Now for the interesting news and the blessing of how God works in our lives..... You may or may not know that Mike is the manager of a Farm and Ranch Coop, has been for a little over 3 yrs, and this store is in the midst of a building a new facility, so currently the store is in a temporary location. Over the course of the new building being constructed Mike and his employees have been asked about the arrangement of the new store, what will be new, how many gas pumps, etc..... Well... this is where the story begins; Mike passed on some of the questions to the main store and asked how they should answer the questions, because they hadn't been told, in fact during this whole process neither Mike nor any of the 3 employees were asked for input of their ideas. Two weeks ago the Farm and Ranch boss and the main store boss were up meeting with contractors and stopped in to fill in Mike and his crew with some of the news of the new store. After everyone asked their questions and made comments the two bosses informed the crew that they needed to submit resumes and what job they'd like to have in the new store. Mike was then told that he too would have to re-apply, submit a resume and interview, as they were opening up his position via an ad in the local city newspaper. This caught Mike totally off guard, especially when there was never any complaints with his job performance, in fact quite to the contrary and the company had just shelled out over $600 to send Mike to a management training seminar, a two part seminar with the last week being completed just a week earlier. In fact, Mike did so well he received an award ( see below)
That Saturday the ad in the city newspaper came out. Of course Mike was barraged by all the local customers, asking if he'd resigned or been fired. He could only say neither applied and if they really wanted to know they'd have to contact the main office. It was very humiliating for him though. When he submitted his resume, he was told that the interview would be set up the following week, all of this was handled in a very cold and distant manner. The interview was scheduled for Wednesday at 9am, upon his arrival he was informed he was the first of 10 interviews being held that day for his currently held position. They also informed him they wanted to act as if he were a stranger to them in the interview. Many things didn't feel right and the interview ended with the question," If you don't get chosen for this position how will you feel?" Well, really! how do they think he'll feel, he will effectively be demoted or possibly even laid off. Mike refused to answer that question. They then informed Mike they'd notify him by Friday of their decision( which they did not do). When he came home that evening we discussed this for hours, prayed about it and discussed it some more and prayed some more. You see when Mike attained this job, he wasn't looking for a job, but rather was approached by the company via a friend's suggestion. We'd always prayed to find a job closer to home but most local town jobs didn't pay enough to make our mortgage and other monthly expenses. Thursday morning a friend came in and out of the blue offered Mike a job, knowing what had been happening over the past few weeks. The job is a family owned business, working from 7am to 4 pm with weekends off, unless you so choose to work if weekends are needed to finish up a project. The pay offered is approximately the same as he's making as manager of the Coop. So once again God provided a job before it was even needed! Mike will give his notice, Monday being his final day. Considering the circumstances of how poorly this whole situation was handled, he would typically give a two week notice as a courtesy, but he considers the last two weeks his fulfillment of that courtesy. He starts his new job Tuesday morning :o)
Herbs and millet drying on the front entryway.
More herbs drying, many have been taken down, and prepared for storage, stored in glass jars.
This week, we'll be canning pickled carrots........ After we stored all we could in the cellar we still had several gallons of carrots to do something with, so.. we'll store some in the refrigerator for immediate use as well as make pickled carrot sticks. :o)
and canning tomatoes, they've ripened up nicely on the front entryway. The salad crops in the hoop house are coming along nicely and have withstood several freezes. I'll be glad to enjoy fresh greens well into Nov. and possibly even Dec.
Blessings for your new week. :o)
Wow, congratulations on the new job. I'm so glad that it all worked out OK.
That's wonderful news, Kelle. good for your husband! Blessings are good, unexpected blessings are the best!
: )
Oh Kelle, that is great news! God's timing is perfect. I'm glad everything is working out for you guys. It's about time. lol.
I am so proud of Cortney and Mike that my heart is singing for joy. Business today is the pits but you have the sense God gave you to do what is right for you and your family. Leroy also gives you kudos. Love you all
Look at all of the goodness that is going on around you! Those tomatoes are so beautiful and all of those herbs drying...I can almost smell them.
