Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Home Depot fires cashier over 'God' button - Careers Articles

Home Depot fires cashier over 'God' button - Careers Articles
Think about this when you support them and all other large industrial box stores. This is one of many reasons we work to support local businesses first before preceding to the city and even then we work to support locally owned small business. Yes, sometimes you have to pay more but if you truly think about it, you'll be paying more if those small local businesses leave and you have no choice. We, personally watched this take place when Walmart moved in the are we used to live, when in the city. They came in with ultra low prices, huge selections of most everything on could think of . K-Mart was already in decline and the new Walmart put them under in a hurry, next were two established grocery stores( both chains themselves), leaving only one other grocery store in the area besides Walmart. Soon people began complaining that the selections were no longer there and then the prices began to creep up as well. Why? because they'd run off all area competition and that was their intent. This was when we made the choice to shop locally small owned businesses. Yes, I admit at first we went to see what Wally World had and even bought some items( never food, only toiletries and pets food) Now I proudly say we've not set foot inside a Wally World in over 7 yrs. We are living proof that if you are frugal, you can survive on one income without submitting yourself to supporting these industrial chain stores. We have also done business, in the past with Home Depot but find our local lumber yard to be more accommodating , personal and better quality products as well. Please support Local Small Businesses first, before throwing your money into box stores, who have blanket policies that disallow the support and show of love for our country as well as our military and yet allow homosexuals to have a free ride.


small farm girl said...


Thistle Cove Farm said...

We each have to find our own comfort level and we do shop at Wal-Mart because we find their prices competitive and their selection better than the other grocery stores. They are also closer and have provided jobs in our rural area where jobs weren't available. Around here, there's been no loss of smaller businesses as those were closed long before Wal-Mart arrived.
What's done more than Wal-Mart to shut down Small Town America is the highway department building by-passes. The highway department builds a by-pass and the town dies, generally rather quickly, and then has to have economic development money, iow tax dollars, to bolster a struggling economy.
In VA, the highway department is laying off thousands of people yet they continue to contract work out. That makes no sense to me.

Modern Day Redneck said...

Yup, I have been boycotting Home Depot and Target for some time now. Lowe's is even part owned by Walmart and I have always said Walmart was the down fall to our customer service. Let that same person that throws a fit in Walmart throw one in a small town food store and you will see that person escorted out of the store in no time. That type of "The louder I yell, The more I get" attitude has spilled over into our restaurants, City governments, little league sports and many many other areas.
Yes this is one area I do have a soap box. I could go on and on but I am taking the evening off.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more!!!!!!

Nekkid Chicken said...

Okay, What I do not understand is; are Christians the 'pc' group that is now okay to discriminate against? It just boggles my mind.


The Craftivist said...

Clear cut case of discrimination. I never liked Home Depot anyways.

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