Sunday, November 28, 2010

New snowfall photos and it's still snowing.....

 You can see where we shoveled the patio( twice already), earlier and it needs to be done again!
This storm it seems is stuck over us and is forecasted to give us as much as 9 to 12" more snow by morning .  I will add that at least it isn't frigid and we need the moisture, as our Fall was extremely dry.
I've said it many times I don't mind the snow but really dislike the bitter temperatures. Even driving Cortney to and from work, we simply leave early and take the back roads and drive slow. As long as the wind doesn't blow we'll be fine, otherwise we may have to cancel, as the road to Charlie's will drift in, making it impassable until the plows get to it and from what we're seeing the plows will be busy on the highways early tomorrow.  Just thought I'd share with some of you who don't typically get snow, it is beautiful isn't it?


Lois Evensen said...

Yes, it is beautiful. I agree it's no fun, though, when you have to drive somewhere in it!

Theres just life said...

Yes it is very beautiful. Hope you don't get stuck. Stay warm and have a cup of hot tea or coffee for me as well.

Nita said...

Wow, we are supposed to get about an inch tonight. But I agree, we need the snow. Nice pictures, hugs to all.

MarkD60 said...

That is so cool! I haven't seen snow in person in 10 or 12 years!

Faith said...

It is beautiful. Michael would love this. I could tolerate it twice a year, just so he could go sledding, but then I want to be able to warm up again nicely.

Your home and life is so cozy. :o)


Judy said...

Look at all that snow...I can't wait to see what our first snowfall or snow storm is going to be like up here on the ridge. I do think it's beautiful!

Farming On Faith said...

Just beautiful. Enjoy!!
I love snow~before Christmas! tehe

Have a great day!

small farm girl said...

Yes, it is beautiful. But, you can keep it all up there. hehehee

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! so much snow!! and yes! it is so pretty! Especially when it gets so deep, everything looks like a wonderland. I didn't know Courntey has a job! I must have missed that somehow! Congratulations Courtney!! I hope the road stays cleared for you!! ...debbie

V.L. Locey said...

It is beautiful but I won`t fight you for it! =)

Mama Mess said...

It is beautiful. I like snow, but we don't usually get much here. Be careful out there!

Tracy said...

Wow - that's a lot of snow! Glad you are staying pretty snug and warm. I understand what you are saying about the moisture needed, too! Okay, I will admit it -- the snow is very pretty. :)

Hopeful said...

holy moly!!! now, that's some snow. i sure hope you're staying warm and tuffy is close to the stove!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Beautiful or not, let me tell you it was HEAVY and very wet! Cortney and I spent yesterday afternoon shoveling paths to the barns, coops and woodshed and it was no easy chore. I guess I know that my ticker( heart is in good working order*wink*) My approximation for the inches of snow received was 15-18", but Mike says closer to the 15 inch mark. The moisture is a blessing, as our pastures were so dry from our dry Fall, now to get the ground fozen to hold it there until Spring thaw*wink*

Ever tried to push/ pull a manure loaded wheel barrow through 15+" of wet snow, let me tell you it's not easy!
To look at it in a positive light we're getting our exercise this winter*wink*

Cheryl said...

The snow is so pretty! I am waiting for snow like that here. We have had a light dusting only so far. Hopefully soon!!!

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