Monday, March 28, 2011

Taking some time off....

This is for a couple of reasons; one our computer is acting up( I think it's a memory problem, not sure though) and we don't have the $$ to take it in and have it looked at or buy another one at this time. 

There are also some changes going on around here and well......   I simply am overwhelmed with the lack of time I have to get things done, so instead of sitting preparing a post for an hour or more, I can use this time productively elsewhere, hope that doesn't sound to harsh? Blogging is fun and I enjoy it very much, but it does take time to post pictures, edit and whatnot and right now I NEED this time for me.

Cortney is working away from home M-Sat., which requires me to driver her to and sometimes from her destination, then I'm alone doing all the animal chores, cleaning house, doing laundry, preparing and fixing meals and soon the gardening. Now please don't take this as I'm complaining because that is NOT the case at all, I'm just trying to explain the time situation.  There are several other issues at hand as well, but not worth mentioning here. 

It looks as if Mike may be working four- 10 hour work days with three day weekends, YEAH!!!  Maybe we'll be able to get some much needed upkeep done around here. This will help me out because he can take Cortney to her Driver's Ed on Friday's and I can stay home and work at getting things done around here and visa versa. :o)

I can't tell you how long I'll be gone, and I'll work on getting back to posting as quick as possible.
Okay the computer is acting up so better post this.  Anyone who'd like to email me, I'll try to answer back as quick as possible can reach me at 

See you all soon :o)
Blessings and Hugs,


Sue said...

Kelle, I understan the need to take a break, Hope to see you back blogging soon. Thanks for the tip on putting vinegar and honey in the chicks water.

Lois Evensen said...

We'll miss you. And, we will be here when you get back. :)

Alla said...

I understand fully! I sometimes think I'm wasting time on the computer but I enjoy posting and reading blogs too. I hope you enjoy your time off and get lots and lots accomplished.

Mama Mess said...

I totally understand! This is a busy time of year and my blogging will be slowing down. I too love blogging, but it can get in the way of living sometimes!

Will have a letter in the mail to you tomorrow!

Denise said...

Cant wait until you get back with all the news from there! Miss ya already.

Zombie said...

Take all the time you need! :D

Farmgirl Cyn said...

No worries. Take your time. I have taken several blogging breaks over the years, and it was wonderful! Come back refreshed and renewed...

Carolyn said...

Know what you mean & how you feel! My blog posts are not as frequent now that the weather is starting to get warmer & I'm able to spend more time outside doing stuff.

Don't forget about us though, we enjoy your posts no matter how long between each one!

The Craftivist said...

Well, we sure will miss you on here but I can complete understand why you need some time away. Good luck with everything, hope to see you posting again soon!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. Good for you for recognizing the importance of spending time doing what you need to do! Hope the computer ends up being a minor issue.

Tonia said...

We will be here when you get back! I know we have been busy like crazy here too!

small farm girl said...

Just don't forget us! We all love your posts!!!!

Mr. H. said...

I know how you feel. Our computer is teribly slow too and couple that with such a very busy time of the year...there is just no time.

Anonymous said...

Kelle, I will certainly miss you, but can certainly understand your time issues! With spring comes a lot more work! It will be nice having hubby home for 3 days!! very nice!! Hope you won't be gone too awful long! Will miss you and your posts! ...debbie "hugs"

Heidi said...

Its perfectly understandable that you need time for yourself. It is a very busy time of the year.

Take care of yourself, your family and the farm, and we'll be looking forward to reading your posts again when you have the time and energy :-)

Have a great spring! :-)

Nita said...

Kelle, Hope all is ok at the farm. I pray daily for all of you. Do know we will miss your hard work stories and pictures. I will miss my "Never Done Farm" daily news.
Good to hear Mike having 4-10's. That will give you lots of upkeep time together. Love you all
By the way, can you use Cortneys computer? It should work.

Kelly said...

Wishing you a wonderful spring. Blogging certainly does take time and I find it difficult to find the time sometimes too so really understand where you are coming from. Best wishes

Buttons Thoughts said...

I understand and I myself look forward to your return. It is getting very busy here also. Good luck with the computer the darn things are unpredictable. B

Phelan said...

Looking forward to your return

MarkD60 said...

Well, ya know, a lotta people who "take some time off" never come back. As long as you aren't one of those, then by all means.....
But I'll miss you.

Bob from Athens said...

Well just remember that the longest journey starts with the first step, keep plugging and sooner or later their will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope that is enough cliches, it is all I can think of for now.

I tried to make a list of all the things I had to do one spring, when I ran out of paper I said to H*** with lists.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Gosh, do I ever understand the need for a break! I'm taking one from tomorrow until Wednesday when I come back home. I've been at it 24/7 since August and am ready to crash and burn.
It's spring and that means WORK, WORK, WORK until it's time to harvest the garden and then more work. I love the garden though and love having food in the pantry; for some reason, I think it's going to be even more important this year than ever before.
Take care of you.

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