully it wasn't glued down, only tacked down around the edges.) to reveal an unfinished maple flooring downstairs and pine flooring upstairs( which is painted*sigh*)
Isn't it perty????? This piece is glued down or due to the heat from the window it is stuck, so we'll deal with it another day.
Cortney's room is the smaller of the two bedrooms upstairs and they tried to add a closet but it was still to small to hang dresses in, so... we tore it out and when Jon moved out, Cortney used his old closet and as you can see some of her dresses are still hanging on the floor.
Ever see a window in a closet? Well, it does light it up nice in the daytime, but as you can see it also magnifies the heat( this damage was done before we moved here, so we added a curtain to that stopped the problem, but it also blocks the light. Also this closet was painted a dark, dark brown and when we repainted Jon's room we painted it a light cream, which helped to make it look lighter inside, especially since there is no electric light in the closet.
While cleaning up the closet I came across Jon's stash of guns..... Now these are guns he made from materials he found here on the farm. Jon has a very creative mind and was very talented at making guns and weapons, so when he and his friends gathered they'd have wars. Jon also has lots of camouflaged items and they'd play down in the trees along the river.
Here is a sample of some of the guns and accessories he built.......
This is a pump action sawed off shotgun and the pump action works.
Some sort of automatic weapon, made from old barn wood and scrap lumber.
This is a double barrel shotgun, again with scrap lumber and an old wooden broom handle for the barrels.
Some sort of rifle, scrap barn wood, and copper pipe for the barrel.
Nice trigger huh? Like I said he had a great imagination.
This was a military radio, for communication, he carved the antenna from a branch.
This was his masterpiece, all of the other boy were always trying to trade Jon for this gun. The scope is made of PVC and it has lenses, with cross hairs( see photo below) and the scope mounts are wooden. The barrel is metal. The stock, is glued together wafer board and then he camouflage painted it. This gun also has a silencer( pictured below, two pictures down)
See the cross hairs? Pretty neat :o)
He was working on refining this and never repainted it. You can see it's made of wafer board( click photo to enlarge) See the silencer?
Silencer added to the end of the barrel. Jon and his friends used to have hours and hours of fun playing war and making hideouts.
Going through some of the STUFF was not so fun, while other stuff like Jon's guns and radio brought back some fun memories for me. *wink*
Now onto the cleaner, more organized, way....... less messy room! There is still lots of STUFF, some of which we'll donate to a charity, but until the room is repainted and set up the way we want it( not sure how much room we'll have) we'll just keep shuffling it around while repainting the room. I also scrubbed the walls, baseboard and floor, boy howdy did it need it too, after two years of just sitting, LOL!!!
The bed is now ready for company, I will warn you it is a firm mattress though, LOL!!! This was Cortney's old bed, before she decided she'd like a double bed. The frame was from a canopy bed( garage sale find) and it didn't have the canopy, so Mike added the post balls and I hand painted hearts on the headboard and end board( you can't see either in this photo.) I do think this will be repainted to match the room, so not look like a childs bed.
See why we're repainting, I'm thinking no camouflage will be nice. :o) Thankfully it's just the one wall and not the whole room.
This is the stuff we're going to be shuffling around until we get the room repainted and set up. It's still a HUGE improvement, don't you think? Now when it gets repainted and all rearranged I'll post photos. I'm hoping to be able to get to painting this next week( it will have to be primed on the camouflaged wall first( most likely two coats) before painting. The baseboards and doors all need to be repainted as well, boys are hard on paint! Someday( not in the near future) the plan is to sand the upstairs floors and refinish them. Maybe by then we'll decide to have them carpeted, since they are just pine board floors, we'll see....
Just outside the door( above are book shelves) filled to overflowing with curriculum from our home schooling days. This is the next project to be tackled and then I'll repaint the foyer and rearrange our books that we have all over downstairs to one location.
Now that I'm on a roll ........... I also have 20+ yrs of photos to organize and get into albums*sigh*
Blessings for your weekend, our winter storm has arrived and we're warm and toasty inside enjoying hot tea( coffee in Mike's case) and reading some books and magazines.
Oh my, you are getting so much done! Put me to shame, Girl!
I am loving those guns. LOL Great job. I can just feel the excitement, planning them out, cutting them out with the jigsaw, the lit up eyes and wide grins from the kids. Much fun, and priceless treasures that will be really wonderful for grandkids to play with, knowing 'dad' made them.
Oh my goodness! Thanks for the update. I would have to say it is a good journal entry.... You said you were warning us that the mattress is hard. Does this mean I can come for a visit?.....lol I do not even know what State you live in.
Thanks for the looksee,
Faith, I did feel good about how much I accomplished and want to keep going full steam ahead!
Jon loved to create things and he is talented in doing so,( gets that from Mike*wink*) I remember the excitement of the boys all planning what they were goign to bring, some had their own guns and swords and knives(all pretend, amde from scrap items) They'd decide whether to dress in camo or not, who was going to be on who's team, etc.... Like I said hours of fun and this was all before paintball came into being.LOL!!!!
I'm holding onto these items with the hopes that someday he'll be glad we kept them for him to hand down, at this point I'm not holding my breath though.
Blessings for your weekend,
You bet, consider yourself and family invited, if you are ever coming through South Central Montana, we'd be glad to put you up for a night or two*wink* We have plenty of floor space and sleeping bags and we even have a wall tent with a wood stove, cots and whatnot for a rustic stay if your prefer*wink* Thanks for looking in and commenting!
