Friday, July 24, 2009

Look what we picked today......

and there are several more that are beginning to turn, YEAH!
These are from the garden, not the greenhouse. We're getting 2-3
a day from the greenhouse as well. I told Mike I know what's for dinner,
BLT's on fresh homemade whole wheat bread, with bacon from
pork we raised and lettuce and tomatoes from our garden. Other than
the wheat, yeast, oil and salt everything else came from our farm!

Sorry for the fuzzy photo, but wanted to show that several of the maters

are nice sized, that is a 1c. measuring cup.

Remember you can click on the photo to see larger version. This is

the barn roof finished. See what I mean about the paint job, being

in need. Well it's been in need for several years now, but it's really

noticeable now! We have some siding to replace and then we'll get to


From the corner of my parents front porch
Updated picture of the three chicks, they're growing quickly and it

appears they are all poults( future layers), YEAH! The first batch

there is one for sure rooster, *sigh*

Today we're taking advantage of the cooler weather, our high today is

fore casted to be in the mid to high 80's. That is cooler than the high

90's and 100F yesterday.

Well must get going,I have laundry to finish and help Cortney weed in

the garden. She's practically got it weed by herself today!

Have a blessed weekend everyone!


Millie said...

Those are beautiful tomatoes! Yum.
The roof looks great.

Kevin and Beth said...

Yes it is a clawfoot. We need to paint it and get it installed. Our current tub does not drain all the way so you can imagine. They are kinda easy to find here. I think we only paid $50 for it. Someone drug it out of their upstairs bathroom and posted it on Craigslist. Try to find an old town with old houses and look at Craigslist, maybe you'll find one.

I am excited for your recipe. I want them to be sweet so the kids will eat them. They are so good for you with all the dark color and all. The more they taste like candy the better!

Thanks for the comment!

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