Monday, February 16, 2009

Ho Hum Monday

It's now 2:30 pm and I don't feel as if I've even woken up fully. We had planned to get so much crossed off the "To Do" list. We had unexpected company arrive about 9:30 am, so this set us back a bit but we enjoyed our visit. Mondays are most always "Laundry Day".

That being said, Cortney headed outdoors to finish up some daily animal chores while I sorted and started a load of jeans. Then came breakfast and yes, supper dishes( shameful I know) left until this morning. First load of wash was ready for a rinse, then a few more minutes aggitation and finally run through the wringer. The day is cloudy but it is above normal temps with a slight breeze blowing, so drying time will be quick. Next is a load of dark clothes and I'm off to help Cortney haul wood to the outside woodbox. When woodbox was filled we headed indoors, Cortney to begin working on school work and I was on a mission to clean the refrigerator. Really the refrigerator wasn't messy, but I did however find some containers clearn in the back, you know the ones, contents look like nothing you served! The frig. all cleaned and rearranged, the seocnd load of wash was awaiting a rinse and aggitation.

Cortney had a few questions on Math and in Science, so we spent time looking into these. It was now time to put Mo, our horse, out onto pasture for a few hours grazing. Cortney put Mo out and cleaned his stall and corral and I fixed grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, carrot sticks and canned pears for dinner. Having dinner finished and dishes done again Cortney worked on finishing up school work and I took time to read a few articles in the "Local section" of the newspaper. I've been following a case of animals cruelty and there was an update and information on bills being brought before the House. These bills are designed to help with regulation of puppymills.

When cleaning the frig. I also was thinking of ways to use some leftovers from a few nights ago. Supper tonight will need to be ready, as Mike has EMT classes to help with tonight. I found steak, which will be made into a steakrice and served with leftover squash and buttermilk biscuits. Dessert will most likely be a fruit cobbler, apple blueberry or apple rhubarb, as they are easily put together from home canned apple pie filling and rhubarb or frozen blueberries.

Cortney's plans tonight is to work on some new jewelry designs( ear rings) and to get an idea of cost for beads and needed items to make more. She has a beading mentor who comes once a week and helps her with new techniques and gives an assignment to be finished by the following week.

I plan to work on researching CSA( Community Supported Agriculture) ideas online. I'm not sure CSA will catch on in our local area, so will need to focus on areas where we can advertise close enough that it will work. Area Farmer's Markets are still in our research as well. CSA would make our job easier, as the people would come here to pick up produce and possibly if we had a good following from the city, we could manage a drop point in the city.

Time to stoke the wood cookstove and get the brown rice cooking. Many blessing to each of you.


Barb said...

Hi Kelle,
I think you accomplished a lot today. I long for the day I can be home & do the chores. I know this sounds funny but I'd much rather be home than at work any day! I love doing things around the house. Hope when we make the big move to Wisconsin, I can do just that.
I have been thinking about getting a wringer washer when we move to the farm. Do you every wish you had a "modern" washer again? Just wondering how much time it takes. I can remember my Mom & Grandma using them. Our Amish neighbors use one powered by a diesel engine. I guess with 10 kids & one on the way, you need a little extra power!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Hi Barb,
I understand about a day at home being better than a day at work.I worked outside the home before we had our children and quite frankly I never liked it much. I've always been a homebody. We've been blessed enough for me to be a stay at home mom, coming on 21 yrs. It's involved a lot of work on my end to grow and preserve food, cook from scratch, buy in bulk,scrimp and save where ever possible, etc.... We've always believed in living below your means and yes we have been a one income family and have proven it can be done, but it takes sacrifice and hard work.

My washer is a Maytag and it's over 60 yrs old. I love it and will NEVER go back to a modern machine again. It gets clothes so much cleaner. The whites are white, not a dingy grey with the bottoms still looking dirty. It does involve that you be more involved( time wise) but I guess I've just adjusted and now it doesn't seem like much at all. I don't use rinse tubs in winter( no place to put them), so I fill wash with soap, drain, fill again, agitate and if water still looks dirty, I drain again and repeat with rinse and agitate, then wring them out and hang either on a wooden drying rack in front of the wood stove or on the outside clothesline. I do have a modern dryer, but simply prefer to use it very rarely( only if weather is forecasted to be bad for several days(when wood stove isn't in use) or we really need stuff quick.

My folks think we're a bit nuts and when Mike found the wringer washer for me they just kept saying, you're going to tear your arm off, you'll get tired of it,it will take you all week to get laundry finished, etc.... Well, I'm careful when dealing with the wringer and PTL haven't had anything caught, It's been two years now and I'm not sick of it, and if I'm not multi tasking I can have laundry finished and on the line in one day.LOL!They still shake their heads( more like scratch them!)

Love your site BTW. This whole blog thing is new to me. I'm still playing with this blog and trying to figure out stuff. See you on your blog!

Barb said...

My family thinks I am crazy when I talk of getting a wringer washer. Doing things mindfully really appeals to me. We haven't bought a washer or dryer for the farm yet...every time I see one like yours at antiquey stores I want one. Thanks for sharing how it is to use one. Your site is great! Hope you are having fun with it!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thanks Barb, praying you find a wringer washer for your farm. See you on the blogs

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelle,
I'm not sure this is blogging but I will try. As to washing clothes with an old fashioned wringer would not be for me but I see that you enjoy doing this. I don't mind the work but I have many other things I would rather do. Like playing on the computer and seeing what you all are doing??? Have a great time doing what you enjoy.

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