Sunday, July 5, 2009

We've been tagged with a blog award!

You are a hard worker. Someone who takes the scrap out of life and builds things with it. Someone who has so much going on that others can see the evidence of it all around you. You are one who contributes mightily to life.

This award was given to us by, Faith and Michael have a great blog, full of hard work, blessings, challenges and beautiful pictures. They go it alone, with only each other. Please check out their blog, you won't be disappointed.

When you are awarded the Honest Scrap award here are the things you should do. (I am keeping in mind it is the middle of growing season and all of you may not have the time)

First, you have to tell your readers 10 things about you they may not already know, but are true.

Second, you have to tag 10 people with the award.

Third, you have to let the people you've given the award to, know that they've received this award from you.

Finally, make sure you link back to the person who awarded you.

Here goes the 10 things you may not know about me;

1. I'm afraid of heights, especially if on a ladder.

2. I am artistic, drawing and painting. Watercolor is my favorite medium, then pastels

3. I will eat anything but.... brussel sprouts, YUCK!

4. I've enjoyed our home schooling adventure but am looking forward to greener pastures, so to speak, now that Cortney is finishing up and graduating.

5. The only times I've been in the hospital are when our children were born and I've never had surgery for anything.

6. My eyes are blue and your probably saw that I'm blonde by my profile picture, but..... I certainly don't fit the blonde bill, rather I should have been a red head! LOL!

7. I dislike spiders, I used to fear them, but kind of out grew that. If they stay outside they live, if they dare come inside my house they are DEAD!

8. I could easily be a hermit, although I do like visitors, I don't like crowds of them.

9. My favorite food is...... homemade cherry pie

10. My husband, Mike, is my soulmate, love you honey!

I'll have to work on passing this award on another evening, as we've had a long hot day of weeding in the garden and I plain ole pooped and ready for some shut eye. I'll post my award choices on an Award part 2 blog. Thank you Faith and Michael and sorry I'm so late in getting this all wrapped up*blushing*


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your "honest Scrap" award. You certainly do deserve that one!! Amen on that!!!...debbie

A Joyful Chaos said...

Congratulations on your award! I enjoyed your list, I am the same in #1 and 7

Faith said...

I used to climb all over trees and the barn rafters, then at 12 it all changed. I was up on an extension ladder, hanging around at 20 feet off the ground, having a great time. Then I looked down and got the strangest feeling I'd never had before, and I didn't like it!

From then on, it only got worse. I don't do heights.

I LOVE Brussel sprouts! LOL

When I get stressed I have to fight the hermit tendency in me. Only makes it worse.

Cherry Pie. Yum! Cherries are my favorite fruit.

May God bless you and your sweetheart. :)


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