Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today we rested, well somewhat. Mike worked on some year end inventory sheets for the Coop and measured a couple of cylinders he's repairing so he can order parts needed this week. Cortney attended church services with our neighbor's. I made Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits, washed breakfast dishes, helped with morning chores and took a long hot bath( my low back has been giving me fits the past two days) I also took the time to read a few articles in magazine I received in the mail early last week. Usually magazines stack up for times when I'm not feeling well or my back is bothering me.

While outdoors enjoying the weather and playing with the dogs Mike and I watched a mated pair of Bald Eagles and their last yrs., young Bald Eagle, fishing along the river. These birds are so majestic and beautiful, no wonder they were chosen to be our nations bird. Soon they'll begin mating rituals and then nesting. We had a pair nest across the river from our property last Spring. It's probably the same pair returning to nest again.

Our weather has been amazing, well into the 50's during the day and mid to high 30's at night. We've only been starting a fire in the wood stove in the mornings to take off the chill and again in the early evening. The wood, sure goes further in the wood box out by the backdoor, but we now require kindling for each new fire. Mike teases me as we walk our property and anywhere, because I pick up branches and twigs. Hey! they make wonderful kindling. I collect these and once I get a good pile I break them into the desired length and tie together with twine. These are then stacked to dry over the summer. Grabbing one of these bundles, even Mike has to admit, is a blessing and we don't loose valuable firewood being chopped down for kindling.

Our Ds, Jon was here last week and finally went through his room and cleaned out things and kept some things in the closet, now that the room is clean, it's slated for a paint job. This will be our spare/ craft room. Cortney and I plan to use this room for crafts, sewing and such.. plus we have a twin bed in there for a guest, or Cortney will sleep in there if we have a couple guests and give up her double bed.

This week my plans are to clean the house( deep, deep down cleaning), because with all this warm weather the dogs are beginning to blow their coats, get laundry done in one day, not all week as happened last week :o( Then if weather is still warm enough I have mudding and taping to finish in our mudroom/ back porch. I'm hoping to get out pots for starting our seedlings and get a mixture of compost( if thawed in the composter), soil and manure mixed in a big tub and ready ourselves for planting. Before we know it the end of Feb, will be here and this is the time to start some of our seeds( long germination times, mostly herbs), the remainder we'll finish planting in early to mid March.

We also have enough pork fat in the frig. to render for about a gallon jar of lard, the rest of the fat is in the freezer and will be rendered as needed. There is nothing like pie crust or pastries made with lard. I'm hoping that some of the fat will be rendered, along with beef tallow for making soap. This is one task I've not gotten around to, but plan to try my hand at it this summer.

We enjoyed our first package of bacon and was it wonderful. We trim our side pork so there is more meat than fat, the opposite of store bought bacon. The ham, well..... we'll have to plan on having friends over for a potluck supper, it weighs 12lbs.

It's almost chore time and I want to enjoy more time outdoors. Blessings to all and may your week may be productive too. :o)


Anonymous said...

What a neat idea! Making bundles of kindling! I am going to start doing that. We have many large trees that are always dropping dead branches! It never occured to me to do such a simple nifty thing!! debbie

Mickala Smith said...

I agree!! I think that is a wonderful idea!! Ed works 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off, which means that I have to fend for myself half of the winter and that sounds alot easier than chopping up a log every time. Tell Mike, Jon, and Cortney hello!! Keep posting your helpful hints!! Love ya! Mickala

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Hey Kala, Thanks for stopping in. Any recent pictures of your pups, if so please share, via email, we love them!

Take care and keep in touch.

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