Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kraut is finished!

 Literally down to our last 6 qt. jars!  I do have some old mayo jars in the garage, but really hesitate using them for canning, we typically use them for  storing dried foods and seeds.
 After removing the plate, this is what it looks like and I wish you could smell it, Ummmm, Ummmm! Now Mike and Cortney don't agree that it smells good, LOL!!!!   It's an acquired smell and taste I guess.

 Simmering on the wood stove to heat up for canning with jars sterilizing in the pan behind.
 Here are some of the jars of oven roasted tomatoes, milled and cooked down into a paste and 5 of the 6 qts. of kraut. One of the jars went right into the refrigerator for eating ASAP!
One more batch of tomatoes and we'll be all through canning, I just hope and pray we empty enough jars in time to can the last batch of sauce*wink*   Such a problem to have*wink*

It's still snowing here, we have approx. 12-14" of snow and it's due to get bitter cold tonight, -4F and will stick around for the next several days, clearing out by Thanksgiving. Day.

Whoot, Whoot! we just sold our last turkey, making 7 sold this year! We're hoping people will like them enough to want one ever year! If our hens don't have better success setting and hatching, we'll purchase poults and let them raise them( sneak them under them on the nests at night)

I think we'll concentrate on marketing our turkeys and garlic and the rest we'll just raise for our own uses. Both the turkeys and garlic seem to be a good selling products for us.  :o)

Well, it's time for evening chore, since the time change it's dark here by 4:30pm*sigh* 
Blessings for your Sunday


Nita said...

Love sourkraut and this really looks yummy.
love your daily pictures and stories. Keep it up.
Great Sunday tomorrow, Sunday soup with Peters, bros, nephews, niece and Marge. Guess I best get my baking done. Prayers to all

Mama Mess said...

Alright, I'm going to make kraut next year. I love the stuff, but I'm the only one. Looks like I could make a batch and that would be enough for me for the year! Congrats on selling your turkey! We are going to raise some in the spring. It will be our first time for turkey raising. God bless!

Lois Evensen said...

Just love kraut and yours looks fabulous. :)

We had our cabbage a little differently tonight, though. We had Norwegian cabbage and lamb tonight made by the resident Viking himself. Yum.

Congrats on the turkey sales! Every little bit helps. We are getting fresh turkeys this year, too.

Tonia said...

Sorry kraut is not something for me.. The tomatoes look good though! Yeah for selling the turkey!
This getting dark so early messes with me... It makes it feel like its midnight! You check the clock its 6:30..... Ick..
I have been blessed with a bunch of garlic that I will be planting Monday.I am so excited!!
Oh and please keep all the snow.. I am so not ready for it yet!lol

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Enjoy your time with the family tomorrow. We're kicking back and taking it easy, for a change*wink* One of the small pleasures of winter.HUGS and Love

Once you've had homemade kraut you'll NEVER go back to store bought. You can tweek it to your tastes, we don't add a lot of salt to ours( all the salt does it draw out the moisture from the cabbage and to much makes the kraut almost bitter tasting. PS. I use sea salt when making mine. You can also make it in the jars, look in a Blue Ball canning book, I think it tells you how there. I did this for years before I found my crock at a garage sale. :o)

We were given a lamb roast but have never had any, so not sure what to do with it. Would your Viking share some ideas.... please???

I understand, Kraut is an acquired taste for sure.*wink*
I don't like it either, getting dark so early that is. I'm feeling ready for bed and look at the clock and it's 7:30pm, LOL!!!
You'd better hurry, winter bound to come your way at some point! I'm still mulching my herbs and asparagus, gives me something to do, so I don't gain back weight lost over the Spring and Summer*wink* Besides even if it is cold I enjoy being outside, that is until I get cold*wink* I actually love to shovel the walks and paths to the firewood and whatnot. I know I'm weird, LOL!!!!
Praying you get everything all wrapped up before winter heads your way.
Blessings to each of you and thank you for your comments :o)

Hopeful said...

wow, the kraut looks GREAT! wish i could run over and get a jar! ha ha. so glad you're almost done canning and do hope you find enough jars! stay warm, cozy up and have a nice, relaxing sunday. blessings!

Denise said...

Well I must be very lucky cause my DH and I loooooovvvvvveee kraut! It tastes good on hotdogs and mashed potatoes yummm. I dont have a crock though. I got a really large glass jar from Old Time Pottery and I put the cabbage in there. Works great! Still on the lookout for a crock though never can have too many containers ;)

Oh and I put caraway seeds in one batch of kraut. Makes it taste a little bit different from the norm.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I wish you were close enough to do that too*wink* It would be nice to have likemind folks a bit closer.