I wanted to try to get in touch with you about the seed swap I am hosting. I do not have your email info. If you are still interested you can email me at:
and I will give you the rest of the info. Hope you are sounds like you are!
Sounds like and underhanded way of getting out of paying unemployment. Congratulations on the new job. God truly does provide. Blessings, Kat
Congratulations on the new job, what a blessing. God is good. Congrats to Cortney also.
Congratulations to Courtney for a job well done! Guess she will be joining the work force soon! good luck! You are the second blogger that this has happened too! Another blogger "First Time" had the same situation. He had been working at a radio station for a long time and they told him his job was ending and that he would have to re-apply and he didn't get his job back and is still unemployed. I don't understand why businesses are doing this?? What is the matter with people these days? Could be they want younger people so they can pay less money to save money....I don't know. I am glad that Mike was able to get another job! God does work in wonderous ways!! ...debbie
Congratulations to your whole family!
Your comments always make me smile :o) It's a blessing for sure!
You got that right and so many never even see the many blessings in their lives. Just confirms for us that God is watching over us :o)
We've had our challenges this year, in the way of animal losses and even though we don't understand the whys right now and may never we take solice in the fact that to everything there is a season. I'm glad Mike was so blessed with the out of the blue job offer, as he was quite down about this whole situation. God is Good!
AKA MIL*wink* So glad you finally figured out how to post your comments :o)
Thank you for your support and God definately blessed us during this whole situation. Love to you and Leroy too.
Earth Mama,
The whole house smells wonderful, well.... except on area in the kitchen where the crock of sauer kraut is fermenting away*wink* We absolutely feel blessed to have all of these tomatoes, after years and years of fighting to get enough to make a few qts of sauces and canned tomatoes.We are running low on qt jars now, had to purchase pints earlier this season and what a blessing it is!
I'll contact you about the swap, hopefully by mid week :o)
It is an underhanded way of treating a hard working employee, whom they've never really even had complaint with. God is good and it will all work out. The company will be hurting, as there are a great multitude of customers who are very upset about how this was handled and most do not kow that Mike is actually leaving, this will fuel their anger I'm sure. I feel sorry for the next manager, as he/ she will have some big shoes to fill, in the eyes of the customers.
Thank you, Cortney is so proud and has even been on one interview for a part time position, although she was not chosen, it was a great learning experience. Mike is so relieved and already his general mood is better, he's been under so much pressure, for months now, that he was well... sort of always a bit crabby*wink*
Sadly it's happening all around us and it's in part due to we've become a disposable society, now even employees fit this category. Gone are the days of an employee working for 25-30 yrs for one company. What with outsourcing and the flooded unemployment market these companies has no loyalty, nor any ethics and know that people are hungry for work and will work for far less than they should. Someday, maybe not soon, these companies are going to rue the day they set this president. They whine and complain now about how they can't find people that are loyal or have any work ethic, well the way I'm seeing it they've created this whole mess and soon it will dawn on them that they are reaping their rewards. All the people who are good,loyal, hard workers are moving on, starting businesses of their own, so all the companies will be left with are the workers that they've created. Enough said, rant over tomorrow is a new day PTL! :o)
Congrats Cortney!
God is good!! He knows what we need, even when we aren't really too sure about it. I'll bet He instrumented this whole shebang so that when the friend approached Mike, he'd be ready to accept the job. Once again GOD IS GOOD!!
Your herbs looks so lovely drying there! How wonderful to be able to eat fresh salad in November!
this post really made me smile!! ah, how wonderful! congratulations courtney... it will be no time at all before she also has a job! and, the fact mike got that job offer is priceless. yes, the coop handled the situation less than poorly. so, glad god opened up something better to someone who deserves it! hope you all have a wonderful week. look foward to hearing about courtney's searches and mike's report on his new work.
You do have a lot going on! A lot of which can weigh you down. I am glad things are falling into the right places. What a great thing!! Sincerely, Emily
It always amazes me how God provides. Glad Mike was offered the job and I agree he owes the company no loyality for treating him like that.
