Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bits and pieces of our Thanksgiving Day

Our plan was to get up and feed the cows at 5:30am, stoke up to wood cook stove and put ole' turkey in around 6am. The turkey weighed approximately 22 lbs, so we calculated that, we'd be ready to eat around 2pm. I made the whole wheat rolls the day before, when I made our weekly bread and yesterday I made the jello salad, apple blueberry crisp and the stuffing. This left only the relish tray, turkey, potatoes and gravy to really get ready today. My parents brought relish tray items and a sweet potato hot dish.

This was a stash of dried sourdough bread slices from the freezer reserved for stuffing. My parents, Cortney and myself are the only ones who eat stuffing, so a small pan is plenty.
The stuffing is not from a recipe but rather, just a bit of mixing  and playing. So every year the stuffing is something different. This stuffing was sourdough bread, chopped walnuts, celery, onion, garlic and finally I decided to throw in some dried cranberries, salt, pepper, chopped sage and rosemary from our herb garden. Added 1/4 c. butter and turkey broth until slightly moist. The smell of the herbs, garlic and onions was divine. I don't stuff this into the bird, because it is just a small batch, so instead place it in a baking dish.

I forgot to get a picture of the turkey before we cut it up, but you still get the idea and boy was it tender and juicy. My Dad likes the legs so he got the one missing in this photo.
This was the overflow table, as there was so much food it wouldn't all fit onto our smaller dropleaf  table. Everything but the, celery, sweet potatoes, green and black olives and the blueberries in the dessert came from right here on the farm.
A table full and everyone enjoyed our Thanksgiving Day feast. It was just my Dad, Mom, Cortney, myself and Mike. After everyone ate, the men meandered out to the living room, where they watched the Dallas and New Orleans football game(Mike and Cortney are Cowboy fans) Mom, Cortney and I cleared the table and collected up the leftovers.

The view from my side of the table, see how full my plate is and let me tell you it was all delicious!
Our weather was still quite cold, it was the windchill that made it so. Tomorrow is supposed to be well into the high 20'sF and Saturday is forecasted to be 34F, it's going to seem like a heatwave, YEAH!!!!!
I like to make pies, but because of lack of time I opted to make Apple Blueberry Crisp, topped with whipped cream. I was actually to full (I still am*sigh*) so passed on dessert, but everyone else said it was good. It was made with apples that Cortney and I canned the year before and I added walnuts to the crumble topping to dress it up a bit. It sure smelled good while it was baking last night. :o)

The table all cleared and my favorite candle lantern burning . Praying your Thanksgiving was blessed. We were Thankful not to have to travel, many of the roads in and around Montana were closed due to poor visibility, blowing snow and black ice.

All of our animals got their Thanksgiving Day goodies and all gave it two paws, hooves or feet up!*wink*

Now we're simply enjoying the remainder of our evening, watching a movie, enjoying hot tea( me), hot cocoa( Cortney) and a fresh hot cup of coffee( Mike). Our home is toasty and warm and our stomachs full . I also love that now we'll have leftovers for the weekend, so I don't have to cook :o)


Nita said...

This looks so wonderfull. Sure did have a great meal at Junes, my gosh she feed over 40 people. I have a bit of the flu so I went home early. Fran, John and the kids stayed for dinner tonight...left overs.
Your dinner looks great. Lots of great work. Miss you all

Faith said...

What a lovely Thanksgiving meal. Looks utterly scrumptious! And that's not a word you see every day.

Many blessings to you!


Lynn Bartlett said...

Glad you had such a nice day. Ours was very quiet, with just our family. Our son had to vacuum at the local ministry center to get ready for a wedding, and we weren't sure he would make it out of the driveway since the plow hasn't come through from the last storm. I'm thankful he made it okay. It's cold here, too. I like how you have a big window where you eat your meals, it would be so nice to look outside while eating.

Lois Evensen said...

Thank you for sharing the images of your wonderful meal. We had a great family Thanksgiving here, too, and have a refrigerator for of leftovers for tomorrow and the next day.

Grandpa said...

Well done Kelle! The turkey sounds and looks huge. Thanks for showing us a glimpse of your family and home. I'm happy for you it all went smoothly

Peggy said...

I am up and hungry. How about sharing some of that yummy dessert. LOL Have a wonderful blessed day.

Modern Day Redneck said...

Everything looks great. I am glad we did not travel as well but not because of the weather here, just because of the hassle of traveling. I hope yall have a good weekend and stay warm.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

So glad y'all had a grand Thanksgiving. We did, celebrated with friends who provided the meal and I provided the pies...then left them. How wonderful! I had a small piece of each and then walked away...lovely.

Hopeful said...

what a nice description! seems that everyone had a good time and the table and food look so great. that dessert looks GREAT - i wanted to reach through and grab it for a taste! enjoy your leftovers and glad it's going to warm up a bit.

Mama Mess said...

We had a lovely day as well. Waay too much to eat that's for sure! I just love the picture of your kitchen with your cookstove in the background and I love that your table is in front of that nice big window!

God Bless Kelle and stay safe and warm!

Tracy said...

Kelle, that looks like a marvelous Thanksgiving Day! I was going to post up photos today of ours, as well, but neglected to get the photos uploaded from the camera. Maybe by the first of next week....

Love the stuffing. Yours sounds very tasty. We don't actually stuff the bird with ours, as my mom is a vegetarian, but she likes stuffing, so I keep the meat juices out of it.

We ate so much......we are so blessed.

Anonymous said...

Your dinner looked mighty good. Would like some apple blueberry crisp. yum. It was about 65 degrees here. We had all the windows and doors cracked to let in the cool air. The ovens were heating things up!! ...debbie

small farm girl said...

It may have been cold outside, but your Thanksgiving dinner never looked more cozzy. I hope it was a good one.

Mel said...

Whatever would we do, without all these turkeys to eat for our Thanksgiving holiday... Ours was just a tad over 22 lbs. as well, and oh so moist. As a matter of fact, ours looked just like yours. LOL

Your blueberry crumble makes me crave blueberries.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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