one way). She is so excited and has cameras for plenty of photo ops. She
has to check in by 3pm, so Dad and I plan to do a museum tour while in
Bozeman. They have a wonderful dinosaur display and it changes from time
to time, so it will be fun to see the new exhibits. They also have on sight a
original homestead house that is operational during the summer. They have
a blacksmith, and ladies cooking on the wood cook stove, a person who tends
a lovely garden in the front of the home. I love touring through it, even if I've
it several times already!
Today we're getting laundry done and on the line, packing and baking breads
and goodies for our first Farmer's market on Friday, 4-7pm. I will have some
produce; beets, yellow peppers, small salad sized carrots, salad mix, garlic,
cucumbers, dill, other culinary herbs and possibly raspberries. I need to make
tags for the baked goods, a sign with prices for produce and herbs, get the
table, chair and umbrella loaded in the car. I admit I'm nervous, I'm not a
people person and remembering names is my downfall. I remember faces,
but not names.*sigh*
Yesterday it was cool, into the mid 70's and in rolled the blackest clouds, so I
knew we were in for some moisture. BOY HOWDY! it started with a bang of
thunder, and came down like cats and dogs! It was steady the entire 25-30
minutes it came down. I looked out at the barn, thankful Mike and Jon had
gotten the new roof on and it was coming off the roof in a straight shot, like
an extension of metal to the roof. My thoughts were; Oh! No! Mo's stall will get
flooded, so I put on my mud boots, raincoat with hood and headed out to the
shed for a shovel. I knew I'd have to dig ditches to drain away the accumulated
water from in front of his stall door. I also needed to build a berm up in the
stall door to keep all possible water out.
Poor Mo was locked out of his stall, my Mom cleaned his stall and corral while
I was in the city picking up seals for some cylinders Mike is repairing for a
friend. She shut the top door to keep him out and let the stall air out, well....
I never paid any mind to it, until it started lightening and raining, by then
he was soaked.
After I'd dug a ditch and got the water draining away I built up the berm and
then let Mo into his stall, he was pleased to be inside away from the
lightening. Now that I was sure the water was draining off well enough I
indoors to dry off. My jeans were soaked and even the rain coat leaked
through, getting my shirt and hair wet. I looked like the proverbial drowned rat,
Mike called from work and said he was late because they'd been hit as well
and the storage shed, where they keep their twine and fertilizer, the roof
was leaking so he had to move and cover items with tarps.
When I was changed into dry clothes I noticed something on the front porch...
it was a water puddle, which ran across the porch getting some items I had
setting on the floor wet. So... on clean up detail I went. It came through the
screen door and leaked in under the front door. It wasn't a huge amount,
but shows how intensely driven it really was.
When Mike got home he checked the rain gauge, it was reading almost
9/10th of an inch and the evening before we'd had a shower netting us
2/10th. It's a blessing for our pastures, but the garden, which is half
weeded is a sloppy, slick mess! Thankfully we have sandy soil so it
should be dried out enough by the weekend to get back to weeding.
Reminder; Click photos to enlarge*wink*
got very heavy and thick. Makes a beautiful picture though.
This is the front of the garden( potato patch) and it was just building in.
PTL! two of my rain barrels are once again FULL! You can see my
jimmy rigged set up for catching it from the gutter. It's not the most
efficient but it works until we can come up with something better.
Bless you in your day. We need to get a move on it to get clothes
washed on the line and dried before another suspected afternoon
storm rolls in.