Thursday, July 23, 2009

If you didn't know better....

You'd think I was in the loosing side of a bad fight. The bruises from the heifer calf are now at that green/yellow stage, so ugly and now I have a pretty good gash in the top/front of my head. Let me explain what happened, it was truly an accident......

Jon, our Ds, was gathering up three sheets of 12 ft long steel roofing to hand up to Mike, who was on the barn roof. I'd been talking a bit with Jon while he drank some cold water I'd brought out for each of them. I stayed where I was while he lifted the steel, maneuvering them so he could hoist onto his shoulder, then WHAM!!!!! I was seeing black and bits of light and felt a bit disoriented. I remember saying to Jon," Hey, thanks for hitting me in the head" He stopped and said," Mom I didn't just hit you did I, I thought I hit a fence post?" Nope it was mom's head. I asked if it was bleeding, you know how it always feels like it's bleeding even if it isn't. He looked at my head and quickly said," yes it's bleeding, I'm sorry Mom" At this time Mike asked what happened and Jon relays the happenings, as I head to the house to see for myself.
Once in the house I see a pretty good gouge with minimal bleeding but the most upsetting part was the pile of hair on top of my head, and it was all loose, as in cut! Yes, part of my bangs was literally cut off by the metal sheeting, now I have spiky, stubble( okay "Small Farm Girl" you can stop laughing!*wink*) I'll post pictures of the stubble patch, although you can't see the wound, because when I cleaned it the blood washed away and I have a thick coating of Comfrey ointment on it. Poor Jon, he kept apologizing to me, he really felt bad . PTL it hit me on top the head and not more to the left, it might have seriously cut my face or even severed my left ear.
We now chuckle about it and Mike is always telling me I'm hard-headed, well.... it's a good thing!*wink* Jon also made a good point about the hair loss, much of it was those pesky grey hairs, LOL!!!

I'll get pictures of the now completely finished barn roof tomorrow, it looks wonderful! Mike and Jon did such a nice job. Makes a wife/mom proud. :o)

Praising the Lord the injury was minimal and that Jon and Mike were safe throughout the roofing of the barn.

Blessing for your day


Tonia said...

Oh NO Poor YOU!!! Your poor Ds for being the one to cause it. I bet it did make him feel bad.. It made me cringe when you were telling about it! That stuff is sharp!

Anonymous said...

Do the words being in the wrong place at the wrong time mean anything to you.... :)

Good Lord in heaven you need an angel about your shoulders I believe. Feel better!!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

After I made light of it he then started to relax a bit, afterall it was an accident.
I know that metal is sharp, and I'm VERY hankful it didn't cut me any worse. I don't do well with the sight of blood*LOL!*

I think I did have an angel, because it could have been so much worse. Wrong place wrong time has been my motto lately*sigh* I've prayed for the Lord to change this.
Thanks for your kind words. Thankfully I took Arnica right after cleaning the wound, so didn't have any pain, nor a headache. PTL! it's healing because it itches something terrible. The spiked hair will be a few month growing though, LOL!

Blessings for your weekend.

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