Saturday, December 11, 2010

I hope you'll understand....

if I ask you to pray for Licorice, he's taken a turn for the worse. I'm not sure how people feel about praying for an animal but they are God's creatures too.

He started with scours two days ago and even with yogurt it didn't seem to be getting any better, so called the local vet and he prescribed some scour paste and probiotics( more concentrated than the cultures in yogurt). It's our up and down weather that is stressing this poor fella*sigh*. So we picked up the medication and administered the first of two doses of the scour paste, in late afternoon/ early evening . Now understand up to this point all he had was scours, but was alert,and nursing well. When we went out to feed him at 9:00pm last night, he looked like he didn't feel good and it took some rubbing and coaching to get him to nurse, he finally finished off the bottle. I was worried this morning we'd find him dead, but he was alert, but weak and refused to nurse. He still has the scours, so I'm worried about his loosing strength and dehydration. Mike helped me and we used a large syringe and fed him that way, so at least he's getting some warmth, the nutrients and liquid to keep him hydrated. Later this morning he was given a B-12 shot, to see if we couldn't pep him up a bit and then went to get some goats milk( thinking maybe he's intolerant of the calf replacer we're using)  Back home we find him standing in the sunshine, but he still refuses to nurse, so.... I use the syringe and give him a good dose of warm goats milk. Praying this will pep the little fella up enough so he gains his strength back and will begin nursing again on his own again.  At this point I'm afraid to give him the second dose of paste for scours, but will continue the probiotics in his milk.  It's supposed to be cold( low teens) tonight and I'm afraid if he doesn't perk up he may not survive, we won't let him suffer or die out in the cold.

Thank you for your prayers


Faith said...

Lord, I ask that, if it is Your will, You would prevent the scours from taking the life of this creature. I ask that his life would be more useful for this family, and be food for them later on, as times get harder. Please comfort the pain in Licorice's belly and give him a desire to eat. I ask that the beneficial bacteria would grow in number and crowd out the bacteria that are causing this upset in his system.

Regardless of the outcome, Lord, thank you for Your marvelous provision for this family. You have always been faithful and will always be so. We owe You all our gratitude and love.


Modern Day Redneck said...

We are praying everything turns out for the best. Good Luck

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thank you! please keep the prayers coming, we took the bottle of warm goats milk out at 3pm and although he is weak he did nurse the bottle and drank a whole pint. We're glad he seems to have that will to survive, now praying we can get him through the night. I have a bunch of old comforters and I'm going to push the straw( we added extra for tonight, so it's thicks and lush) up around him and cover him with a comforter. If he poops on it no matter, we'll just throw it away when we're done with it.
My wringer washer doesn't handle comforters real well anyway*wink*
I'm trying not to get to excited but he seems to be perking up! :o)

Alla said...

Praying he comes out of this. In the past when I've had a calf with scours I've diluted the goats milk with water because they need the liquid but not so much richness and good old Pepto Bismal. Hoping all goes well.

HossBoss said...

I don't think the Lord minds at all if we pray for our critters. God gave Adam the beasts of the field before He gave him Eve ...God would want us to cherish our critters.

Everything you're doing sounds right to me. Keep praying and believe in God's mercy.

Theres just life said...

I will be praying for little Licorice as well. Hope he starts to get better soon. I know how helpless you feel when you have a sick animal looking to you to make him better. That look tears at my heart.

Anonymous said...

Of course he has my prayers for the poor little guy. I hope the night is ok for him and he feels better...debbie

Kat said...

Praying for the little guy. Sounds like you could have a case of coccidiosis. I just lost a kid to it last month. Sulmet is the best for it, but Corid will work also. I think Albon is another coccidiosis drug. Unfortunately, I don't think I recognized the coccidiosis soon enough. I thought it was just scours, but it wasn't. Anyway, worth a try and my prayers are with you all. Blessings, Kat

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

Animals are from God, too. I will keep Licorice in my prayers, as well as you guys for strength, patience & the wisdom to do what's needed.

Judy said...

Licorice is definitely in my prayers.

Barbara said...

Praying here sister, God bless you, Barbara

MarkD60 said...

I hope he pulls through! I am looking forward to lots of years of Licorice pics on your blog.
Please keep him warm!

Holly said...

Prayed for Licorice. We pray for our animals a lot. Is there an update? Holly

Lois Evensen said...

I have no problem praying for animals. They are God's creatures, too. I hope he does well.

I am finally on line where I can check into blogs again. I am so sorry to see that he is having so much trouble.


Jamie said...

Kelle,we are praying for you all.
We will keep the prayers coming your way.

MrsBumppo said...

Praying for him!! Animals are God's creatures too!!
with prayer and care,

small farm girl said...

I'll pray for little Licorice. Like you, I think of them as God's creatures too. Can you put in a heating lamp for him? This kind of weather is rough on little cows. Hey, you can always take him into the house and snuggle with him. hehehee. Not really. I know that would be worse for him. lol

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