Sunday, November 28, 2010

Things change..... "Time is a factor", when living a homesteading life.

I don't think that I posted that Cortney is now employed( YEAH!!!!), she is working for a friend, Charlie, who lost his wife to a 6 yr battle with cancer just a little over a month ago. She works M-W-F; her job is to clean house, do laundry and cook meals for him. Monday she does the cleaning and laundry, plus cooks him lunch and puts something in the crock pot for his supper( if there isn't any leftovers from lunch). Wednesday and Fridays she does general pick up of the house, washes dishes and washes eggs and puts them away for Charlie. He is enjoying the fact that she prepares a menu and grocery list for him each week. So on Monday it takes her about 3 to 3-1/2 hours and the remaining two days approx. 1 to 1-1/2 hours. Tomorrow he's getting a crock pot of Cheeseburger Soup and a loaf of homemade bread and then the plan is for Wednesday's meal is Pork chops with mashed potatoes and gravy, enough to have leftovers for supper and then Friday we may not be needed as his family is coming up for a visit and his daughters are making homemade noodles and putting together turkey noodle soup for him. Since Cortney doesn't feel comfortable driving, due to her vision limitations, I am her taxi driver *wink* This means, even though our friends place is just 6-7 miles away that I have that much less time to get my daily chores done. So..... here comes the change, since I've been struggling to get laundry done and dried( on the drying racks) in a timely manner, Mike and I discussed bringing the clothes dryer back in to house to be used on the heavy items that typically take two days of more to dry on the racks. I didn't want to have to do this but Mike only has so many pairs of jeans and long johns and needs them to be there when her needs them so..... I agreed and he brought in the dryer.( see below)  I miss the room the dryer takes up but it is a convience and will help me with my time issues*sigh*

 Tuffy's favorite place, although he knows he's NOT supposed to be in the kitchen he sneaks in this far to lay by the warmth of the stove.... and I allow it*wink* He's NOT looking at me, because he knows he's not supposed to be in here, LOL!!!!
 The last of the seeds we've collected and saving(left) Delicatesse Cucumber and (right) Caped Gooseberry, now drying on wax paper and then will be stored in small glass jars downstairs in the pantry, awaiting our 2011 season :o)
Well, we didn't quite make it well into Dec with our tomatoes but close enough, it's still two months longer than any other season.  This last bowl I've been enjoying fresh and will make a small batch of salsa( I'm the only one who like it) and will can it for late enjoyment!  Then the canning items will be put away until next season.
Soon we'll begin our holiday baking adventure. Cortney was already rifling through the recipe box, digging out all of our "Family Favorites" and preparing a list of needed ingredients. I think we're pretty well set and may have to pick up one or two items, if that.  We will try to make at least one batch of a particular recipe a day and store in the freezer( for safe keeping*wink*) That isn't a always a sure fire way to keep them safe though, let me tell a story on Mike........   When we were first married and both working outside the home I baked Christmas goodies on the weekends and put them in the freezer out in our shed( which was also used as Mike's wood working shop, it was 24x16x10ft. Anyway I'd added and added and when it came time to put together plates for family, friends and neighbors, I went to retrieve in my frozen goodies, only to find many of the containers now only held one or two goodies! LOL!  I calmly asked Mike if he'd enjoyed the goodies and he grinned and said, I didn't eat all of them....... So now every year he has to live down this, LOL!!!!

It's snowing again and it's a heavy snow laden with moisture. We need the moisture, as our Fall was so dry and since we can take the back roads( which I'm the master of in winter, anything to avoid the highways*wink*) to Cortney's job.

So even though I dislike admitting I needed to compromise and begin using the clothes dryer again, if we've learned anything about homesteading it's that, it is always about compromise. When the weather cooperates we'll hang the clothes outside on the lines and the lightweight items, we'll still use the wooden drying racks, this will help to keep the electric bill in check!

Enjoy your new week :o)



Lois Evensen said...

It's so nice following along with your homesteading. I remember Mom hanging clothes outside. We don't have an area in the back for that and I am not going to put lines up in front of the house here, that's for sure. A clothes drier is certainly a convenience, but there is nothing like the smell of sheets dried outside in the wind and sun. :)

HossBoss said...

Frugality is not a one size fits all. We all have different needs and circumstances that influence our choices. I think Cortney's job sounds wonderful. Gives her a sense of purpose and a means to earn some income and provides the continuity of a wholesome lifestyle for Charlie which I'm sure is a comfort to him with the recent loss of his wife. What a blessing for both of them!

Tuffy is hoping that if HE doesn't see you, YOU won't see him. LOL I had a Sheltie once that used to back into the kitchen. One minute, he would be laying with his back to the kitchen, outside the doorway. When I turned around next, he would be back a foot or so through the doorway. If I said nothing, the next few minutes would see him completely just inside the door. Oh they think they are so subtle! LOL

Kids and Canning Jars said...

We line dry our clothes as well. I have a dryer... It is even in the laundry room of my house. But, every time I give in to "catch" up on a load it blows my fuses. So the laundry goes back on a line. I have a line draped across the laundry room twice. Thanks for sharing.

Faith said...

Tuffy is so funny. "If I don't look directly at her, she can't see me...."

I love animal personalities. He looks like a good dog. :o)

Congratualtions on Cortney's job! What a great one it is, to also be able to be a blessing, while being able to earn money. Her sweet heart is showing through, as always.


small farm girl said...

Good for Cortney! That's really nice of her to help out that feller. lol. It's also nice of you to help out her. hehehe. I liked the story about DH. Sounds like something my Hubby would do. lol.

Anonymous said...

Ah, here it is, the post on Courtneys new job! I thought I missed it somehow. What a great job for her. I hope she is enjoying it! Regarding the dryer, if it will help you out during the bad weather days, that is a good thing. I got a little chuckle out of Tuffy's spot by the warm stove - and how sweet of you to let him stay!! ...debbie

Hopeful said...

sounds like the man down the way lucked out getting courtney! they both benefit and that's so good. tuffy cracks me up... you're a softy and i love it! oh, i understand about dryer! i live in the desert where it' almost never moist so it's easy to dry outside but during our occassional storms with rain i wonder what i would do with only a clothes line. i think your time is better spent elsewhere than walking around clothes that wont dry during your winter. stay warm and hope mike is staying away from the sweets.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Cortney's job is a blessing for both, I agree! Charlie loves seeing her and enjoys her company( he's quite lonely now that wife is gone) and she makes a good hourly rate, so has monies for her own uses.

Tuffy is a dog that will truly melt your heart, he's not much of a lover but he is just so darn personable and CUTE in his actions. Mike says I spoil him, but it's really that he is like a bad child and you try not to grin or laugh! Casino, our Aussie, now he's the lover, loves to be pet and well just to be touched. He lays with his head or foot touching someone when we're sitting down for the evening. Fun how each animals can be so personable and indiviual. Many people never take the time to see this, but rather have the attitude tha they are just an animal with no feelings, NOT TRUE!
The local ranchers think we're weird because all of our animals are tame and easily handled but who is the smart one, us who can halter and lead our cows and they trust us so when illness or injury happens it's not so tramatic for them nor us,or those who have to run them into a squeeze shoot and hog tie them do do anything with them and the animal is scared to death?

Thank you all for your comments, we enjoy them so much!

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