Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting Monsanto Out of Your Kitchen, Gas Tank, and Clothes Closet

This challenge comes from Organic Bytes!

Getting Monsanto Out of Your Kitchen, Gas Tank, and Clothes Closet
 March is the Millions Against Monsanto campaign's Month Without Monsanto. Join in on Twitter by tweeting #MonthWithoutMonsanto or through the Facebook page "Month Without Monsanto."

For someone who's already been eating organic, a month without Monsanto seems pretty simple.

But, as original Month Without Monsanto blogger April Dávila found, Monsanto's tentacles reach far beyond the grocery aisles.

Our non-organic, often sweatshop-manufactured, cotton clothing has sprouted from Monsanto's seeds, too.
Even the gas is our cars is Monsanto-made! About 35% of the U.S. corn crop is made into ethanol. (The rest feeds factory farmed animals or becomes "food" ingredients like high fructose corn syrup.) It's tough to choose between supporting Monsanto or Big Oil. The fact is, we need to drive less and carpool more or, better yet: walk, bike, and use public transportation whenever possible.

The Obama Administration's USDA recently approved a new corn variety genetically engineered by Syngenta to be easier to convert to ethanol. Like crops that are modified to produce pharmaceuticals, genetically modified ethanol crops present a huge contamination danger to our food supply.

Who's protecting consumers? The USDA's deregulation decision is final. The only thing we can do at this point is scream bloody murder at the politicians we elect to provide oversight on these issues.

Time to write the president and your congressional representatives!

Learn More and Take Action

More Tips for Getting Monsanto Out of Your Kitchen, Gas Tank, and Clothes Closet


Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Found your blog interesting and decided to follow you for your next project or projects :o) Ginny

Jane said...

We certainly do need to get monsanto out of our lives,but they seem to be evertwhere. I agree we also need to be driving less,and may soon be since most won't be able to buy this over priced gas.Blessings jane

Holly said...

Thanks for passing this on. I "liked" their page. Holly

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thanks for all of your comments and compliments. You asked about the bread pan I used when making zucchini bread. That bread pan came from "Pampered Chef", it was actually part of a graduation gift basket Cortney received. We have their pizza stones and a bundt pan as well, all made from stoneware. :o) It makes the crusts more crisp, which we like. Hope you can find one for yourself.

BTW, I went to your blog, but no posts have been made yet,so..... I was going to leave a comment over there but I couldn't.

We make a sincere effort to get Monsanto( monsatan, as I call them) out of our life. Sometimes it's a real challenge and we still can' avoid them 100%*sigh* Keep up the fight. :o)

You are welcome, I've been so busy lately, but I want to post something so people will still stop by and chat :o) If you sign up for their email newsletter, you'll get all the good info. that they share.


Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Kelle, somehow when I tried to delete and old blog into the new it didn't take correctly (I didn't do it correctly:o(
Please try to visit again...
I'll have a cup of tea waiting :o)

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