Friday, December 17, 2010

We've been tagged....:o)

I was tagged by Mark to do this list of fours.. I haven't done any tags in a long time.... and I happen to have some free time today! 
1. Four TV shows that you watch:

Okay but all of ours are oldies;
The Walton's
 Little House on the Prairie
 The Beverly Hillbillies
2. Four things you are passionate about:
our farm
our animals
3. Four words/phrases you say a lot:
Smile your face might crack!
It's a long ways from your heart and it's all uphill
What the Heck
Oh My,What a Day
4. Four things you've learned from the past:
Don't play with anything that will one day be bigger than you!(IE: a calf)
If you eat it you WILL gain weight
Children grow up and have their own opinions
Sometimes you just can't beat death, no matter how hard you try( IE: animals dying)

5. Four places you would like to go:
6. Four things you did yesterday:
Went to the bank
Went to a Christmas tea party
Baked Christmas goodies
Did chores in the dark
7. Four things you are looking forward to:
having more time with my husband
baby animals
8. Four things you love about Winter:
It's our down time, so we rest and catch up on other indoor projects, such as reading, crafts, cooking...
The warmth of our wood cook stove and cooking on it again
a fresh blanket of glistening new snow and a hot cup of herbal tea with honey
Snuggling with my husband to stay warm at night.

I'm leaving this open to whoever wants to consider themselves tagged, I can't pick just four and I know some people don't like to get tagged. Let me know if you choose to participate and I'll swing in a read your answers*wink*


MarkD60 said...

Beverly Hillbillies! I've heard of that one!
Great answers!

Hopeful said...

i enjoyed reading your answers. helps me find out a bit more about you! fun post.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

What a wonderful story and reminds me of the Gen. Patton quote, "fatigue makes cowards of us all!" When I'm less than rested, not having enough sleep, I tend to be so anxious and -hate to admit this- sharp tongued. Burnt biscuits are still made with love, affection and kindness; please God, let me always receive your gifts with grace.

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