Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Multi tasking! , getting our Christmas decorations up, Crafts( how to make ornaments) and baking....

 Our tree this year( 2010). We have to stay with a smaller tree due to our living room size and this year we found one that fits just perfect in front of our bay window.  Cortney already has her gifts for Mike and I under the tree. Now I need to get a few gifts wrapped and under there too.
 Lite up, with LED lights. We bought them last year, on sale and we're quite pleased with them, they do NOT get hot, so the worries of the tree catching fire are not a concern and they are bright, although they don't blink.

              Here are some ornaments we've made, or were given to us in an exchange but all of them are fairly simple to construct and make nice gifts or a new yearly tradition.
 Now this little angel is made of a silk white rose( her dress) then the wings we made out of wedding veil, simply cut into approx. 6=7" circle and gathered at the middle with wire. Her head is wooden, with Spanish moss for her hair and a pipe cleaner forms her halo. This is all glued with hot glue and a ribbon added to the back for easy hanging.
 Again we recycle, here is an incandescent light bulb( one that was burned out) painted with a Santa face and a bit of fur added( again hot glued) around the base of the bulb
 Orange peel, apple slices and cranberries strung on wire, make a nice handmade ornament and the smell wonderful( for the first year anyway) I suppose you could mist them with orange and clove oils to refreshen the smell each year.
 Macaroni noodle angel, this was a gift from a friend. An easy and fun project for children, simply glue the noodles together, paint( I think she just spray painted them outside on a piece of old newspaper), add a bow and maybe a bell or a halo.
 Here is a beaded angle, this is a bit more advanced but still very easy, you'll have to sort of figure out the pattern by looking at it. Once upon a time I had instructions, but who knows where they are now*wink*
Another easy child ornament, made with a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup and an metallic green pipe cleaner, twisted up into a tree form with a hanger on top(hook)
 This little angel was given to us by the same friend who made the macaroni angel. I've seen these beads in the craft store but have no idea what they are called. They are strung together with a metallic gold pipe cleaner and the golden leaves are simply hot glued on the back. The halo is fashioned from the same pipe cleaner that it is strung together  with.
 Again recycling, the kids made these on year, using old Christmas cards from the year before. Cutting and pasting them into the back of another card. Simple and easy way to spurn on creativity.
This is a bit blurred, but you can see it is a needle felted star a friend gave us last year. The wool is from their own sheep.

Shhhh!  This is one of Cortney's gifts.( I have to keep her from looking at this post*wink*) I borrowed the idea from my friend, Goodwife over at Her blog  Her purses are knitted and since I still have yet to learn knitting I improvise and crocheted this little purse for Cortney.  It actually went together pretty quick and I know she'll love it. It's made from a yarn that is 85% wool and 15% mohair, so it should last a long time. :o)

I'll try to post more of our homemade ornaments, that could be done quickly and many of which are easy enough for children to make, with some supervision( especially in dealing with hot glue or spray paint)

We're still working on gourds, hoping to have a few done for pictures this week. Baking of Christmas goodies, making handmade gifts and simply enjoying the music of the season( singing along of course*wink*) while working. :o)


Mama Mess said...

Kelle, that light bulb santa is soooo cute!!! What a great idea! We may have to make a few of those! All of your ornaments are just darling and your tree looks great!

Alla said...

Love your Christmas decorations and tree. I think handmade ornaments are so nice. It sounds very hustley and bustley (are those words? smile) and warm and cozy and fun at your place. I love your treadle sewing machine. I have one that I used to learn to sew on when I was nine years old. I still like to use it at times.

Tonia said...

I love all of it!!

Anonymous said...

I really like your little tree! How cute it is and I LOVE all your home made ornaments! Did your tree come from your property? Courtney's purse is really cute!! Love the colors! She'll love it!!...debbie

Nita said...

Oh to have your energy. Very cute ideas for the tree and gifts. Hope you all have the best Christmas ever. I'll be working but thinking of you. Love ya

Anonymous said...

Kelle, Your tree is beautiful and it fits into your spot in the living room just right. Thank you for sharing all the handmade ornaments you put on your tree. They are all fun to see. I like all the creativity. Love the idea of re-using a burnt out light bulb. Cortney's purse is fabulous! Great job! Sincerely, Emily

Hopeful said...

your tree is pretty! the room looks so homey and comfortable. the ornaments are great! almost time for Christmas!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thank you all for your comments.

Thank you, we try to make a new ornament every year, last year we didn't and this year we're still working on gifts so may not again get this accomplished, although we do have ideas.

Thank you, we feel our home is very warm and cozy and a place we enjoy being :o)
Oh how I wish you were closer, the treadle maching I have is in working order I just don't have the knowledge, other than basic sewing and to tell you the truth I'm a bit afraid to try using it*sigh* I have all the attachments and the orignal sales receipt and instruction book. Someday, I'll dive right in and give it a try*wink*

Glad you liked it! Praying you found some info that you can use.

Thank you for your compliments and to answer your question, no the tree didn't come rom our property. We bought it from a local tree lot. I'd hoped to go cut on like last year but with Mike's new job it just wasn't going to happen. We have a fake tree but prefer the real ones, just can't duplicte that smell!*wink*

Uggggh, you have to work, bummer! If Cortney wasn't my sidekick I wouldn't get half the stuff done that we do, so I can't accept all of the credit by any means. She's been baking up a storm, while I've been working on gifts and getting regular chores done.
Praying your Christmas is blessed,tell Leroy to give you a hug and you give him one from all of us!

Thank you so much for your compliments Praying your Christmas if filled with love, joy and we know you're all enjoying your special blessing too*wink*

I know, I can't believe it's almost here and actually we're not stressing*wink*
Thank you for your compliments, our home is warm, confortable and homey. Maybe someday if you get the chance to visit MT you can stop in for a visit, wouldn't that be fun?

Many blessing to each of you and your families this holiday season,

MarkD60 said...

You DO realize that, in theory, if Santa Clause delivers Christmas Eve, it is not theoretically possible for gifts to appear under the tree beforehand. I have always wondered how this could happen, and where the discrepancy lies.

MarkD60 said...

Not to be off subject, but I like the sewing machine next to the tree! My Grandmother had the same one, I remember the little drawers on each side!
Nice ornaments too, BTW!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Got it covered*wink* we only have gifts from each other and Santa's don't arrive until after everyone is fast asleep on Christmas eve *double wink*

I love my treadle sewing machine, now I need to learn to use it. It's in working order, it was being used right up until I bought it at an auction. Glad it brought back good memories for you, that is what the holidays are all about.*wink*

Faith said...

Your tree is perfect! I especially love the beaded angels.

Great purse! I've never made anything like that and I'm so impressed by it. :o)

She's going to love it!


Kat said...

People come up with so many cute ideas for ornaments. I loved the pasta angel! Thanks for sharing.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hi Kelle, this is a great post and, especially, love the treadle being used in your Christmas decorations. We haven't had a tree in several years and while I don't miss a tree, I do miss my creche's. Perhaps I'll find one in a thrift store, eh? Wish me well -smile-.

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