Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What a beautiful way to start any morning

Cortney capured these photos, yesterday morning(10-11-10)

                                         Mums given to us from a friend, Thank you Annabel  :o)
                                         Look who's sleeping in, surprise, surprise, what a bum! LOL!!!

Ever feel like you are being chased and you're loosing ground? Well that is what it feels like here lately trying to take full advantage of harvesting, canning and everyday life moments. Last night we had a really hard frost, we're just praying it didn't harm any of the herbs we've not gotten to yet. I don't worry about the root crops, which are still in he ground and the tomatoes, peppers and newly planted salad greens are in the greenhouse and faired well.  Thus far we've has a blessed Autumn, with unseasonably warm days, cool night and the last couple of days we've even had a good amount of moisture, almost an inch in two days. 
Now it's drawing close to the time we need to step up getting winter preps crossed off. First thing this weekend we're cleaning the chimney and stove, then butchering turkeys, fryers and some older hens for soup. Then we have pumps that need to be winterized as well as lawn mowers( a rider and a push) and eventually the tiller, once we get the garden turned under for winter and a good dressing of composted manure spread over the top :o)  Next we have some windows in the two chicken coops to replace and also we need to deep down clean them both and get a good thick litter on the floor of the main coop, to help keep the chickens busy all winter as well as generate heat, as it composts.  I'm sure there are additional things that will be added to the list, now you understand the feeling of loosing ground in the foot race with our MT weather :o)
Blessing and productivity to all who are in the same foot race,


Lois Evensen said...

You'll make it, I'm sure. I enjoy reading the adventures of your farm and your excellent images. What a beautiful sunrise!


Mama Mess said...

Beautiful photos Cortney! Fall truly is such a busy time!

small farm girl said...

Hey, when your done with your chicken coop, I have one you can clean out! lol

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Courtney!! Guess it's a full time job having such large gardens!...not to mention all you have to do for your animals! ...debbie

V.L. Locey said...

Lovely photos!

Faith said...

That never occurred to me before, Kelle, that you've not only got a spring race, but an autumn race as well.

We do have more time down here, and many chances of keeping up. For you, winter hits hard, early, and without fail.

Beautiful photo of a red sky at morning.


Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You are right,we always seem to slide in under the wire*wink* I'm glad to hear you enjoy reading about our life here on the farm.It was a beautiful sunrise, I love it when the sky is full of beautiful colors.

Cortney is really developing an eye for capturing beautiful pictures. :o)
In reality Autumn is our busiest season. That is why I enjoy winter... until about mid Feb. LOL!!!!

We'd do it!... if only we live a bit closer*wink*,sorry :o) I don't mind, we don on our N-95 masks, rubber gloves and old, clothes and just "DIG IN!" We also dust the chickens and turkeys, spray a dormant oil( used on trees, this kills mites that might be hiding in cracks, although we've never had a problem) on the walls and oil their roosts as well.

It sure is a full time job, but.... PTL a job we LOVE! Besides we do get a winter's rest from the gardening end of things*wink*
Cortney gets such a kick out of everyones comments about her photos, she just beams!

Feral Female,
Cortney says, Thank you! :o) She's come a long way since she got her camera as a gift on her graduation a year ago, she'd really developing a good eye for great pictures. :o)

You hit the nail right on it's head! This morning our temp. reading was 30F with a "very cold" wind blowing from the South, now isn't that an Oxymoron, LOL!!!!!
Even some of the peppers, closest to one end and side of the hoop house got frost damaged night before last*sigh* PTL,the tomatoes are doing well and we pray our cold weather crops thrive in the hoop house until it simply gets to cold for them too. Maybe some year we'll have a heating system in place to extend us well into Dec or Jan. :o) Something to strive for!
Blessings and thank you all for your comments and compliments :o),
Kelle and Cortney

Kat said...

Now I know why you call it the Never Done Farm!!!!

Makalea Family said...

I am so glad to hear I am not the only one. It seems unfinished harvest lurks everywhere. We've mostly finished the preserving but all of the drying and seed saving still needs to be done. I've turned the garage into a workshop. Thanks for the encouragement. April

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