Thursday, October 7, 2010

Real life moments,our dirty little secrets...

Yes, in REAL life the house gets left behind when we're busy harvesting, preserving and clean up the garden.

Okay in our defense,this is just after a week of no dusting( which BTW I hate doing) One of the downsides of country living, opening windows, having indoor pets, a wood stove and well... a 100yr old house*sigh*
 Okay this is the top of the wood cook stove and I just wiped it off yesterday, it drives me nuts some days.
 Evidence of indoor pets, now mind you we just swept and vacuumed 3 days ago! Yet just a day or so after we clean house we could literally assemble a whole new pet from the hair against the baseboards and in the corners.  We brush the dogs and miss kitty regularly but we still have hair, the sacrifice we make to have our beloved pets*wink*
 Okay now, this is Mike's Buffalo mount, we call her Bertha. Before moving here to our homestead, she hung in our bedroom, but here she fits well in the living room. She is a tell tale sign of when it's time to dust, again this is just after a week.*sigh*  Sooooo..... now you all know our dirty little secrets, our place is NOT always spic and span clean, although most days it is picked up and looks organized :o)

 Below are pictures from in and around our place this morning. Yesterday we collected our Kentucky Wonder bean pods that were well on their way to being dry. There are still far more on the vines still drying. We collect these for seed as well as......
 to use in soups and casseroles....... They are a dried bean after all *wink*
 Cortney had some odds and ends Painted Mountain corn to finish drying, so laid them on top our rain barrels( which are empty in prep. for winter)
 Another tell tale sign of a morning activity....
 Whole wheat bread making for the week.
 These are tomatoes harvested day before yesterday, washed and ready to be run through the Victorio Mill today. The tomato I'm holding is a Brandywine tomato and thanks to our hoop house they are all lovely this year and so large too!  The lighter tomatoes in the bowl are our White Tomesol and they aren't quite ripe yet, they are white and have a very low acid flavor. We just plant them for shock factor*wink*
 Here is today's harvest, not all are completely ripe, so.... will be washed dried and left out to finish ripening on the counter or in the windowsill.
 Here is a shot of the ones ripe enough to add with those harvested day before. All combined it should net us a nice stock pot full of sauce to be simmered down and canned. Of course we eat them fresh as well. :o)
 Our counter space is limited and during this time of year they become even more limited.  This is when our island table and wood cook stove top come in handy :o)

Okay now you know our dirty secrets, how about yours? *wink*
Blessings for your day :o)


Nekkid Chicken said...

I used to be a compulsive cleaner but, after marriage added three kids. BAM! I gave up clean and just worked on neat(ish).

We can all find better things to do with our family outside in this beautiful fall season. EH?

I think your world is lovely as is.


Unknown said...

Looks like you've had a productive season. :) My house looks a lot like that right now. ;) In fact, today I'm dusting and vacuuming in preparation for surgery, but I'll have to do it again early next week. I have a ton of jalapenos someone gave us and I haven't been in the mood to do anything with them...Maybe hubby will make some salsa tonight. :)

Faith said...

I am not good at keeping up on dusting, vacuuming and mopping. I am glad that at least out here, with all the moisture, dust is not so bad.

I think I gave up, living out west, because you could dust completely, but in 1 hour, you'd never know it.

Girl, you do a lot with little counter space! :o)


Mama Mess said...

Oh girl, I so know what you mean about the dog hair! Good gracious, I could weave a rug! I literally have to vaccum every single day if I don't want the hair along the baseboards! I bought a mighty mite vaccum for my hard floors and it's been a lifesaver. I like the broom, but it just seems to push the hair around. My stove top is always dirty, as soon as I wipe it off, it's got dog hair settled back on it. And don't get me started on dusting! Ugh! I hate it! ;)

Tracy said...

Ha -- we also have a 100+ year old house, on a dirt road, with open windows (during the summer - no A/c) and leaky windows in winter. I gave up on dusting much years ago. You think the tables and countertops are bad? You ought to see the INSIDE of the computer! I have to blow the cobwebs out of it often to keep it cool!

But I will gladly take all the dirt in order to live in our wonderful country home.

I can almost smell your baking bread from here... :) Ah... fresh hot bread with honey....

Anonymous said...

Hummmmmm...I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that my dirty little secrets are a little more dirty than yours. lol ...debbie

small farm girl said...

Ok, you don't have enough room on here for me to tell you about my dirty secrets. lol

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Your secret isn't, nor is it little and dirt/dust are just words for life which is what happens while we're busy living -grin-.
I'm so proud of me I could split a gusset - this morning, I cleaned off the kitchen table, set out CLOTH placemats, laid down a tableCLOTH with CLOTH napkins and candles.
Lawzieme, do I feel highfaluting! Looks good, too.

