Thursday, August 26, 2010

Old Lightning: Open Season

Everyone who enjoys hunting and owning a gun; well the powers( government, environmentalists, animal rights activists, etc....) that be, just aren't going to give up without a fight. They're going to attack this issue from as many angles as needed to take this right away. Please go over to YeOldFurt's blog; Old Lightning: Open Season and read for yourself.


Thistle Cove Farm said...

Things like this just boil my blood.

CJ said...

I'm a liberal who enjoys using a gun just as much the next person. But I believe I'm smart enough not to get all jazzed up over silly issues like this. Worrying about this would be on par with worrying about the banning of lead paint - which I assume you did not protest. Just because lead ammunition could be banned, it doesn't mean that a substitute ammunition couldn't be used. Allowing us to enjoy our firearms and not worry that we are polluting the water system of the next generation.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Okay, point taken and I understand what you are saying, thank you :o) This is why it is important to look openly at everyone's opinions, not that we have to allhave to agree.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

CJ, I see you don't want to share any info about yourself, is it because you are a troll, if you wish to have any further comments published on this blog, you'll need to come out of your hiding place, sorry.

CJ said...

Hi Kelle,
You don't need to post of any of my comments, it's your blog you can censor as much as you want. I'm not sure why one would be called a troll simply because I have a gmail account but not a blog. I'm just a small farmer in New England with an opinion.

I enjoy your blog, and for the most part, agree with your frame of mind. I call myself a liberal however I'm not a supporter of either political party. It just irks me when people make such a big deal about the little things while nobody bats a eye at the billions we have spent in Iraq and Afghanistan or the hundreds of billions in waste and no bid contracts.
I have many friends over seas in the military and the stories they tell about waste, fraud, and incompetence is just astounding and there is zero accountability.

Have a great day!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Okay let me step back and apologize to you, I'm sorry for thinking you a troll. I've gotten a lot of "spam and ugly comments from people" and I simpy don't publish them, that doesn't stop them. Your blogger description, shows nothing, no email, no other blogs you follow, no blog of your own,likes, dislikes, etc... so I assumed you were trying to start something.

I am NOT a supporter of either party either and I am a HUGE supporter of our military persons. I too know of the waste through friends who have served or are currently serving. This goes back to the conversation on the paying off debt, I don't have a problem paying off debt( via tax increases),BUT first and foremost we NEED to get control of the wasteful goverment spending. I don't want to pay taxes, that are designed to pay down debt only to have them keep spending wastefully and incurring debt. We'll never get anywhere but a lifetime of gaining NOTHING.

I wasn't trying to make a big deal about the lead ammo, just it that way to get people's attention. I read that the EPA has currently dropped the issue.


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