Love all the herbs hanging!! I bet it smells great minus the kraut "cooking"! Lol
Hope the transitions to his new jobs goes smoothly!
Hey there! Thanks for the update, and comments over at my blog. Ideas on the carrots. Chop, slice, dice however suites your fancy and dehydrate. They will last forever if properly stored. Also, I am not sure if in your homestead animals you have horses, if you do then you know they loooooooove carrots. Good luck and enjoy the bounty.
It is awesome that Mike will now get to work with a friend he knows and trusts, and be home on weekends! God is indeed awesome!
Congrats to Cortney, too - and I'm sure she learned a lot through that whole process -- although I still hope she finds a job that involves animals -- a great gift like that (her way with animals) is rare and should be encouraged.
I just love good news :)
Great ending, to such a terrible ordeal from the start.
God Is Good...
Well! What ungrateful and rude employers Mike had. Pretty insulting, and what is sad is that they didn't even seem to notice how insulting the whole things was.
Praising God with you for His provision and a new Job for Mike. Woot!
Praise God for taking care of y'all; He knew before what your needs would be.
Good wife,
Thanks for your comments and I know God was at work in all of this.:o)
I love herbs dry, the whole house smells good!
I agree the Coops loss is the new employers gain! Thanks for being excited for Cortney and we will have new and an update on how Mike's new job is going after a week or so. The part I'm( selfishly) looking forward to is that he'll have off every weekend, unless he chooses to work overtime.:o)
It is a great thing and as swiftly as God handled it we truly didn't have a chance to be weighed down or even stressed, it is truly a blessing :o)Thank you for commenting and praying that new babe is well. I know that you and yours are enjoying your new little blessing :o)
I agree but funny thing is that when he got to tell his bosses( face to face) they still didn't thik they'd done anything wrong and that Mike was just being overly sensative. The main store boss even told of how something similar happened to him and he just worked harder and strived to prove his boss wrong and that he was the man for the job. Mike said I understand that but I'm NOT trying to climb to corporate ladder and I am working( was) this job, because I liked it not because I needed it. He said the look on his face was priceless. They just don't understand the freedom living a simply life grants you. They did call Mike, twice after he told them face to face, to see if he'd changed him mind. The bosses had come up tom tell him what they'd ecided, but he didn't give them the chance and he never asked wht their offer was either, he said he didn't want to know and at that point it was irrelevent anyway.
Thanks for your hints, I will most likely keep them fresh in the cellar and pickle a few qt jars full. We aren't partical to dehydrated carrots, they just don't taste as sweet when rehydrated.Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.
She's hoping to find something working with animals or in her comfort zone of housekeeping, cooking whatnot and close to home would be a plus. Thanks for stopping in :o)
You took the words right out of my mouth! Thanks for your imput*wink*
They'd convinced themselves they'd done nothing wrong, even though people( customers as well as his employees) were upset and voicing their opinions. The main store boss told Mike that people in this area are strange in their way of thinking and it was nothing personal and that the job, truly was a whole new position. Mike asked him, " Am I not the store manager for Town and Country now?, Plus you advertised it as Manager of the ( name of the town) Town and Country Supply" an and the bosses reply was,
" yes but this is a whole new position and different because of the added Convience store and food court" Mike replied," You're kind of splitting hairs aren't you?"
Mike finished out his day, did the days books, left his keys and company cell phone on the counter and walked away. Whether or not they got it, really is no concern of Mikes, not any longer*wink* Mike is beginning to come back to his old mannerisms, he's been unhappy with this job for quite some time and didn't even share it with me, but I knew because he was stressed and not his happy, joking self and hadn't been for many months. Thanks for the congrats, he's smiling big again, PTL!
That is what truly speaks volumes to us. God was there and had it all worked out, he was just waiting for Mike to hand it over to Him :o) Thank for stopping by to chat.
Wow, Kelle, your family has sure been through the mill! What a blessing to have a new job without having to wait on his current one. The Lord surely is our Provider. Looking forward to hearing good things.
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