Blessing for your weekend,
This is so great. Love the kid stories and enjoy reading about them. My bed looks great.....just need to make time to come over. Have a great weekend. Hugs.
Oh Lord, this post just reminded me of how much house cleaning I have to get done and I so don't want to do it :D
Looks like you and yours have been working really hard and you've done a great job!
I still have way too much of our boys (4 of them) toys and stuff. It is hard to let go. They also love GIJoe and all the vehicles that go with it. Those guns are so cool. I hope you did not get rid of them! (Am I a horder?) lol.
I am inspired to get my "throw everything I don't know where else to put in the guest room" cleaned up. Thanks for sharing. The room looks so much better.
Oh, dear! What a lot of creativity went on at your place! I love, love, love the guns! How very clever of Jon! Re-organizing is a LOT of work. But worth it in the long run when you see a nice, clean space where the junk used to be....
kelle, what a motivating post! wow, you did a great job with the room. what a difference! i enjoyed looking at all the different guns jon made - good imagination for sure. i bet if felt soooo good to clear out, throw/give away and organize. now, you can sit back and enjoy your tea even more while the storm stirs outside!
It looks good! Your son is very creative and such a wonderful imagination. I love that in kids and I also love when it is encouraged! Glad you are snug and warm inside! I also forgot to tell you how much I love the new look of your blog. God Bless!
Kelle, I think you accomplished a lot in this room. For me such large tasks can get overwhelming and I find if I do a little at a time I can see the progress and that feels good. I also find if I am in the mood and the motivation is there, I just keep going (and hope I don't burn out and not return to that project). Love the toy guns. What fun. Thanks for sharing. Emily
Kelle - Great job on the room. Hope you can cover that camouflage though. Those dark colors are always hard to cover. I really like the look of your blog too. The pics at the top are really wonderful!
I just got done reading "The Bipolar Diva". She was talking about a haunted house. Somehow, this post seems like a continuation of her post and I find it spooky!
Nice little room!
My goodness, you have been so busy! It sure feels good when it is finished, doesn't it! You have surely given many more of us inspiration, too. :)
Nita aka Mother in law,
Glad you like the story, it helped me deal with some of the Jon stuff, kind of like grieving I guess.
The bed is already for you, we can even put on flannel sheets*wink*
Thank you, it was LONG overdue, trust me and I feel so much better now with it all cleaned and sorted. Now to get it painted( when it warms up a bit, so I can have the window open) and then the fun part rearranging it and getting our sewing machines and craft area set up!
No he has such a nice collection of G.I. Joe stuff I sorted and boxed it all up, maybe someday he'll want to hand it down to his children, or maybe it will be worth something? I also kept his Rendevous outfit and items, plus the awards he earned in AWANA and his Derby cars and awards from them. He'll have something, someday to show to his children. Sort of goes hand and hand with me getting photo albums done, so both he and Cortney can share them, someday with their families.
Glad to see you back blogging! You've been in my prayers. Jon was/ is very creative and thought someone might enjoy seeing part of his childhood creations, glad you liked them. :o)
Thank you and I did enjoy my hot tea all the more knowing the room was clean! LOL! Now waiting for a warm spell to paint( need to crack a window or I get sick from the fumes) Actually our cold snap is a bit late in arriving, but I'm not a complainting or anything*wink* If it doesn't make it down this far I'd be happy!
Good wife,
Thanks glad you noticed the new look! I too enjoy playing and rearranging our blog. My computer skills are limited though, LOL!!!! I did the header photo in our "Paint" program. It was frustrating until I figured it out, then it was fun!
Jon is very talented, it's my prayer her remembers that.
I'm the type that it's all or nothing! Once I get on a roll then I'm like a runaway locomotive, until I run out of steam*wink* I won't burn out, the worst of it is over, now onto the painting, then the fun stuff, rearranging and setting up our craft/ sewing area! Thanks for stopping in, take care of that babe.:o)
I bought a primer( 2 gallons) and was assured that that would cover it, in two coats or less. It better, it was horribly expensive! We had promised the kids they could paint their rooms however they wanted when we moved here, Jon was going to camoflauge the whole room, but when he realized how long that would take he did just the one wall, thankfully :o) I'll be glad to have it covered and back to normal.
Thank you for noticing the new header photo, it took some time for me to put together( I'm computer challenged, LOL!)
You've got my curiousity up now and I'll have to read that blog you mentioned to see why you think our post was so spooky!LOL!!!
Thank you, it is long and skinny( much like I long to be, but tall( I'm 5'9" or used to be) and skinny *wink*)
Thank you, and glad it inspired so many,hey! I'm still inspired and motivated, LOL!!!! I always feel good when I deep down clean something and do some rearranging, that's why I like Spring Cleaning. Room by room it makes it feel brand new and fresh!
Blessing to each of you and thank you for commenting.
Hey Kelle,I have to agree with you about the HOMESTEADERS WORKOUT,lol,I enjoy stacking while Shane splits.I had to help when I was 9 and up so I still enjoy it.
Now about your room clean up.I had to show Zachary BC those guns your son made reminded me of him(I was laughing really loud)He has lots like those but not as detailed.I showed him the pictures and he is going crazy.He wants to know if he can come get them IF you get rid of them????The camo wall is GREAT.
Can you come to Indiana to do Zach's room???
He refers to you as the lady that sent the awesome postcards.
Blessings to you
Dear Never Done Farm boy you have been busy. I applaud that. I myself think about doing that, never quite getting to the doing stage.
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