Saturday, July 18, 2009

This and That updates.....

Good morning everyone!
Okay where to begin?
Yesterday I finished all the irrigation of the garden, and got a good portion of the orchard and yard watered(via sprinklers) I also scrapped,sanded, primed and painted the first coat of paint on our front door, it was in much need of TLC. I also scrapped,sanded and primed the door leading directly into the basement from outside. I also weeded a bit in the strawberry patch and discovered it was to dry, so put a sprinkler on to soften up the soil for weeding.
Late afternoon yesterday the phone rang, thinking it might be Mike I ran to get it. When I answered it was the lady from a Young Adults Retreat(YAR) camp Cortney has attended the last two summers. This year they had an increase of new campers and asked that previous campers step down for a summer, so the new campers could attend. Well.... Cortney understood and put up a brave face on, against disappointment, but deep down was disappointed. The lady said they'd had a cancellation and Cortney was first on their stand by list, so.... she gets to go to camp on July 29th! They'll spend 10 days in and out of Yellowstone National Park. She's due to return from her Grandma's in ND on Monday or Tues., we'll get her clothes washed and she'll have to kick in and help with weeding again( it's a constant battle) and then she'll be off for another 10 days of fun!
Today's plan, is to paint a final coat of paint on the front door, get the first coat of paint on the basement door and weed in the strawberry bed. I have the pump running for a bit early today to finish watering yard and orchard, but it's fore casted to be in the high 90's so will shut it down by around noon, otherwise it all just evaporates anyway. I need to get our whites in off the line and hang out some jeans I'd had soaking. Maybe I'll get some mudding and taping done too! Maybe, being it's Sat. I'll take a nap*wink*
Mike will be home early today, as the whole town shuts down for a yearly celebration, beginning with a parade at 10:30, garage sales, street vendors, duck races, smash and go car derby and whatnot. He's on vacation next week and will be working on getting the metal roofing installed on the barn. Monday he's got some gutter to remove and some prep work to do before installing the roofing. Tues and Wens. Jon, our Ds, is coming to lend a hand. Jon isn't so sure about the steep pitch of the roof, but Mike has a harness and will get it all set up on Monday. They will be installing 1x2x12' as a grid work for the metal to attach to first then getting the metal on and fastened down, the ridgecap and gable edging installed to finish it off. We also have plans to add a covered area( metal roofing) onto the back of the barn for our firewood storage and extra hay storage. We're hoping to have enough time to get a good start on that before his vacation runs out. Of course it might be nice to get away for a day to actually relax a bit while still on vacation*wink*

Well, I need to move sprinklers one more time and get going on the second coat of paint for the front door. Blessing for your day.
P.S. I don't have to cook anything for supper, we have plenty of leftover steak fried rice and leftover Moosetracks ice cream* grin *


Kathryn said...

The camp i attended as a kid was in a canyon outside Big Timber. It was lovely. But oh, how delightful it sounds to attend a camp in & around Yellowstone!

Hope she has a great time, but it sounds like she will. :)

Kathryn said...

Oh, P.S. I just posted 2 of my favorite pics of Bridger Canyon. I don't know how far you are from there.

Farming On Faith said...

You deserve to put your feet up!
Have a wonderful Lord's Day~

Tonia said...

Despite the bruises you got a lot done! I hope you get at least one day to relax while he is on vacation!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Courtney get to go to camp afterall! How nice to be going to Yellowstone NP! I just watched a 2 hour tv show on it and thought how neat it would be to go there - not in the winter but the summer. Did you paint your door red? I want a red door too. Sounds like Mike is going to be plenty busy on his vacation!! Hope you can get away for 2 days but I bet he'll be one busy guy!! My mom loves moosetracks Ice cream...I like Mint Chocolate Chip best...debbie

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I commented a reply on your blog. We're about 1-1/2 hours Southeast of Bozeman.

Thanks for stopping in! We're planing to get up and feed as normal at 6am then return to bed to sleep in a bit.*wink*

I'm prasing the Lord for Arnica Montana! The bruises look bad, but the pain and sorness is gone. I feel good about getting as much as I did done, it was a good day!

It's a blessing for sure, not that I wanted someone to have to cancel, mind you.

Yellowstone National Park is just around 60 miles, via Cody, WY for us. Actually the best time of year to go is in Fall,late Sept early Oct. It's simply breath taking!

Nope, I painted the door a forest green, it was dark brown, YUCK! I'll try to get a picture on the blog.

Yes, it seems that he always works on projects on his vacation. I'm hoping to get away for a day, maybe to Cody, a drive through Yellowstone Park,or maybe up into the Pryor mountains to the wild horse range, we could pack a picnic lunch, Hmmmmmm....

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