Thursday, March 17, 2011

Iowa legislature prompted by Big Ag to ban secret filming of animal abuse

Iowa legislature prompted by Big Ag to ban secret filming of animal abuse

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Many Natural News readers have probably seen at least one of the many shocking video clips found online or in movies that expose the horrors of animal abuse taking place at industrial factory farms. Such videos offer a glimpse at the horrific abuses taking place in industrial agriculture. However, a new bill put forth by agriculture committees in both the Iowa House of Representatives and the Iowa Senate seeks to outlaw and criminalize the undercover filming of such conditions.

If passed, the bill would turn into criminals those who merely seek to get the truth out about what is actually taking place in the confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) from where most of the nation's food supply is derived. Those caught filming workers beating pigs being beaten or chickens confined dozens to a single cage, for instance, would face fines of up to $7,500 and up to five years in prison for doing so.

Sponsored by Big Ag, the measure is a clear attempt to silence the truth about factory farming. After all, exposing the public to thousands of cows confined in filthy, disease-laden manure pits tends to turn consumers off to the idea of eating conventional beef or drinking conventional milk. And witnessing millions of chickens locked in tight cages walking on each other's dead corpses is not exactly good for the egg and poultry industries, either.

"It's very transparent what agribusiness is attempting to do here," said Bradley Miller, national director of the Humane Farming Association, a California-based animal protection group, to the Austin American Statesman (AES). "They're trying to intimidate whistle blowers and put a chill on legitimate anti-cruelty investigations. Clearly the industry feels it has something to hide or it wouldn't be going to these extreme and absurd lengths."

The industry introduced the bill after several undercover videos were recently released showing cows being shocked, baby chicks being ground up alive, and other heinous abuses. Big Ag claims the bill is merely an attempt to stop phony job-seekers from gaining positions at factory farms only to expose them.

But opponents of the bill say that it will only make abuses more secretive, and thus more prevalent, because it criminalizes those who would dare bring the truth to light.

"We feel the agribusiness industry should be trying to root out animal cruelty and expose it," said Nathan Runkle, executive director of Mercy for Animals, a Chicago-based animal protection group, to AES. "As a moral society, it is our obligation to prevent all cruelty to animals and it's difficult to end abuse when you can't expose it."

Sources for this story include:


cathy@home said...

I am so annoyed with this and i dont even live there.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Doesn't the Word say something about calling evil good, and good evil? This is unbelievable. You would think that the exposure would motivate big ag to clean up their act, not try to hide it.

Judy T said...

Ugh, As an Iowan, I'm not afraid to say that I'm ashamed of our current bunch of politicians in office. They have disappointed in so many ways- this is just one more. They are spending so much time taking this state backwards instead of helping solve the problems we have. There are such a bunch of gits in office right now who have been bought by not only Big Ag but all sorts of special interest groups. sigh.... I wonder if I can declare independence from the state....

Theres just life said...

I can't believe they would pass this, but it just goes to show money talks. I wish I lived there so I could call my reps. and give them a piece of my mind.

Just another reason to buy from local folks that you know.

MarkD60 said...

There's a book by Upton Sinclair about the meat packing industry of the 1920's that's worth a read.
This post upsets me, big money thinks it can get away with anything.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I don't mean to pick on Iowa, because most likely other states have had or will have these sort of legislation issues come up.
This is why we ALL need to be diligent about knowing what legislation is being proposed at our local, state and federal levels. Thanks for your $.o2 *wink*

That is the way they've done it for decades or longer, so why NOT think it will work now. What they DON'T seem to realize is that we are now waking up and watching their every move. :o)

Don't apologize, we in MT are feeling the "Liberal" influences of our Democratic gooberment. Currently there are several bills we are voicing our discussed with.'
If you aren't already, there should be an email list for your states legislature bills that you can sign up for and become involved more. Whether or not they listen is another issue, but come re-election time let your voice be heard about how it was they voted, against taxpayers demands.

There's just Life,
Exactly why we ALL need to become involved in our local, state and federal gooberment issues.
If they choose to lean toward special interests, simply remember this and then get out and if you have to campaign with the record of how they voted and who they listened to( taxpayers/ voters, or special interest groups)
We all NEED to remember they work for US, not the other way around!

Don't just be upset, get involved, let your opinions be heard. Part fo the reason Big Industry has gotten away with as much as they have is that because they are so large and have $$, people feel powerless and that is EXACTLY how they want to keep us feeling. Well, you know what they are getting to big for their pants and maybe it's time someone tears them down a few notches.
Contact Iowa, write or email the Govenor about how you feel, even if you don't live there, let your voice be heard.*wink*

Hopeful said...

why am i not surprised? and as angry as i am with big ag, i'm equally angry and disappointed in the millions of americans who continue to buy their meat from them knowing what is going on. sad.

Mr. H. said...

And of course one of the best responses to these animal torture encampments is to purchase our food from local people whom we trust and shun this terrible practice altogether.

jean said...

Very sad. The food industry seems more the government of the US than the government itself. One of the reasons my husband and I moved out to a country where we are free to grow our own food without interfernce and bad laws.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Whoever thinks the USA isn't owned by corporate American is delusional. That includes the FDA.

Bob from Athens said...

Back room politics, just when You think it can't get crazier. I guess they ain't losing any money when the ole man beats up the wife so it is ok to film or stop that if you see it happening.

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