Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Projects, here and there!

This is the work Mike has been doing to shore up the barn roof.
there will be a support post at each end and in the middle.
The middle has a bit of a sag, so he's going to have to
jack it up a bit to get post in place.

Monday, Mike took off early so we could pick up our first

load of hay( from one of two place we're buying it from)

We made two trips and brought home a total of 4 tons of

beautiful grass hay. We have yet another 6 ton to get from

another source and when second cutting of alfalfa is done

we have 4 ton of that on order as well. My Dad helped with

loading hay and unloading onto the hay elevator. I loaded onto

the trailer and truck while Mike stacked and Cortney drove.

I admit getting this hay kicked my rear, and boy did I sleep good!

A whopper of a thunderstorm rolled in yesterday afternoon!

Actually it was a combination of two storms withing half hour of

each other. The first was heavy rain and at the end was hail.

Thankfully it didn't appear to do much damage, other than knock

off some apples, and they needed to be thinned anyway. The

second storm brought lightening and thunder, high winds and an

additional 1/10th inch of rain, added to the 3/10th we'd received

in the first storm.

The tree in the front yard, which we'd planned to get taken down

last winter but life happened instead*sigh*, broke off two more

large branches. I think the plan is to top off the branches and

leave the trunk for this coming winter. It will be nice not having

to deal with broken branches all over the yard and we don't want

fall the trunk as if will leave divots in the yard, so will wait

for the ground to freeze first.

One branch made it to the ground the other is hung up in

the tree yet. One thing is certain this tree won't go to waste,

instead it will be added to our firewood stacks.*wink*

You can see the wildflowers I sowed in the right

of way( to the right of photo), although none are blooming yet.

To the left are hollyhocks( old fashioned singles) and sun chokes.

These run across the front of our main garden plot.

The poppys are just blooming and are one of my favorite flowers

in line with hollyhocks!


Anonymous said...

Kelle! Your so lucky that tree branch didn't land on your garden! Can Mike trim the tree or do you have to get someone. It's so expensive. Your hay looks nice! I love Poppys but have never planted them. Not sure why?! Hope you have a good 4th of July. Are you doing anything special? We are heading to the mountains tomorrow for a few days...need to mow!...debbie

Faith said...

I marvel at some of the old barns still being used here. I be scared to go into half of them.

Looks like yours will be on it's way to being nice and sound.


small farm girl said...

God was just helping you take your tree down. lol

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Actually it did land in the NW corner of the garden, but as soon as the rain stopped Cortney and I went out and struggled to get it off the hollyhocks,and one corner of the taters. I didn't look so big from in the house but it weighs well over 100#, easy. It kind of crushed some of the holly hocks and the wire fencing was squished down, but all were fixable items, thankfully!
Mike is going to cut it down, at least for ow he's going to top it, so it will be just a stumpy looking trunk. Then when the ground is frozen we'll drop the rest, otherwise it will divit the yard. I'm blessed to have a husband who is so multi talented, he's saved us tens of thousands of dollars over the years, I know.
Mike is off on the 4th, YEAH! and Cortney's 18th b-day is Fri(3rd). As per her request we're going to a local towns 4th of July rodeo. We're all looking forward to the break from all the work here. We'll have Cortney's cake and ice cream on Sat. afternooon.

Ours is old, but still in pretty good structural shape. It comes down to how much would it cost to replace it verses preserving it and keeping it sound. The later was a better option for us finacially. I'd love to have a spanking new barn, although I love and want to preserve our old barn, it's a tough chose which was made due to lack of $$$. A paint job is in the works this year as well, not sure when but it NEEDS to be done this year.

He sure did and you know what He doesn't get accused of nagging either *wink* Besides we need to wood anyhow, right? *grinning*
P.S. I got your letter and am working on a response. I just love getting snail mail, other than bills and junk!!!!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Love seeing your it's always good to see how other folks make and store hay.
It's been looking like t-storms but we've yet to see anything other than a promise.

granny said...

Love your blog Kelle,came to you through Happy Days :0)

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Glad you found us Granny. Cortney and I enjoyed your blog and were sad to see it stop, but understand.

I'm having a hard time finding time to come up time and ideas for blogging, so I just post abotu our everyday life, for better or worse.

Thanks for following our blog and hope to chat with you again, soon!

A Farmstead Pilgrimage... said...

Hi Kelle!

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm glad you found me, so now I can come back here to visit.

Your garden looks great and so does the hay!

It does take alot of time to do all that you do. Every season there seems to be something that is an absolute 'necessary to do' getting hay in for winter!

Have a great day!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Glad you found us and please come again, Kris!

Yes, one thing you learn is to have priority lists; firewood, hay, garden,animals, etc.....

You'll most likely get more comments from me in the winter, you see I LOVE being outdoors and don't have the time or energy to do much commenting in Spring, Summer or Fall. I might just pop in to surprize you *wink*


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