Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Still running, now I don't know if I'm coming or going, LOL!!!

Okay, I even forgot and did the pictures backward, go to the bottom
to see how it all began*sigh*
The stainless bowl has beans to large for canned green beans, but...
they work great for Dilly or Pickled Basil Beans. Here is the recipe;

Pickled Basil Beans

4lbs beans
1-3/4 tsp. crushed red pepper
3-1/2 tsp. whole mustard seed
3-1/2 tsp dill seed
14 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of fresh Basil or 3-1/2 tsp dried Basil
5 c. apple cider vinegar
5 c. water
1/4 c. salt
Pack beans vertically in clean, sterile pint jars. To each jar
add 1/4 tsp red pepper,1/2 tsp. whole mustard seed, 1/2 tsp.
dill seed, 2 cloves garlic(crushed) and a sprig of fresh basil
or 1/2 tsp dried basil.
Combine water, vinegar and salt and bring to a full rolling
boil, add to jars filling to within 1/2 of rim. Seal and water
bath( on a full rolling boil) for 10 min.

Our first picking of sweetcorn. This is an OP, old fashioned variety

so not necessarily perfect and pretty, but ever so tasty! We have lots

coming and still have our late corn crop, tasseled and forming ears.

Our second batch of canned beans, our canner hold 7 qts. You can

see in the background, cukes green peppers and my two extra rubber

seals for the canner. BTW, we had this checked at the Extension

office and the gauge was right on, so we're good to go!

This is our third picking of the Kentucky Wonder pole beans. The bowl

in the background( plastic) is a Tupperware That's A Bowl and the

stainless steel bowl is quite large too. We netted 14 qts of beans

and the bowl of larger beans for pickling.

On today's agenda:

Wash clothes, about 7 loads because we bought some clothes at a

secondhand store yesterday.

Change sheets on beds

Morning chores

Make bread, an extra batch, to make hamburger buns

( to put in the freezer) for Cortney's Graduation BBQ on Sept. 5th

Mow the yard

Get water going in the yard and garden,Especially the cantaloupe,

corn, cukes and russet potatoes.

Mail Cortney's Graduation announcements

Get dinner going, so it's ready by 6:30 pm.

We do have beautiful pictures to share from Cortney's trip to,

Yellowstone National Park but need to downsize them before

putting on here. Some are, action packed white water rafting

and zip line riding!

See you soon!

Never Done Kelle *wink*


small farm girl said...

You are busy!!!! My garden is winding down. I kept wanting it to slow down, but now I think I should have planted more. lol. Can't wait to see the pics. Sounds like fun!

Sunny said...

Nothing like fresh veggies! Especially corn on the cob! Yum!
Sunny :)

Andora said...

You are a very busy girl..I noticed the tupperware bowl first thing(I love old tupperware).I love the KY wonder pole beans,I think I am done putting away the beans..I am gonna make some soup mix for the freezer and I think that will do it for me..hope you get all your canning done soon..take care..

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Okay, I'm taking a breather between loads of laundry and waiting for jars to sterilize so we can can more beans.

Busy is always, I'm sure just like the rest of you, my middle name come canning season*wink*

Homegrown produce tastes so..... much better than store bought I don't understand why more people don't grow there own? My guess is they are simply to busy with all their technical gadgets to be bothered. Funny thing is all those very same technically gadgets are supposed to make life so much easier, thus alotting more free time, right??? Okay off the soap box and heading to pull jars to get beans started.

Faith said...

I like your beans. We've been picking ours too late, I think. And I believe yours are holding their color better than mine. :)

Great pics!


Cindy H. said...

HI Kelle,
My college kid helped me get signed. So I am stupid.

Busy girl aren't you. I will post more later. Tonight is Andy's last night home. Take care. Cindy

Linda Stubbs said...

Everything looks so beautiful. I also love to can or freeze. it makes you feel so good having food waiting to be used to get you through the winter. Your pictures are wonderful!!!!

When we moved over to my husbands farm we had another cellar here to use. I love to be able to see everything on the shelf. It looks so pretty.

Your flowers by your place are so wonderful and colorful!! Do you pick flowers for the house? Everyone in my family loves to have bouquets for the different rooms. Well happy canning. I will be right behind you!
Linda at Prairie Flower

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I use the bigger beans for making pickled beans and they don't seem to have as nice a color.
How big are you letting them get? Our rule is if they are bigger than my pinky finger, they are used for pickling. Hope thsi rule of pinky*wink* works for you.

Glad to see you again! I'm computer dumb too* wink* and am more and more surprised at what I'm learning while doing this blog.
Come back when your family has all left and you are well rested.

Thank you for all your kind words about the photos.

I agree that it is beautiful to look at all the canned goodies and it is such a blessing to have these items in the pantry/ cellar. You see I'm a BIG ole' chicken when it comes to snow and driving on icy roads. How nice it is to just go shopping right in the pantry of put on coat and boot and sweep off the outer cellar door and do our weekly shopping.

We have picked a couple beautiful arrangement of flowers this summer, but typically we're just o busy to get it all done*sigh* Besides they last lots longer when left ourdoors :o) I love mixed colors and wildflowers are my absolute favorite. They are hardy and by simply shaking out the dead stalks( full of seeds) we get an entirely different design of flowers each Spring and Summer. This summer our flowers have absolutely looked their best. I think all the rain we've had really helped get them off to a good start!

Thanks for all your comments, it's such fun having a community of like minded people to converse with.

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