Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today in Montana from our farm....

 Spring snow, snowflakes as big as $.50 pieces and birds singing in hopes of sunshine.
   This snow was really moisture laden, melting almost quicker than it was accumulating. A blessed start for our pastures.
Peppers, peppers everywhere!  Last year I couldn't get peppers to germinate for anything and this year we've had a 98% germination rate :o)
 Tomatoes, all doing well, had to replant a few spots in our Roma four - packs.
 Cool enough for a fire simmering all day. Making the most of the heat by slow roasting our supper.

            It tasted as good as it looks! Plus the leftovers will be made into homemade chicken noodle soup :o)


Nita said...

As always, great pictures and stories. Chicken looks yummy and I'm sure it was. The plants are doing great but do they like the snow? Your hot house must be warm enough. Yes we have the spring storm also. Roads are horrible and alot of cancelled meetings,and school events. Keep warm, love to all. Great to see Cortney driving and working alot. Hugs to her.

Lois Evensen said...

What a beautiful day at home. :)

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

I know you will be happy when that snow disappears and you can get all those little guys planted..Good job.
That chicken sure looks delicious, is it special chicken ? I notice it has real long legs (or is that the photo)

Heidi said...

What a lovely stove! Must be a pleasure to make food with! And the chicken looks really good!

Looking forward to seeing the seedlings progress :-)

Have a great day!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

We received 8-10" of snow, according to the local news report. Much of it melted as it was snowing, so not that much on the ground. Reed Point got 26"
The outside greenhouse doesn't stay warm enough for the warm weather plants, so they are inside in our mini greenhouse( in the livingroom)
Roads will be slick this morning, but our temps. are supposed to be almost 50F, so it won't stay that way for long.

It was exactly that, peaceful and relaxing. I'm a homebody anyway :o)

These wet Spring snows are expected and usually melt off just as quickly as they come, good moisture :o) Then it's muddy for a few days, but that's better than -25F
The legs of the chicken are longer, it was a rooster and he seemed to be all leg, LOL!!!! The breed was White Plymouth Rock.

I love my wood cookstove, actually pefer it to our natural gas stove.
Thank you for stopping by, look forward to your future visits*wink*

Anonymous said...

What an awful sight!! SNOW!! Ugh! We're supposed to have a whopper of a thunderstorm later today. It's 58 but gray and the clouds look rather dark to the west of us. Which isn't good. Your chicken I could almost smell. Looks devine!! I love roast chicken!!...debbie

icebear said...

Oh, goodness i want a cookstove. I have wanted one since i was a kid oddly enough.

We got some fresh snow the other night too, its pretty, but it needs to go! lol

Mr. H. said...

Did you do anything different this year with your peppers that helped with germination? 98% is really good. We got dumped on with snow a coupl edays ago but are expecting sunshine today...I'll send some your way.:)

MarkD60 said...

I want you to do a blog post just about your stove, with lots of pictures. It looks really cool!

Ohiofarmgirl said...

Its snowing again here too.. sheesh! Yesterday I was outside in shorts. Your stove is amazing!

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