Hopeful said...

oh, i can totally relate to your dirty little secrets, ha ha!! living in the desert we're constantly fighting dust and sand and dirt. your veggies look wonderful!!! hope you're gearing up for a great weekend.

Kat said...

I hate dusting. I too have very little counter space in my kitchen. My dirty little secret is I NEED NEW COUNTERTOPS!!!! Not a very good secret, since they sit right out there in the open for everyone to see.
What is a wood cook stove top?
Your tomatoes are beautiful. I can never successfully grow tomatoes of any kind.

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

I had to pop over and see all your hard work! I wish we had such a productive garden season this year - maybe it will be warmer next year.

Looks like you will be prepared well for the coming winter :)

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I used to be like you said, then my Grandma told me take time to enjoy the children, for one day they'll be grown and gone and the dusting and vacuuming with always be there. :o) I do try to keep the house neat and orderly, so most visitors comment on how clean the house is..... only I know who dirty it truly is*wink*

Baking Homesteader,
You certainly have an excuse as to why your home is behind. I absolutely, if I had to pick a pet peeve it would be dusting! Take care and we're praying for your surgery.

You got it, when you said dust out west and believe me you it only takes about 15 minutes after dusting for it to look dusty again*sigh*
Counter space is limited but I have my work table/ island, the top od the wood cookstove and our dining table*wink* Besides I have TONS of cabinet space!*wink*

Glad you dropped in to chat! I agree the dust is well worth it to live in the country, besides if you don't touch anything it all looks good*wink*
Our computer too and don't even think about looking under the stove or the frig( actually I do clean all three regualrly because we can't afford to have them overheat and get ruined)
I don't know why, because I make bread every week, but this week it just smelled so...... good and we just had to have a slice warm with butter and honey*wink* Nothing more comforting than that :o)

Nope, I don't believe you, lets see the proof!*wink* Put your dust cloth where the bunnies are, LOL!!!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Believe me I know your dirt little secrets are or will be worse than mine( especially with drywall dust*wink*) You'll be wiping it up for years, just kidding :o)

I joined your highfaluting ranks and added a table cloth to our table and changed the placemats too*wink*
Dust is a four letter word and I simply don't allow anyone to bring it up. My adopted therory is if you don't touch anything it looks perfectly clean, it's when you smudge the dust that the illusion is all ruined, LOL!!!

To tell your the truth I'm gearing up to sleep in this weekend, I'm pooped! Today it's grey and rainy,the moisture is a blessing but without the sunshine my get up and go got up and went*wink* We are getting some baking for the freezer done and apple crisp is in the oven for dessert. Had to kind of fancy up the supper,we're just cleaning up leftovers, LOL!!!
The harvest surely has been a blessing and the biggest part of that redit is due to the blessing of our greenhouse :o) We're having so much fun with it!

Thank you the tomatoes are beautiful and ALL of the credit is due to our blessing of a greenhouse! We've never has tomatoes so large and very seldom to we have the large ones ripen on the vine. Typically we pick them green before a possible freeze and ripen indoors.
Wood cookstove top is just that, the top of our wood cookstove, which is used like countertop when the stove is NOT in use*wink* It serves as a wonderful overflow for canning jars, pots and pans, drying seeds and produce, etc.....

Trapper creek,
The green house was such a blessing this year, we too had a cool wet gardening season. Actually we faired much better than we'd hoped, after the hail damage and the early frost damage. Our Indian summer( hotter now that it is offically Fall, than it was all Summer*wink*)has afforded us more time to ripen some of the hot peppers, and our garden huckleberries :o) Now to harvest our carrots and finish clean up of the main garden.
We've been blessed with much and smile each time I walk down into the pantry, out to the cellar or even out to the firewood lean to :o) I look forward to a winter's break and about Feb. 2011 I'll be planning my garden and taking inventory of seeds and such, bet you can relate :o)

Thank you all for your comments and your honesty *wink*
Blessings for your weekend,

Janice Grinyer said...

I would love to visit you at your homestead ~ anyone who has to vacuum a buffalo as part of their household cleaning is absolutely wonderfully interesting in my opinion!!!

Cinnamon said...

I've never seen anyone dry their beans like that. Care to elaborate what kind of beans you can do this with, how long you let them sit out there and do you freeze them or just store them in a jar when you're done?

Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy your pictures of life on your homestead.


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