Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Watch OUT!

1% tax proposed, so much for anyone earning $250K or less, not paying more taxes. Remember that if it is called a license, fee, surcharge,etc.... that they are just fancy, glorifed names for TAX!  I hope you'll all search into H.R. 4646, incorrectly named "Debt Free America Act"


Anonymous said...

You would think that the idiot people who voted for that man, would have realized he was going to tax everyone...some people are just slow learners...and those making more than $250K will get their Asses taxed to death...debbie

CJ said...

Are you against the elimination of the federal debt and the income tax by 2017?

I guess you would rather be at the beck and call of China (who holds our debt) and continue pay income tax.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

No CJ, I wouldn't rather be at the beck and call of China, but I personally also didn't have any say so about how we got into this mess to begin with. You see I manage our budget and checkbook much more efficiently than our government, we're personally DEBT FREE! Before you begin your Bush slamming( as most liberals do) I'm not in agreement with how he managed his 8 yrs either. So if you want to make this a politically argument issue, you are simply barking up the wrong tree here.
Blessings for your day!

CJ said...

Hi Kelle,
I didn't mention anything about politics - liberal or conservative in the above post. It was actually Happy Days (the first poster) who did however I don't see any admonishment for her post?

I agree the government is wasteful and inefficient, but unless someone can come up with a better system, or even just uncorruptable politicians, something must be done to reduce the debt we ALL have acquired as a country.

Have a great day!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Not in this post, no you didn't say liberal or conservative, but you did in another post, you refered to yourself as liberal. I was defensive I know and that is no excuse but as I explained on you other comment, we've gotten some REALLY nasty comments, which I deleted without comment.

I hadn't even replied to Happy Day's comment, you are right, but that doesn't mean I'm in 100% agreement with what she said either. We won't ever have to worry about having our "butts taxed to death" as we make far, far, far less than 250K. Our income is in the U.S. statistics of proverty, yet we feel rich and VERY blessed.

As I said on your other comment, I don't have a problem with paying down the debt, but when they are STILL allowed to keep spending wastefully on the other end, how does that make sense? We first have to stop the spending and MAKE the government live with in it's means, like we all have to do. We don't write checks on money we don't have, why because there are penalties and if you continue doing the same thing, you end up in jail. This is what has to happen to those who do the same in government, they need to pay for their bad judgement and if they continue( which they are currently doing) they NEED to go to jail! I'm tired, as I'm sure you are of the double standard, of the government officals having private retirement and healthcare, separate from Social Security and private health care, soon to be Obamacare. If it is good for the goose it is good for the gander as well.We as a voters have forgotten, or been so tied up in the "Keep up with the Jonese's" movement that the government officals work for US,and they are NOT "kings on their throwns looking down on their peasants below!" I hope I expressed this okay, I'm often taken different then I intended it*sigh*

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CJ said...

Hi Kelle,
I don't totally disagree with what you say. However there is a difference between citizen spending and government spending. There are times when the government must spend more than they have in order to keep our country solvent in the world market - such as last year. What hasn't been happening is that the over spending stops at some point and debt is paid off. Remember when the government said the Iraqi war would be totally paid for by Iraqi Oil? Guess who got the money?

I also disagree that government works for "us". They always have, and always will, work for corporate America and there is not a thing we can do about. Vote them out? Sure, but the next will be just as bad as the previous.

"but when they are STILL allowed to keep spending wastefully on the other end, how does that make sense?" This is it in a nut shell. As long as Americans are kept worrying about the petty stuff (Fox News, Sarah Palin, Glen Beck are good at this) and don't demand answers to the big stuff (Like Haliburton, KBR, BP, Agribusinesses all skirting the laws and making billions of off the US citizens while poisoning are soil, air, and water) what politician in their right mind would worry which way they vote on an issue?

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I also don't totally agree with your thoughts but.... PTL and our military that we are free to have our own opinions. Keep up the good fight.

CJ said...

Fair enough. Love the blog, I also do my own butchering, curing, and smoking of hogs; sell eggs and garden seedlings, boil sap, etc.

Have a good day.


Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thank you, glad you enjoy it. It's our eclectic ramblings of this and that.

Oh how we'd love to make maple syrup! We love it and it is VERY EXPENSIVE, but well worth it!

You need a blog, so you can share what works for you and why.

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