You are lucky to both like it, but I don't mind that Mike and Cortney don't like it, it leaves more for ME! LOL!*wink*
I'll have to remember the caraway seeds next year and do a half batch like that. I also have a recipe for lacto fermenting beets, turnips and carrots( shredded) that I'd like to make a small batch of next year.
I used gallon jars until I was blessed with my crock. I found it at a garage sale, one chip in the top rim, no cracks( 6 gallon Redwing) for $20, the man didn't know what he had, or I figured he didn't care, because it was an estate sale after his Mom passed away.

Anonymous said...

Oh your kraut looks great. We grew up eating kraut. Esp. love it on a good brat. I miss a good WI/MN brat. I have not tried making kraut. I know someday I will. Right now our cabbages are growing well, but haven't started to form up yet. I know you have just had snow, but I am amazed how temperate our day was. 75 day and 65 tonight. A bit warm. Sincerely, Emily

Anonymous said...

My mouth watered as I gazed upon your yummy Kraut! Mmmm! Bob and I both love it and have it quite often with pork chops or hot dogs. You have a LOT of snow! I had no idea you'd get that much so early. Is it a freak storm?? E-gads. I would imagine, fresh turkey for Thanksgiving would be sooo yummy! Mine is a Butterball, but would rather have one of yours!! ...debbie

Faith said...

I've never done sauerkraut. I actually have not eaten it in many years. Seems I had it a few time when I was a child and not since.

But I love the fermented foods approach to increasing our immune systems and GI tracts. I still want to make some one day.

How many jars of produce did you put up this year? I'm picturing thousands, and I'm picturing you amazing.


Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thanks for the compliment on our turkeys, once you've had a fresh turkey it's hard to go back to store bought*wink*
It is kind of a freak storm, this is typically January weather, so praying this isn't a sign of what our winter will be like*sigh* I'm glad it's only really end of Dec and Jan. that are typically so bitter cold. I just try to take it one day at a time and soon enough the seed cataloges start coming and Spring seems just around the corner. Besides I have some indoor projects lined up to keep Cortney and I busy, then add in animals chores, her job, hauling wood for the wood box and we'll be quite busy, yet again a more relaxed busy.:o)

You can make kraut in the canning jars if so desired, I did this for years before I found the crock. I also used gallon pickle jars for larger batches. I tried some lacto fermented relish and it is good! Next year we're going to lean more toward this sort of preserving, because as you said it is so good for you.
We really didn't can much this year, maybe 100 jars, but added to what we canned extras of last year( beans, apples, juices from grapes, choke cherries, pickles, relish and salsas) we have around 800 and 900 jars( qts, pints and jelly)and they are all full! PTL! We actually have to empty( eat and enjoy) some to finish canning our last batch of tomatoes, which are ripening up nicely. Hey let's not forget you are an amazing woman too, look at all you and Ds do, sometimes reading your posts I'm blown away, working your jobs, gardening, being so involved in wonderful groups of people and keepign up and building new projects at your place. You and Ds are amazing! :o)

Christmas-etc... said...

What a very interesting blog you have here and mainly because you are living life as life was meant to be lived!! My mother in law (who is now 98!)told us stories of when she was young - how people grew their own food and were totally self-sufficient in all respects. I think it is something most of us yearn for today, something instinctive even...but don't know how to reach it.
Thanks so much for sharing. If you had a follow button I would follow along!
Please join me at my history blog!
I'd love to have you!

Tracy said...

12-14 inches of snow? Brrrrr! Keep it up there a bit longer, please. I'm just not ready for snow yet. But we are supposed to have a storm come through here Wednesday night, so I suppose I'd better buck up and be ready!

You'll have to email me the tips and tricks to harvesting and selling garlic. We have tons of garlic (what my grandma planted apparently spread all over the place) but we rarely harvest or even use much of it, much less sell it. I should learn how to optimize this plant.

Christmas-etc... said...

Okay! I found it (I don't think it was showing yesterday... or maybe my eyes had been looking at a computer screen too long!!)! I am now your newest follower and so looking forward to following you around your never done farm!

Rinkly Rimes said...

I enjoyed having a glimpse of a life so different from my own.

redgirl said...

I just started canning this year. it was an experience. lol

Laurie said...

I do not can anymore, but it is so satisfying and your jars look wonderful! I hope you have a blessed and warm Thanksgiving!

MarkD60 said...

I like your blog, and I LOVE Sauerkraut! And the tomato sauce looks fantastic. I will be coming back to visit often.

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