Friday, February 4, 2011

It's always nice to have a backup plan.....

Today a couple of things have taken place, so far anyway.  First our one dog, Casino, has been sneezing and had a clear runny nose for about a week. I began homeopathic treatment as soon as I noticed his repeated sneezing. Although during the course of the treatment he got no worse, he didn't seem to get any better either and this morning he was shaking his head, a sign of ear involvement so..... I call the vets office and they said to bring him in by 9:30am. So we hurry about getting everything in order; start the car to let it warm up, load the dogs( can't take on without the other*wink*) and head down out About 2 miles down the road I notice that the car is about to overheat so I pull off to the side and let it idle with the heater running on high( no warm air), gradually it begins to come down. Now I'm thinking we're beginning to freeze up or something, so we sit and wait to let it cool down, then we proceed slowly, watching the temperature gauge at all times, it never went so high again, but was bouncing around like a ball, first high, then drop low, then climb, then drop*sigh*  By this time we were just minutes from the vets office. I left Cortney in the car with it running to see if it would stabilize, with instructions if it got to the point I'd showed her on the gauge, she was to turn it off. After running for 10-15 minutes while at the vets office it did level off, but was still higher than normal.

Okay back to Casino, they weighed him and he was 51 .8 lbs which the vet said is perfect for his breed. With Casino on the exam table, I explained that he'd had some sneezing, clear mucus from his nose and was now shaking his head. The vet took his temp. it was normal, then began examining his ears, the left one was clear and looked good, then the right, it had a small seed head from grass embedded and was red and irritated but not yet infected to the point of pus. I helped to hold Casino while the vet extracted the grass seed head, he held still like a champ. :o)  Then the vet took a look up his nose and swabbed it, just clear mucus, so that was a plus.  Anyway Casino will be on a course of antibiotics now for 10 days. I'm thankful it wasn't something worse.

Back in the car, we head for home, this time on the county back road, after calling our neighbor to make sure they were home( both of my parents were gone before us this morning) in case( my backup plan) we needed a ride.  We managed to make it home but the temperature gauge was still up and down, definitely NOT normal!  I put a call into Mike, but he is on a job site where there is spotty cell service. I know he checks his phone from time to time and will see our missed call and call us back.  He does call back on his lunch break and asks how Casino is and what the vet found, he is also relieved that it's not something worse. I tell him what the car is doing and that we'd cancelled Cortney's Driver's Ed. class in the city. He thinks it's the thermostat, it's stuck and will put in a call to see about getting it in to get fixed.  We have Mike's truck( but it's horrible on gas, he's driving it today because we needed the car) and our 1987 Bronco II, but it's just what we term as a "local rig", I wouldn't trust it on a long trip but we drive it around our area.  So...... now we'll pray that we can get the car repaired in short order, as Mike needs this car to drive to and from work. He can drive his truck, but only as a short term solution, the gas bill alone would kill us!

What I'd like to know is why it is that the vehicles always seem to run right for Mike and break down  or act up for me? *sigh* Praying the rest of our day is uneventful *wink*


Mama Mess said...

I was thinking it sounded like the thermostat! That's a really easy fix, so hopefully that's what it is.

Anonymous said...

I thought maybe it was the gas filter. That's the way they act up. But, I don't know much about stuff under the hood. Glad Casino will be ok. What is a grass seed head? Dogs do seems to get themselves into some wierd problems. Horses are the same way! lol...debbie

Unknown said...

So glad to hear your pup has nothing worse wrong, those trips to the vet stress me out because you never know how much money you are in for. Between that and the vehicle you had a lot to worry about today. Hope your home safe and warm now.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Well.... good guess and what I was thinking to but... after taking it to our mechanic friend his diagnosis is water pump. When we called him he said maybe a temperature sensor/ sending unit. After I babied it there and he did some diagnostic tests, he changed his mind. I'm just glad it didn't do any damage to the engine, as it was up in the 200 degrees( way to high) when he checked it with the computer.

It was a seed from grass in our pasture, approx. 1/2 long, poor fella no wonder he was sneezing and shaking his head.

I feel the same way, the cost as well as side affects of the conventional meds are a worry. That is why I was self treating him, but after a week or so with no marked improvement I decided it was something that needed a professional eye and I was right. I'd have never been able to see that seed in his ear and the homeopathic and herbs I was giving him, while they most likely kept infection at bay, were not going to remove the seed. The cost wasn't bad, $45 it certainly could have been worse. When our horse was sick and we ended up putting him down the bill was huge and we lost our horse on top of it.

Thank you for all of your concern and even with two worries happening today, we are blessed because both certainly could have been much, much worse. :o)

redgirl said...

when it rains it pours.

Hopeful said...

first off, i'm glad casino is okay and you guys didn't break down with all the cold you're having! yep, sounds like a thermostat to me - that's good news! cheap to buy, and actually, easy to install yourself! good luck - you should be back on the road in no time and hope you make it soon to cortney's driver's ed class.

HermitJim said...

Nothing like a little adventure thrown into the day to keep us on our toes, huh?

Seriously, I'm glad that neither problem was too bad!

Weather is enough to worry about!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

It seems to come in threes, so holding our breath*wink* not really!

Actually our bitter cold moved out on thurs. so, it wasn't to bad in the mid 30's. Just the idea of walking home with both dogs didn't sound fun. Poor Tuffy doesn't like to ride in cars but doesn't want to be left at home either.

We are replacing the thermostat, water pump and manafold seal( it was leaking and allowing bubbles in the system) and it's all being done,you see our car and Pontiac Aztek and is no piece of cake to work on Mike's tried, so... we decided to leave it up to our mechanic friend, Mike helps him for a cut rate in labor. We truly can NOT complain, this car has been a very good rig and it has almost 152K in mileage. This, other than basic matienance is really the only problem we've had. Praying it's not a sign though. We really don't want tot get into a car payment at this time so we'll just keep weighing our options*wink*

Hermit Jim,
Thanks for stopping in! I'm afraid you are right and if I recall you are in the thick of that blizzard, are you not?

Our weather has been so weird this winter, just a few days of bitter cold amung several more days of unseasonably warm temps.
Glad to see you out and about, thanks for stopping in :o)

Lois Evensen said...

I'm glad you made it home OK and that Casino will be OK. It is so wonderful that we live in a time of medicine for both people and animals. Something so simple as a seed could have been so much worse if not treated and left to more pain and infection.


Modern Day Redneck said...

I am glad to hear the car trouble is minor and can be fixed without to much work. Most people do not even look at the temp gauge. They just drive it till it quits and then wonder why. I have bought a lot of cheap cars that way.

small farm girl said...

I hope they fix your car and nothing else is wrong with it. I am glad though, that it wasn't something serious with Casino.

Ohiofarmgirl said...

i laughed about this... my husbands truck will not start for me EVER. and then he gets in and it starts right up. harumph!

and i love that you are "never done" you are just right.. we are never done either!

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