Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I hesitate to share this.....

Yesterday was our only Grandaughter's 1st Birthday.  We have not been allowed contact with Jayla since last Easter. I'm not going to go into details but will add that our Ds has also disassociated himself from his entire family, his Father, sister and myself, as well as Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. I don't even begin to understand this, I've racked my brain over and over again and a still small voice keeps telling me, " It's beyond your control, let it go."  So it is with a heavy heart that we think of our Grandaughter Jayla on her 1st Birthday, wondering how beautiful she must be now, , if she talks, crawls or maybe even walks. She is in our daily prayers and maybe someday we'll get to meet her again, God willing.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I cannot begin to know your struggle with this terrible situation, but my heart is filled with compassion for you, and I will be praying.

Jane said...

Your post is so sad,it breaks my heart how many families are being torn apart,many times for no real reason. I believe we are living in very troubled times. I will pray for you and your family,that somehow you all will be reunited. Blessings jane

Mama Mess said...

Kelle my heart just goes out to you. Just remember the story of the Prodigal Son and be ready to welcome them all with open arms if and when they come home.

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Kelle, just hold on and continue to pray! Those pains will be lifted and Joy will take over the next time you lay eyes on the meantime keep the situation in your prayers and I'm sure many of your followers will too, I know I will, Most of my prayers have always been answered and On time.

Linda said...

Kelle, my heart hurts for you. God loves you and is sovereign. He will never let anything in your life go to waste.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Dear one, I feel your pain. We have not seen our 10 yo grandson since Christmas eve. This is not the 1st time our daughter has withheld him from us. She lives 2 miles from here, and he goes to school just 1 mile down the road from us, yet we do not see him. She is bitter, angry, and controlling. We have to trust the Lord here. Praying for her, and that she will eventually come to her senses. She is burning many bridges, and we have been dealing with this kind of behavior for years. I will pray for you...I can't imagine how difficult it is to not see such a little one....

Tonia said...

I am so sorry.. That is heartbreaking. But like was mentioned Continue to pray!

Lois Evensen said...


Consult your attorney. In most states (even if interstate) there are grandparents rights. Check it out!!!!!


The Craftivist said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation with your son and your grandaughter. I wish there was something I could say or do to help. I guess all that you really can do is hold on, pray and wait. {Hugs}

Tractor Mom said...

God bless you and remember He carries her in His arms at all times...

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thank you all for your prayers, concern and comforting words. The reason I hesitated to say anything, is I'm not sure if Ds has access to our blog, I don't want to make matters worse.

Family struggles have been a HUGE part of what we've been praying about for well over 5 yrs now. It just seems as though things keep getting more challenging, so.... we continue to pray for our son, his family and my parents. Your words are a comfort, I'm glad I shared this. I have a really hardtime telling about painful issues, because I don't want to appear that I'm whining.

Mr. H. said...

I feel bad for you, I really do. My wife's sister is going through something very similar. Happy birthday to Jayla.

icebear said...

This is heartbreaking, i'll be praying for you ((hug))

MarkD60 said...

I like reading your blog and being allowed into your life. It makes me sad to know you feel this pain.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. hugs to you my friend

life in this 1880 farmhouse said...

Keep praying that your situation will change. We have a bi-polar daughter who has played this game with us. It is heart wrenching, effectually when grandchildren are involved.The very fact your grandchild does not know you is heart wrenching, believe it or not more for your granddaughter. Time will pass and I an certain things will change over time.

Nita said...

Happy Birthday Jayla, Great grandma also prays daily for you, your daddy, grandma, grandpa and auntie Cortney. Please come home.

Tonya Gunn said...

Thinking about you with tears in my eyes. All I can think to say is God is a loving God. Warm wishes, Tonya

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I can't begin to feel your pain and hope someday soon it will be just a bad memory. Holding you and all the family in my prayers.
Happy Birthday to little Jayla...debbie

Jamie said...

Hey there Mama Kelle~
You are and have been in our prayers ever since we found each others blog.You have had some very kind words of wisdom for me throught these same instances.I wish you the best and that he will put this beautiful baby girl first and put the troubles aside.

small farm girl said...

I hate to hear it Kelle, I was praying that he would have come around by now. But you said, it's not in your control. It IS in God's control though. My prayers are with you guys.

Sue said...

I am so sorry Kelli, I will be praying about this situation. God sees, and knows, and he Cares!

Hopeful said...

i'm so so sorry. that must be nearly impossible to wrap your head around. i do hope for a different scenario in the near future.

ADMIN said...

I am so sorry. My cousin did the same thing 10 years ago and to this day has no contact with any of her relatives. Why? None of us knows. It just happened one day and that was that. It is heartbreaking, but you are right to let it go.

Vegetable Garden Cook said...

Someday you will be able to share this post with her and she will know you were thinking about her (if you aren't back in contact already).

I had something similar happen in my family once. 15 years later we are reunited, so I know the pain.

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