Wednesday, February 2, 2011

USDA has approved genetically engineered alfalfa, but Pres. Obama can still say NO!

Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance

February 1, 2011
USDA has approved genetically engineered alfalfa

But Obama can still say No!
The USDA approved Monsanto's genetically engineered alfalfa, and unless President Obama stops it, it will be widely planted this spring and begin contaminating other crops, including organic alfalfa.

President Obama is the last line of defense and has the power to stop this approval.
Contact President Obama:

Phone: (202) 456-1111

Fax: (202) 456-2461

MESSAGE: "The USDA's decision to approve Monsanto's Roundup Ready Alfalfa is wrong. I am calling to urge President Obama to reject approval of GE alfalfa. I care about the integrity of the food I eat, and I don't want organic and non-GMO crops to be contaminated by GE alfalfa. Please take immediate action to stop this approval."

The GE alfalfa at issue has been engineered to be resistant to Monsanto’s flagship herbicide, Roundup. Alfalfa is the nation’s 4th largest crop, planted on over 21 million acres. Alfalfa hay is used for livestock feed, and alfalfa meal is used as a soil amendment. Alfalfa sprouts constitute an important sector of the salad market, and the crop plays a major role in honey production nationally.

GE alfalfa is the first perennial crop to be genetically engineered, making it even more likely to be widely dispersed through escapee plants as well as bee pollination. Contamination threatens both organic farmers (since the organic standards prohibit GE crops) and conventional farmers (since most overseas governments and alfalfa importers reject GE-contaminated crops).

While conceding for the first time that GE contamination of non-GE crops is a major problem in the US, the USDA still moved ahead with approving commercial plantings of GE alfalfa. The agency continues to overlook the widespread corruption of conventional seed varieties by GE strains (such as occurred with StarLink corn and LibertyLink rice), and the resulting severe economic injury to farmers.

The agency’s decision to deregulate GE alfalfa also places human health at risk from the inevitable increase in the use of both Roundup and even more toxic cocktails of herbicides, whose use has increased due to the proliferation of Roundup-resistant weeds.

The harm cannot be undone! Once released into the environment, GE crops and pollen cannot be recalled. This presents a serious problem for organic and conventional farmers whose livelihood and reputation depends upon the ability to grow non-GE crops. It also raises important concerns for consumers who want to eat foods grown without using GE technology.

Tell President Obama that you want a real choice in the food you eat. The only way to fully protect farmers, consumers and the environment is to reject the proposed approval of GE alfalfa.

Radio show this Saturday, February 5th, 7-9 pm Central
Farmer Brad will be joining Judith McGeary on the Food Rights Hour to discuss local foods, GMO alfalfa, and agtivism. Tune in to the Republic Broadcasting Network online to hear the live show. The show will be open to callers, so call in at 1-800-313-9443. Brought to you by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.

PLease read more about GMO Alfalfa over at nittinfool's blogspot


Anonymous said...

He will never speak against something that controls our lives.

Unknown said...

This bill scares me. Monsanto scares me. It seems they want to control the worlds food crops. I,for one, think they are already well on the way.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I agree whole heartedly, but.... I just have to try to do something to fight against it all. Yes, I know the powers that be don't listen and don't care what we want. Hey Vice Pres. Biden was quoted on MSNBC as saying that "Egypt doesn't have the control over it's people like we do" ( paraphrased)

Sci fi,
Well on their way! It's really to the point of saying"It's To Late!" *sigh* When the sheople wake up years from now they are going to KNOW it's TO LATE!

Thanks for your imput, both of you :o)

Zev said...

I feel like the President really doesn't have enough power to address the GMO issue. I mean, yes, in this instance, he has [had] the power to veto, but this is something I really feel that we should be bringing to all of our congressmembers individually.

small farm girl said...

It's just plain scary.

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