Friday, November 19, 2010

The forecast was true!

The snow has arrived, now awaiting the bitter cold!  Sunday's high is supposed to be 21F with a low of -2F Monday and Tues. aren't much better and then by Wednesday we'll be warming back up into the mid to high 30's F. As I've said before I don't mind the snow, but the bitter cold is hard on the animals, the vehicles and well..... not much fun to be out in period.  
 This was taken at 6:30 am this morning, we'd already shoveled the walk and patio once but it is still snowing. We're forecasted to receive 10-14" of snow by tonight. All I can say is we need the moisture and it's a good wet snow( high moisture content, of course snow is WET! LOL!!!!)
 Everything looks so clean and crisp, glad everything is tucked in for the winter. Well, not 100% true, we still need to cut back the asparagus and mulch them with compost but we can do that this weekend.
 The sunflower heads are already picked pretty well clean buy all the little birds, but I like the look of them with snow on them, sort of a redneck winter flowerbed*wink* Plus the stalks and heads make excellent fire starters. :o)
 Oooppps! Cortney's sheets are all full of snow, nothing a good shaking won't get rid of and then we'll opt to bring them inside to finish drying on the wood racks by the stove.
The Mum a friend blessed us with, we thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful flowers and now it's time to plant it in a big pot tote of soil in the hoop house, for a long winter's rest. Next Spring I'll figure out where to permanently plant it. 

We milled and processed down approx 20 qt of tomatoes, down into a nice thick sauce, canning into 7 qt jars. Their destiny will be decided when the time comes to use them.We still have approx. 15-20 qt of tomatoes ripening yet!

 I hope to can the kraut this afternoon. I have to round up jars and get them sterilized first.

Mike is still enjoying his job, even working in these conditions. He has plenty of good winter clothes, insulated bibs, really good snow boots, good heavy winter gloves, and a stormy chromer hat!  They are finishing up a 20x 24 x10ft shop building, being totally wrapped up on Wednesday and, moving onto their next job. He is learning new techniques for building and has been a great value already to the foreman.
The nice thing about this job, even though weather plays a role, is that they have jobs set up for building sheds and small buildings and they can build the walls and floor in their big shop and haul to be assembled on site, placing the trusses, roofing( all metal roofing now, it's to cold for shingles at this point) and siding on them a the site.  So we're hoping they'll keep enough work to get through the winter weather and into Spring.

Well ...... I need to get a load of firewood hauled and some other misc. outside chores done.
I'm thinking the left over pot of vegetable venison soup and homemade biscuits sounds good for supper.

Blessings for your day :o)


Lois Evensen said...

What great winter shots. I really do love the seasons, even though we can't do quite as much outside. We still have firewood to split and we'll be set for snowy evenings here, too.

Hopeful said...

i'm sure the snow isn't fun to be in, but the pictures make it look so pretty and inviting! it's great to watch you go through the change of seasons with your photos. i'm glad mike has warm clothes - wow! good luck with wrapping up the final chores. we're getting ready for pretty big rain storm so i gotta do a couple final little things to the chicken coop today. have a wonderful day!

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

Love the pics!

The weather is headed our way soon.

Tracy said...

Brrrrr..!!! Can you hold it up there for a few days, please, and not let it come down to our area? I need to spend all weekend cutting firewood.... :)

Faith said...

I'm so glad God has given you so much skill, wisdom, strength and forethought to be able to be so settled in and prepared for your long cold winters.

I have been outside, shaking my head at our shorts and shirtsleeve sunny weather - while building a greenhouse for winter. It's holding off for so long (I'm grateful) that it almost seems it won't get here. But I want to use this amazing weather wisely by getting as much done as possible.

May the Lord bless your canning lids and keep them from popping. May your firewood burn long and hot. May pockets of warm air find many nestling spaces in your greenhouse. May your animals find much shelter from wind and warmth from each other. And may all your engines start this winter.


Modern Day Redneck said...

I can't believe how short your summer was. How do yall get anything done? I love the cold but not all year long.

Theres just life said...

Sounds like a good supper for a cold day. I like the pictures of the snow fall. I don't get it too often down here in Texas.

Cinnamon said...

Oh all your lovely snow ~ looks so beautiful :-) We are still waiting for ours. The kids are aching for some snow to run and play in. But I will be snug as a bug inside with my hot tea :-)


Kat said...

BRRRRR!! Keep that fire going and stay warm. Looks like good hot chocolate weather to me. Blessings from the south, Kat

small farm girl said...

The snow is pretty, but keep it up there with you. I don't want any down here! lol. I'm glad your Dh is liking his job. It's hard to find a job, let alone one he likes. You are so blessed.

Tonia said...

These pictures reminded me that I am NOT ready for that stuff!lol
Glad about the new job working out so well!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Beautiful winter snow photos; we've only had one small snow and hope more to come. So glad your husband is enjoying his new job; what a blessing and a gift, especially at this time of year and in this economy.

Chai Chai said...

Love the pictures. We are right next door in MN so I am not looking forward to the cold. Frozen water buckets are my life and dread now!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I'm sorry I haven't answered each of you, but please know we enjoy your comments so much. Just sometimes, "Life Happens" and I get to far behind and a bit overwhelmed with answering each comment personally.

It's been cold here and we had the same drain line freeze that has given us fit for two winters. Now Mike thinks we have it fixed and I pray it is, as it's the line to our washing machine and I don't look forward to hauling buckets of wash and rinse water outside, not that we haven't done this before
(before we had a drain line for the washer, that's how we did it*wink*) It's just a pain if you don't have to!LOL!!!

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